November 21. 2007 Page B3 Il|r $ I o r th in b (O b se rv e r CAREERS EDUCATION PCC Degree Program in Web Design Started Growing new skills for the job market Portland Community College has offered classes in Web site developm ent and design for m any y e a rs, but stu d en ts couldn’t earn a two-year de­ gree. All that will change this winter term. The state of Oregon has ap­ proved the college’s new Web Site Development and Design program as a tw o -y ea r associate’s degree in applied science. In addition to the de­ gree, the program now offers a one-year certificate in Web site development and two short-term certificates. “ It’s a great opportunity for students to get more in-depth training in an exciting and rap­ idly evolving technology,” said Ron Bekey, instructor in Com­ puter Applications and Office Systems. “It was time to cre­ ate a degree that allowed stu­ dents to pursue greater depth in their training and prepare them selves better for the job m arket.” The new degree program tar­ gets students and working pro- new and rapidly changing tech­ nologies. “It's a great program for anyone with enthusiasm for the Internet or W eb-related technologies,” Bekey said. "It d o e sn 't m atter if they are more design-oriented or math- oriented; classes start out with the basics so all that is re­ quired to get started is a knowl­ edge of basic computer appli­ cations.” Students will get the founda­ tion of building dynamic profes­ sional Web sites in a hands-on environment. The state-of-the- art technology and software w ill help students learn the newest ways to create an accessible, interactive online experience. “There are thousands of jobs related to the Web out there,” Bekey said. "Following the rec­ ommendations of our advisory committee, we've structured the program so that everyone gets basic training in both develop­ ment and design, and more in- depth training in one of these Rushi Moraes gets advice from Ron Bekey, her Web Development instructor at Portland Community College areas.” fessionals who wish to special­ ness Web sites. preneurs. keep growing long into the fu­ Formore information, call 503- ize in Web site creation, design, After finishing the program, Organizations of al I kinds hire ture. 977-4393 and ask to set up an programming and maintenance. individuals will have the neces­ Web site developers and de­ An ideal candidate working advising appointment orto get a The skills learned from these sary skills to develop and man­ signers to design, implement and in Web site development or de­ brochure. Additional informa­ classes can apply to designing age Web sites and to work as maintain their online presence sign has enthusiasm for the field tion is available on the PCC and building personal and busi­ developers, designers or entre­ and the demand is expected to and the ability to engage with Web site at Clark College Helps Parents with Child Care To help challenged students succeed The Child and Family Studies de­ partm ent at Clark College has re­ ceived nearly $60,000 in renewed federal funding from the "Child Care Access Means Parents in School" program. “The cost o f child care services often is almost twice the cost of tuition and b o o k s,” said Laurie Cornelius, director o f Services for Children and Families. “This grant allows us to offer a sliding fee scale to low-incom e student parents who are enrolled for six credits or more at Clark College.” The goals o f the program are to r tU r L C POWER Together! help keep students who are parents from dropping out. “ W hen we ask stu d en ts why they are leaving, w e’ve d isc o v ­ ered that we can som etim es re ­ m ove those barriers so the stu ­ d e n ts c a n s ta y in s c h o o l ,” C ornelius said. “ Som etim es we try to take an individualized approach and build a plan together, such as a paym ent plan for an old debt. W e’ve also seen com m on them es em erge and have responded by offering workshops on dealing with stress and helping students find ways to balance their obligations at w ork, school and hom e.” She added, “W hen parents en ­ ter school, they often worry about the w elfare o f their children. By partnering and developing close relationships with our fam ilies, we create a com m unity where they belong, where they are listened to and where there is understanding of the com plexities o f being a par­ ent in school. Simply having this sh ared e x p e rie n c e g iv es them strength to continue their profes­ sional pathw ays.” Bringing jjr At PacifiCorp, a MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, and the largest utility in the Pacific Northwest, we are all about two things - PEOPLE and POWER! We bring people together in a workplace that sets standards for excellence in energy production and delivery, enabling us to provide enriching career experiences that keep everyone engaged and highly productive We invite you to join us in one of the following disciplines: Accounting / Finance / Business • Energy Trading Information Technology • Systems Development Engineering: Electrical, Mechanical, Environmental & Safety Sales / Marketing • Skilled Trades We proudly offer competitive salaries, progressive technology, ongoing training, excellent benefits and advancement. To view a complete list of opportunities and apply online, visit the CAREERS page at: PacifiCorp is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity I