Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 21, 2007, Page 2, Image 2

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" |1 o r tla u ìi (ß b se ru e r CAREERS EDUCATION
November 21, 2007
photo by
M ark W ashington /T he P orti ani » O bserver
Cesar E. Chevez Renaming Moves Downtown
A Portland City Council compromise would rename Southwest Fourth Avenue in honor of labor and civil rights leader Cesar E. Chavez, avoiding a conflict over a plan by Latino activists to rename
Interstate Avenue in north Portland. Southwest Fourth faces City Hall (above), but also fronts Chinatown a few blocks away, where members o f the Chinese American community have voiced
their opposition to the decision.
Weekend Shootings Target Siblings
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Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-m ail: classifieds@ portlandobserver.com
Another man killed in his home
A sister was killed and her brother
critically injured during three sepa­
rate shootings that occurred in north
Need Help
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(Se> Portland State
Portland last weekend.
The first victim was 32-year-old
Charles Daniel C allaw ay, w ho was
shot dead Friday in his hom e on the
5X00 block o f M ontana Avenue.
D etectives have not developed any
suspect inform ation, but they spent
the night there determ ining that
C allaw ay may have been shot after
interrupting a burglary.
At 5 :3 0 S atu rd ay m o rn in g , a
call rep o rtin g shots fired a few
b lo ck s aw ay in te rru p te d the in ­
v estig atio n . T he o fficers d ro v e
the short d istan c e to the co rn er
o f K illin g w o rth S treet and M in ­
n eso ta A venue to d isc o v er the
b o d y o f 4 7 - y e a r- o ld P a tric ia
L o u ise A n d rew s in the g rass.
H er b r o th e r , R ic k y J a n e ll
A ndrew s, w as last seen unharm ed
speaking with a p o liceo fficerS u n -
dqy ev en in g in his n eighborhood.
M inutes later, ju s t after 9 p.m ., a
p a s sin g fire d e p a rtm e n t cre w
spotted him lying w ith is b icy cle
in front o f the L ife C h an g e C h ris­
tian C e n te r o ff N orth W illiam s
A v en u e.
D esp ite the p ro x im ities and
blood relationships involved in the
shootings, detectives have yet to
find a connection.
Police believe C allaw ay’s 2000
w hite Subaru Legacy station was
stolen by w hoever killed him. A ny­
one with inform ation is asked tocall
D etective Jon Rhodes at 503-823-
9320 or D etective M ark Slater at
Hate Crimes in Oregon Increase
The num ber o f hate crim e inci­
dents w as up slightly in O regon
and W ash in g to n for 2 0 0 6 co m ­
pared to 2 005, acco rd in g to a
report released M o nday by the
T here w ere 141 crim es associ­
ated w ith race, religion, sexual
orientation, ethnicity o r disability
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in O regon and 177 such incidents
in W ashington. In 2005. there were
137 hate crim e incidents in O r­
egon. and there w ere 171 hate
crim e incidents in W ashington.
In both states, race w as the
m o tiv atio n for alm o st h alf o f the
a tta c k s.
M ore than h a lf o f the underly-
ing o ffen ses related to the hate
crim es w ere violent. In term s o f
violent o ffen ses, p olice agencies
cited ag g rav ated assau lts, sim ple
assau lts and in tim id atio n m ost
o f te n . In te rm s o f p r o p e r ty
crim es, p olice ag en cies cited d e ­
struction o f p roperty o r v an d al­
ism m o st often.
You qualify if you are a low income resident of Portland
Holiday Blood Drive
Thursday, Nov. 22 from 7 a.tn. to
noon, the A m erican Red C ross
Portland D onor Center, 3131 N
V ancouver Ave., will sponsor a
blood drive; bringing com m unities
together to give the gift o f life.
Participants will receive a com ­
memorati veT -shirt, Starbucks cof­
fee and pum pkin pie. Call 1-503-
284-4040 for an appointm ent.
Come to our
Introductory Workshop
Wednesday, November 28th
Cram er Hall Room 071
1721 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97201
For more inform ation contact us at: 503.725-9820
F e a tu r in g
B re a k in g D o w n th e W a lls Tour
Ranger Lantern Tours
On Saturday, Dec. I and Saturday,
Dec. 15, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m ., with
lantern in hand and a skilled ranger
leading the way. explore the history
o f Fort V ancouver. 612 E. Reserve
St. in V ancouver. Call 360-816-6243
for more inform ation.
S ho w y o u r lo v e fo r th e
Business After-Hours
T he African A m erican C ham ber of
C om m erce m eets the second T ues­
day o f each month from 6:30 p. m. to
9 p.m.. at 888 S.W. Fifth A ve.,Third
Floor, to network am ong the co m ­
munity. For more information, email
Nova@ BlackChamber.info.
Urban Arts
The Interstate Firehouse Cultural
C enter, 5340 N. Interstate Ave.,
aw akens multi-cultural aw areness
through the cutting edge o f new art
form s including Hip Hop dance,
sp o k e n w o rd , an d te le v is io n .
C lasses are offered throughout the
year. Call 503-823-4322orinfo@ifcc-
arts.org for more inform ation.
Weatherization Workshops
U p r o o te d G o s p e l S how
F e a tu rin g The Light, Rajinre
The UR V ib e T e a m
/c o m m u n ity
C a le n d a r
5 0 3 -9 2 2 -0 0 0 6
(U p r o o te d C o rp )
O n th e S cene w ith Tickets a n d G iv e a w a y s
In te r v ie w w ith Local a n d
N a t io n a l R e c o rd in g A rtists
Thursday, Nov. 29. from 6 p.m. to 8
p.m.. Beaum ont SUN School,4043
N.E. Freemont, will host the free
edu catio n al w orkshops to self-
w eatherize your home: qualifying
participants will receive afrce weath­
erizing kit. Free w eatherization is
available for seniors. Call 503-284-
6827 to register.
Performing Arts Free Workshop
The UR C o m m u n ity C a le n d a r
Your Host:
llfe h lW )»úlu.l»j|»)jl>rúkM( ) 11 ¿JI
0 S i C
S p o n so red by: B tim b o o Lifestyles / P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r
Saturday from 6 7
Saturday, Nov. 24 Ami Curtis Per­
form ing Arts C enter, N orthwest
23rd Avenue and Johnson, will o f­
fer a day full o f dance, acting, and
music w orkshops to the public; for
m o re
in f o rm a tio n
v is it
cam icurtis.com .
Principals of Kwanzaa
Thursday. Nov. 29. the Interstate
Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N.
Interstate, State Sen. Avel G ordly
will share her latest trip to Africa
which inspired seven artists and a
poet to create altars highlighting
each o f the Seven K w anzaa princi­
pals. V isit ifcc-arts.org for more in­
Holiday Ale Festival
B eg in n in g T h u rsd ay , N ov. 29
through Sunday, Dec. 2, from 11 a.m.
to 10 p.m., the 12th annual festival at
PioneerCourthouse Square, 701 S.W.
6th Ave., provides beer lovers the
opportunity to sample some or all of
the 36 rare beers featured. Visit
holidayale.com or contact 503-252-
9899 for more information.
Saturday, Dec. 1, at the Portland
Expo C enter, from 10 a.m. to 6:30
p.m., thousands o f Girl Scouts will
gather to participate in this hands-
on learning opportunity; learning
about everything from high adven­
ture sports to science and technol­
ogy to singing and dancing. To
learn more visit girlscoutscrc.org
orcall 503-977-6800.
“Scrooge Lives” Arts and
Crafts Fair
W ednesday, Dee. 5 and Thursday,
Dec. 6, from 10a.m. to 7 p.m., MHCC-
G resham Cam pus. College Center
Lounge-room 1051, host the 38th
annual arts and crafts fair; for more
information call 503-491 -7260.
Holiday Craft Fair, Bake Sale
Saturday, Dec. 8, from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m.. the Bread and Roses Center,
819 N Killingsw orth St. host the
craft fair and hake sale fundraiser
forthe Freedom Socialist Party and
Radical W om en; for more inform a­
tion call 503-240-4462.