November 21, 2007 ‘r,'f ÿ o r t l a n ô (D h s v ru v r CAREERS EDUCATION Page B9 Promoting Excellence and Student Success: College executive makes it her priority State of the College Address and the Clark College-YW CA Women of Achievement celebration. Dragomir supports student suc­ cess by serving as the co-advisor for the college’s Latino Club for students. Last year, she coordinated the college’s first Cinco de Mayo celebration, held for the college and the general community. In the com m unity, she has served as a Sunday school teacher for Crossroads Com m unity Church in Vancouver. She has recently signed up to become a m entor in the "I Have a Dream ” program of South­ west W ashington. Clark College President Robert K. Knight said, “W hen you think Marta Dragomir of Clark College has been named an “Accomplished & U n d e r 4 0 ” h o n o re e by the Vancouver Business Journal. Dragomir serves as executive as­ sistant in the Com m unications and M arketing Department of the col­ lege. She graduated summa cum laude from DeVry University in Long Beach with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Admin­ istration. In addition, Dragomir works with the Clark College President's office to plan and execute major college events including last year’s com­ mencement ceremony featuring Gov. Chris Gregoire, the annual Clark Col­ lege Distinguished Lecture Series, the When you think about the people who make a college run smoothly, you probably think first about faculty and administrators...But some of the most valuable contributions at Clark College are made by people who work quietly but effectively behind the scenes. Marta Dragomir is one o f those I - Robert K. Knight, excepti on a I i n d ivi duals. Clark College President Marta Dragomir about the people who make a col­ lege run smoothly, you probably think first about faculty and adm inistra- tors. They’re the people you see most frequently and the names you hear most often. But some of the most valuable contributions at Clark College are made by people who work quietly but effectively behind the scenes. Marta Dragomir is one of those exceptional individuals.” Environmental Health, Safety Program Coming to Mt. Hood In partnership with the Oregon O ccupational Safety and Health D ivision, Mt. Hood Com m unity College isestablishing the state’s first O ccupational Health and Safety Instructional C enter on a college campus. The new center will become a part of the college’s Environmental Health and Safety degree program. “This alliance allows the college to become a major training center in promoting safety and health in the workplace,” said Dr. Javid Mohtasham. "Everyone from la­ borers to law enforcement will be able toobtain the training that ad­ dresses health and safety issues.” M ichael W ood, O re g o n ’s OSHA administrator, said one of the reasons the state chose M HCC is because of its established efforts in health and safety education. "The college offers state-of-the- art instructional facilities, making it ' a perfect location to house such a’’ center,” he said. For more information, call Dr. ' Javid Mohtasham at 503-491- 7440. BUSINESS d i r e c t o r y Wally Tesfa Charles McCleoud Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon Washington CEO 516 SE M 0R R IS 0N ST. STE 540 PORTLAND. OREGON 97214 (c m d E N T E R P R IS E , L L C T erry 503 2 6 7 75 8 6 celi 503-249-1903 office 503 249 6527 fax wtesfa1@ com BUSINESS 503 234 4452 CELI 503 901 1535 Funerals - Cremations • Memorial Services 5 0 3 -X 9 -1 M Multi-Million $ Service e T erry 50C per 16 ŸJIMS Weddings Jfappy Thankfgiving I L 722 N. 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I f i l l l l l l l l I I I i h i p i l .11)111 CIOTHINQ Heavily Soiled Area: email: tenia lesahilii orlhr pa.eom ÆWFlftY_________ AD D ITIO NAL SERVIC ES Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/BoaL/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection BODY SHAPf CQNSUi TING C O ip S MATCHING 'U -J-icious Phone 503.995.4136 aprlins@yahoo com NORTHWEST VOICE OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH SMOKEHOUSE Additional $10.00 4 - , ,6« â/icciiilizinp io tômolid U ‘Ö'ÖQ jM c/ii.s <’ ¿ v a /o o i1 Beef • Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood “The Voice Speaks" lunch $5.95. 'Ifin n er $ 9 .9 5 tinb up Rev. H .L , Hodge. Ph.D. PastorTTi'eacher Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey. Chicken, Ox Tails & More Beer and Wine Available A new dtxtr has been opened. Northwest V oice For C hrist C om m unity Church is now w orshipping in the New Jerusalem building at a new time. Open / 1:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday “ The Faithful C hurch" (Revelations 3:7-13) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING $79.00 Sofa $59.00 Loveseat Sectional $109-$139 Chair or Recliner $35 - $49 Throw Pillows $5.00 (With Other Services) Ox-Tails Dinner "K eeping It Real Jesus' W a y" Join us each Sunday! T im e : 9 A .M . 1637 N E Killingsworth St., Portland. Oregon $12« with two sides You are welcome to jo in us in worship and praise; wc are the obedient, fa ith fu l church speaking the W O R D - G o d 's w ay! 4057 N. Interstate Ave. I 503-493-9414 See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment % I (5(13) 281-3949