Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 21, 2007, Page 3, Image 3

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    November 21, 2007
Page A3
^ ' l l o r t h u t b © b a e rtie r CAREERS EDUCATION
Airport Expects Record Holiday Air Travel
Offers tips for a
smooth journey
Try Gold Key Valet: The valet park­
ing serv ice allo w s trav e lers to
d ro p o ff th e ir v eh icles in front of
the airp o rt term in al bu ild in g , and
pick up th e ir v eh icles at the sam e
lo catio n w hen they retu rn from
th e irtrip .
More holiday travelers than ever
are expected this year at Portland
International Airport.
In the week surrounding Thanks­
giving, an estim ated 335,000 pas­
sengers will travel through PDX;
the busiest forecasted holiday days
o f the year, follow ed by the next
b u sie st d a y s b efo re an d afte r
Christm as and New Y ear’s.
The airport has added som e new
services include G old Key Valet
parking, autom ated parking guid­
ance in the short-term parking ga­
rage, and a cell phone waiting area.
Officials also offer the following
tips to m ake travel easy.
Expect Busy Conditions: Arrive
Tw o Hours Early
Review Travel Tips: You can find
travel tips at pdx.com , the airport’s
new W eb site, and on the toll-free
information line at 877-PDX-INFO.
Both resources provide flight ar­
rival and departure inform ation,
security and parking inform ation,
and other facts about PDX.
Follow Automated ParkingGuid-
ance: T he system d irec ts m o to r­
ists from the en tran ce g ate to an
open p ark in g spot via a series of
elec tro n ic sig n s and lights. As
m o to rists e n te r the g ara g e and
ap p ro ach each level o f the g a ­
rage, a sign in d icates the exact
n u m b er o f v acan t sp aces a v a il­
able on the floor.
Use Quick Pay: Travelers can use
credit cards to m ake quick entries
into and speedy exits out o f all PDX
parking facilities, including the
econom y parking lots.
Check Out Cell Phone WaitingArea:
Prepare for Security Screening:
As a rem inder security regula­
tions limit liquids, gels and aero­
sols in carry-on bags. A passenger
can take containers o f up to 3.4
photo by R aymond R endleman /T he P ortland O bserver
ounces if all are included in a single,
Thanksgiving holiday approaches. Some passengers
one-quart, clear, plastic zip-top bag
the terminal.
that is presented to screeners at the
security checkpoint.
keeping them with you w hen you with the shortest line, and then use regularly updated inform ation on You should also rem ove all form s
Leave gifts unw rapped, as they travel, including essential m edica­ the C oncourse C onnector to reach parking availability at pdx.com and o f identification, including the ve­
may need to be unw rapped for se­ tions.
any concourse.
hicle reg istratio n and leave the
curity inspection. Ship high value
Choose Checkpoint with Shortest
Check Ahead on Parking: T ravel­
Remove Valuables from Vehicle: garage d o o r o p en er at hom e or
or fragile item s to your destination. Line: T ravelers can use either secu­ ers should allow extra tim e to find a T ra v elers are en c o u rag ed to re ­ d is a b le th e a u to m a tic g ara g e
Protect necessary valuables by rity checkpoint, so pick the one parking space. Travelers can get m ove all v aluables from vehicles. door.
New Residents, Births Grow Population
State adds 54,950
new residents
O regon’s population increased
by 54,950 people in the past year,
for a total o f 3,690,505 residents,
according to new estim ates by Port­
land State U niversity’s Population
Research Center.
Most o f the growth was attrib­
uted to 37,750 more people moving
Rights group
opposes action
Gov. Ted Kulongoski has made
it moredifficultforillegal immigrants
to get O regon drivers’ licenses,
signing an executive order requir­
ing applicants to have a valid Social
Security num ber or show that they
are in the country legally.
The plan was im m ediately de­
nounced by a statewide imm igrant
rights coalition.
"This is clearly aimed at undocu­
mented im m igrants and not at any
sort o f national security plan,” said
Aeryca Steinbauerof Causa, a state­
w ide coalition that advocates for
“Restricting drivers' license access
also erodes com m unity tru st,"
Steinbaurersaid. “Ratherthan increas­
ing security, drivers' license restric­
tions would result in a situation where
immigrants fear discrimination and be­
ing reported to ICE (Immigration anti
Customs Enforcement.)”
K ulongoski's order issued last
Friday limits the kinds o f identifica­
tion the state can accept before
issuing a license.
“There is an increasing concern,
based on ongoing investigations,
that Oregon is becoming a safe ha­
ven" for unlawfully obtaining iden­
tification, said Kulongoski’s spokes­
woman, Patty Wentz. “W e need to
quickly change the requirements to
more closely match other states."
Oregon has been one o f seven
states that do not require proof of
“ legal presence” to get a license.
Steinbauer said Ku longoski' s or­
der will not stop adults from con­
tinuing to drive, creating a poten­
tial safety problem .
to the state than m oving out and
17,200 more births than deaths. The
increase in births w as the highest
that O regon has experienced in at
least a decade.
The state’s population grow th
rate is on par with rates seen in the
m id-1990s. Recent data show an
increase in school enrollm ent, la­
bor force participation, em ploy­
ment, the num ber o f Oregon tax
exem ptions claim ed, the num ber o f
drivers' licenses issued and M edi­ O reg o n saw an in crease o f 8,195.
care enrollm ent.
C la c k a m a s C o u n ty ra n k e d
P o p u la tio n g ro w th in W a s h ­ fourth in population growth, add­
in g to n ,
M u ltn o m a h
a n d ing 5,230 persons, follow ed by
D e sc h u te s c o u n tie s a c c o u n te d M arion County, with a population
fo r alm o st o n e -h a lf o f the s ta te ’s gain o f 4,405.
o v e ra ll p o p u la tio n c h a n g e . In
The population o f cities cap­
th e P o rtla n d m e tro p o lita n a re a , tures about 70 percent o f the state’s
W a s h in g to n C o u n ty ad d e d an population, about the same as last
e s t i m a t e d 1 0 ,4 9 0 p e r s o n s ; year. But most o f the tow ns have
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty , 8 ,4 8 0 ; and seen slightly sm aller increases than
D e s c h u te s C o u n ty in c e n tra l in the previous year.
M o to rists can park in the special
p ark in g lot, w ait fo r a call from a
friend an n o u n cin g th eir arriv al,
and then q u ick ly pull up to the
airp o rt term in al to p ick -u p the
trav e ler; av a ila b le y ea r-ro u n d .
M otorists m ust rem ain in their
v ehicles at all tim es in the lot, and
can use the lot fo r free fo r a m ax i­
m um o f 30 m inutes.
TakeTriMet's MAX Red Line: MAX
light rail Red Line is a great way to
get to PDX; w hile avoiding co n ­
gestion and parking problem s. To
plan trips, go to trim et.org o r call
Enjoy Holiday Entertainment &
Specials: P D X ’s seventh annual
"H o lid ay s T ake F lig h t” c e le b ra ­
tion runs th ro u g h Jan. 1. W atch
for live en tertain m en t th ro u g h ­
out the airport.
The Cold Case Files
Portland Police Bureau
Cold Case Homicide Unit
The Portland Police Bureau and
the families fo r whom have suf­
fered such horrible losses ask fo r
your help in finding justice for
these victims.
Boanerges Group
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Tel: 503-281-0224
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CASE NUMBER: 88-88210
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estimate or
On August 29 ,1 9 8 8 , police responded to a welfare check at 2612 N
Holm an and discovered the bodies o f 61-year-old R O B ER T
W H EA TLY, and his wife 69-year-old FRIEDA W H EA TLEY . The
motive appears to he a residential robbery and the medical exam iner
determ ined the cause o f death to be strangulation.
Insured, Bonded. Licensed and
Minority Certified
The hom e was ransacked and a television. ATM and credit cards, and
a light green 1979 Buiek Regal - were stolen.
Email: shamaxhend@acninc.net
4134 N Vancouver Ave, Suite 400E, Portland, OR 97217
Sharon Maxwell-Hendricks
General Manager
There is a cash reward offered for inform ation reported to the Cold
Case H om icide Unit that leads to an arrest in this case.
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community Visit us at www.pacificpower.net.
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Kids on the Block
Native American Youth
‘ and Family Center
Oregon Burn Center
• Self Enhancement. Inc
• Volunteers o f America
© 2007 P aci fix’ Power