Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 14, 2007, Page 16, Image 16

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    November 14. 2007
page C4
“ Ah W ild ern ess’’ — Thursday thru Saturday, Nov. 15-17,
M adison High School presents the affectionate dram a with
the witty perspective o f taking life’s difficulties with a sense
o f hum or. Perform ance starts at 7 p.m. For tickets, call 503-
Cultural C enter, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Show s run on
w eekends through Dec. 1. For tickets, call 503-381 -
27 at8 p .m .,se e y o u rfa v o rite
stars from the sizzling sum ­
m er show perform live at the
R oseG arden. For tickets,call
F estiv a l o f T re e s -- T h u rs­
day, Nov. 29, from 5:30 p.m.
P in o cch io — The Tears o f Joy Theatre production
to 11 p .m ., the 2 5th annual
P r o v id e n c e F e s ti v a l o f
o f Pinocchio plays on w eekends throughout the
T rees kicks o ff w ith an a u c­
m onth o f N ovem ber at W inningstad Theatre, Port­
land C enter for the Perform ing Arts, 111 S.W.
tio n and d in n e r at the O r­
eg o n C o n v e n tio n C en ter.
Broadw ay. For more inform ation, visit tojt.com .
P ublic show s a v a ila b le F ri­
d ay , N ov. 30, 10 a.m . to 9
T h e Im p o rta n c e o f B eing E a rn e s t -- PCC Theater
p.m . an d on S atu rd ay , D ec.
A rts Program ’s fall production is O scar W ilde’s
1, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. V isit providence.org festi valoftrees
‘The Importance o f Being Earnest,’ a tale o f the rom antic
for tickets.
m isadventures o f a pair o f English cads and the strong-
willed w om en w hose hearts they hope to win. Final
G odspeil production h its In te rsta te A ven u e.
H oliday Ale Festival --B eginning Thursday, Nov. 29 through
perform ances are scheduled for Friday and Saturday,
G odspell a t In te rs ta te F ire h o u se - G odspell, one o f the
Nov. 1 6 -1 7 a t7 :3 0 p .m .a n d a t2 p .m .o n S u n d a y ,N o v . 18,on
Sunday. Dec. 2, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m ., the I2th-annual
biggest off-B roadw ay successes o f all tim e, is reborn in a
the Sylvania Cam pus. Call 503-977-4949 for tickets.
festival at P ioneerC ourthouse Square, 701 S.W . Sixth Ave.,
production by Stum ptow n Stages at the Interstate Firehouse
provides beer lovers the opportunity to sam ple som e or all
Sea M o n sters — Spectacular photo-realistic ani­ o f the 36 rare beers featured. Visit holidayale.com or contact
503-252-9899 for more information.
mation brings creatures o f the deep to life in the
n ew N a tio n a l G e o g r a p h ic
T h e D in n er P a rty — Neil
O m nim ax film Sea M onsters: a
S im on’s T he D inner Party,
P reh isto ric A d v en tu re, now
playing atO M S I.
a bittersw eet com edy about
m a r r ia g e , f id e lity a n d
Family Reunions
Holiday K id F est—Saturday and
m is s e d o p p o r tu n itie s ,
Business Functions
School Functions
Sunday, Nov. 17-18, the Oregon
plays through Dec. 9 at the
Concert Promotions —,
Class Reunions
Private Parties
J ( e n n e t / i C JC o tt
Lakew ood C enter for the
Convention C enter will host the
Performing Arts in Lake O s­
DJ Service On The Move
wego. Fortickets, visit Lake-
event for kids and the family.
E-mail:dewayn525@ yahoo.com
w ood-cen ter.o rg.
The festival includes toyland,
storybook lane, princess tea
“Tough times don’t last hut tough people do"
D innerParty
parties, extrem e zone and more.
Portland Jazz O rchestra
— Friday, Nov. 30 at 7:30 p.m., the first-ever Resident
Enjoy a light ‘B reakfast with Santa’ with special
R adio D eluxe w ith J o h n P izzarelli is fo c u s e d
perform ances o f the Nutcracker. For information
E nsem bleofthe Portland Jazz Festival will perform a family-
e x c lu s iv e ly on p la yin g A m e rica n sta n d a rd s
and reservations, visit holidaykidfest.com .
friendly big band concert at W inningstad T heater, t i l l
re c o rd e d by a g ro w in g n u m b e r o f new p e rfo rm e rs,
S.W. Broadway. Forticketing, call 503-248-4335.
a lo n g w ith the “ g re a ts ” w h o have in flu e n c e d them . N orm an Sylvester Band - The Norman Sylvester
ZooL ights — Begins Nov. 24 and continues through Dec. 30.
Band wi 11 be performing atTillicum 's in Beaverton
S a tu rd a ys at noon on 89.1 FM
on; Tuesday, Nov. 2 0 at 8 p.m. and at M & M ’s
W alk through the spectacular w inter w onderland o f the zoo.
The w inter festival highlights in­
in G resham , on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 23 &
24. at 9:30 p.m .; for more information contact 503-
clude: the lighted train, choral and
ensem ble music; contact 503-226-
1561 or visit O regonzoo.org for
T re e L ig h tin g S in g -A -L o n g ~ Friday, Nov. 23
ticketing inform ation.
at 5:30 p.m., the Port I and Jazz O rchestra wi 11 lead
the city in a classic holiday sing-a-long at Pio­ T rans-Siherian ( Jrchestra --S un­
neer C ourthouse Square at the ‘Tree Lighting
day, Dec. 2 at 3 and 7:30 p.m., the
Cerem ony’.
Rose G arden will host the Trans-
Siberian O rchestra W inter Tour,
M a c y ’s H o lid a y P a r a d e — Friday, N ov. 23 at
featuring sym phonic rock to un­
8:45 a.m .; the en tire fam ily w ill en jo y the
veil the inspiring story o f an angel
co lo rfu l cast o f ch a racters m arch in g on a new
who helps a child discover the
route; b eg in n in g at L incoln H igh, trav elin g
m eaning o f Christm as. Fortickets,
n orth on SW 14 A ve., east on SW A ld er St.,
visit R oscQ uarter.com .
"W e're not digging up old arrangem ents; w e're
then right on SW 2nd and T ay lo r St., finishing
creating new ideas. That's w hat's so beautiful about at L incoln H igh; te lev ised on K G W -T V at Talented D an c ers-T h e ex tra o rd in a ry Colem an lx*mieux&
interpretation, t his music, it's not about age as much 9 a.m .
C om paigne dancers, m ake their Portland debut as part o f the
W hite Bird Dance Series on W ednesday, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m.
as it is about style, and about alw ays trying to move
the A rlene Schnitzer Concert Hall.
So You Think You Can D ance-- Tuesday, Nov.
the music forward." |o h n Pizzarelli