November 21, 2007 Page BIO City Promotes Financial Expert T h in k o f us a s a n o th e r to o l in y o u r to o l b e lt. iW W W W » position last summer after serv­ ing a year as the bureau’s in­ terim chief financial officer. She joined the city workforce in 2003 as a financial planning manager. Prior to that she served as the chief financial officer and di­ rectorof administrative services for regional government agency Metro. Sims is a member of the Gov­ ernment Finance Officers As­ sociation and President-elect of the Columbia Land Trust. She received a Bachelor of Science degree from Portland State University and a Masters in Public A dm inistration from Lewis and Clark College. Jennifer Sims, chief financial officer and directorof Portland’s Bureau of Financial Services, directs a 60-person staff, which includes the divisions of ac­ counting, debt management, fi­ nancial planning and treasury. The Bureau is responsible for managing and processing the city’s accounting opera­ tions, managing the city’s $2.6 billion of outstanding indebt­ edness, preparing and m oni­ toring the city ’s $3 billion an­ nual budget, and managing the city ’s treasury operations and investment o f $800 million in public funds. Sims was promoted to her Jennifer Sims NORTHWEST COLLEGE OF CONSTRUCTION Diversity Grows at Western Oregon 5 0 3 .2 5 6 .7 3 0 0 I School has record enrollment Register Now for Fall Classes! Western Oregon University factors in a record enrollment in Monmouth credits diversity with 5,037 students this fall, up and the retention of students as 148 from last year. About 20 percent of the en­ tering freshman class are from u n d e rre p re se n te d m inority backgrounds, nearly double the number in 2005, and the reten­ tion rate for freshmen who en­ tered in 2006 is 72 percent, a significant increase over the previous year. T he in c re a s e s o c c u rre d while the university also be- came more rigorous in its ap- Nationwide could save you over 500 bucks on your car insurance. Marketing Expertise Rewarded at New Seaso Locally ow ned and operated New Seasons M arket has hired H elen N eville to serve as the com p an y ’s m arketing director. The position is new for the co m ­ pany and will fully utilize N eville’s expertise in integrated and effective public relations, marketing and brand­ ing. N eville brings 13 years o f experi­ ence in retail m anagem ent and m ar­ keting to the position. She has previ­ ously held m arketing leadership roles for several retail com panies includ­ ing HEB G rocery, Pharm aca Integra­ tiv e P h a rm a c y an d S e Q u e n tia l Biofuels. Helen Neville Plan Your Life and Career A re you contem plating a m id­ life career change or about to enter the w ork force for the first tim e? If so, you need a plan and the “C areer and Life Planning” (H D 208) class offered at Mt. H ood Com m unity C ollege can assist you in making sure your next m ove is the right one. The class is designed to teach students the life-long process for choosing or changing careers. The course includes assessing personal interests, researching careers and decision-making skills. You will learn how to make educational or training And you thought the paper only printed bad news. plication of admission stan­ dards. "W estern Oregon Univer­ sity is the most popular small- or mid-sized four-year college for Oregonians to attend," said Associate Provost David Me Donald. "New initiatives like the W estern Tuition Promise, and our proactive and effec­ tive retention initiatives, make WOU a very popular choice for students and families. The campus com m itm ent to stu­ dent success and retention is paying off as students are more likely to graduate." d iv e rs ity plans to support your career choices, conduct inform ational interviews and develop career portfolios. There will be tw o sections o f “C areer and Life Planning” offered w inter term. T he first will m eet on Tuesday and Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. and the second section w ill m eet on T hursday nights from 5:30 p.m. to 8:20 p.m. W inter term begins M onday, Jan. 7. Registration for returning stu­ dents begins M onday, Nov. 26. O pen registration begins W ednes­ day, Nov. 28. For more information, visit m Print Participate in Democracy I to ltili a t * V 3 K ) M a iK M n im r im . ^o rflan it ©bseruer ?•/ 4 lw»» Life Comes at You Fast.* That's why you should contact Nationwide Insurance to get the great coverage and discounts you deserve. For more than 75 years, we've been on your side. To request a quote, call 1-877-On Your Side or your local Nationwide agent. Election Ballots On Way People o f color find a polltlcalfit Call now. You could save up to $523.' Nationwide* Auto ano nomo inaurane® iWJ, • Ate i I ro z » ï x l 1