__________ jf l o r f l a it h © lis e r u e r CAREERS E D U C A T IO N ____________ November 21. 2007 Page B5 State Expands College Financial Aid For low- and middle-income students Gov. Ted Kulongoski is promoting a program passed by the 2007 State l e g ­ islature that will increase financial aid for low- and middle-income students throughout Oregon. The expanded Opportunity Grant is very good news for people who have the desire to improve their lives by going to college but have been priced out o f acollege education. Kulongoski said during a kickoff tour last week at Portland State University to promote the program . "This is the most far reaching finan­ cial-aid program in Oregon history,” Kulongoski said. The expanded O pportunity Grant takes into consideration the student’s ability to pay, com bined with other financial aid and then provides funding to fill the gap. The program doubles the state fi­ nancial-aid package for Oregon stu­ dents and will reach beyond low -in­ com e and into m iddle-class families, resulting in thousands more O rego­ nians being able to go to college. "For too long, thousands o f families in Oregon have had to delay or give up on going to col lege,” said Kulongoski. "I am proud to announce that with the expansion o f the O pportunity Grant, we will help more than 33,(XK) stu­ dents in low-incom e and m iddle-in­ com e families fulfill the dream o f go­ ing to college.” Students will be able to apply for the grant when they fill out their federal financial-aid application (FAFSA). The O regon Student A ssistance Com m ission is also hosting an online calculator on their website for stu­ dents and families that will show them what kind o f funding the expanded Opportunity Grant could provide. That c a lc u la to r c a n be v ie w e d at getcollegefunds.org/S R M Fstim ator/ O O G Intro.aspx. For more information on the O r­ egon O pportunity Grant and other Oregon scholarship opportunities, stu­ dents can visit getcollegefunds.org/ ong.htm l or call 800-452-8807. Student can also inquire with their college financial-aid office to receive more information. Accomplished Career Prosecutor Makes History Graduate Begins Law Career A young wom an from Portland is a wonderful role model for others by turning education into a success­ ful career. Latrice Latin has been hired as a staff attorney at the Fulton County Public D efenders Office in Atlanta, Ga., after recently passing the state bar exam. Latin earned her Juris Doctorate at the M ercer University W alter F. George School o f Law in Macon, Ga. She previously had majored in political science with a m inor in sociology, earning a Bachelor o f Arts degree from G eorgia State University Her proud and loving parents are Wanda Paden and Leonard A. Latin, executi ve market mg d i rector for the Portland Observer. Latrice Latin at her graduation celebration. The first w om an district attorney ev e r in San F rancisco as well as the first fem ale A frican-A m erican d is­ trict attorney in C alifornia history has been resoundingly voted to a second term . Kamala D. Harris garnered over 98 percent o f the vote in a nearly unprec­ edented uncontested November elec­ tion. Harris received accolades over her first term for bringing professionalism and innovation to the district attorney's office, prosecuting violent crime, and her “sm art on crim e” approach to prosecution. While noting that San Francisco’s overall conviction rate is “the highest in a decade,” Harris said that being district attorney was about "more than being either tough or soft on crime. It's about being smart by attacking the root causes o f crim e.” “ My core com m itm ent is simple,” said Harris. "A s a career prosecutor raised in the civil-rights movement, I Kamala D. Harris believe that a district attorney must both protect public safety and be an advocate for social justice.” C A L L I N C Y O U R If you like people and you like to drive, you could find a great job as a part-time bus operator. • Start at a great hourly wage, w ith nearly double the pay in three years. • Promotion opportunities on more than 20 career paths. • Paid training; no commercial driver’s license required. • You, your spouse or partner and kids ride for free. Visit trimet.org/jobs to apply online or call 503-962-7640. H=M=K=Ti T R I© M E T C O M M U N IT Y C O L L E G E WWW.CHEMEKETA.EDU See where it takes vou. Chemeketa Community College Is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution A collective Add Some Green to Your Business ^ 4 Save energy and money w ith he»ln f r o m E n e rp v Trust. If you're considering improvements to your business, consider making energy efficiency a priority. 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