Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 21, 2007, Page 15, Image 15

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November 21, 2007
Advocate Honored for Lifetime Work
Has passion
for making a
Jean D eM aster, executive
directorof Human Solutions, has
spent 35 years advocating for
the im poverished, changing the
face o f hom elessness services
in Portland.
She was recently aw arded
the Gretchen M iller Kafoury
A w ard fo r “ o u ts ta n d in g
achievem ent” from the C om ­
munity Development Network
for her long-term work in the
field of community development.
Prior to Human Solutions,
DeM aster spent four years as
executive director of the YWCA
o f Greater Portland and 11 years
as executive director o f Transi­
tion Projects. At Human Solu­
tions, she has overseen the de­
velopment and acquisition of 175
units o f affordable housing as
well as an 11-unit rehabilitation
project and the creation of 32
units o f Permanent Supportive
Housing. She is also leading the
organization in the pre-develop­
ment of an additional 220 units
in two com plexes slated to be
com pleted in 2010.
In addition to housing devel­
opm ent, Jean has worked tire­
lessly to improve access to and
effectiveness o f services for
hom eless families.
“ Building alliances between
organizations to advocate for
h o m e le s s a n d lo w -in c o m e
people is one o f her m any
strengths,” said Erika Silver, di­
rector of program s at Human
DeM aster is currently work-
Jean Demaster has made a career of being a community advocate and making a difference in the lives of the poor and disadvantaged.
ing with Human Solutions staff
to develop a M ulti-Service Cen­
ter that will allow low-incom e
and hom eless families access to
more than seven agencies un­
der one roof.
“O ne o f the greatest ch al­
lenges that people in need face
is having access to services.
If we can create a centralized
and convenient hub for ac­
cess to a m ultitude o f ser­
vices, we can m ore efficiently
with diversity in
stabilize lives and help people
becom e self su fficien t,” said
D eM aster.
For nearly two decades, Hu­
man Solution has been working
to em pow er low-incom e and
hom eless families to become
self-sufficient. This year alone,
the organization has touched the
1 i ves o f more than 91,000 people
by assisting w ith affordable
housing, skill building and fam ­
ily-support services.
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