November 14. 2007 Page BO Portland OL ¡s e rv e r i IR^cvicvy an^fev'eus (),tnew,,u)t()rve^cies 2008 Nissan Altima 3.5 SL Performance and Luxury for All to K athi een C arr W hen N issan redesigned the A ltim a sedan last year, it focused on keeping the ear's sporting cre­ dentials intact while simultaneously add ressing its faults. T he new A ltim a's significant dynam ic and interior im provem ents contributed to a pow erful five-seater that pro­ vided plenty o f com fort and driving excitem ent for those looking for a lot more than basic transportation. The 2008 Nissan A ltim a adds to this pedigree with an all-new coupe m odel. T he tw o -d o o r fea tu re s unique body pan els, a sh o rter w heelbase and overall length, and a revised susp en sio n for even sportier handling. Both the coupe and sedan com e with a long list o f available luxury and technology features, but they are put into large, expensive pack­ ages that often must be lumped together with other packages. The Technology Package on the 3.5 SE is $6,400. If you want to keep the price low, we'd norm ally suggest going light on options, but unfor­ tunately. Nissan m akes it just about im possible to do this. It's like going to a salad bar and being offered a choice o f either dry lettuce or a 4- gallon bucket o f Ranch. A lthough its options pricing is a little shady, the 2008 Nissan Altima is now an even more versatile (and attractive) choice in the always com petitive m idsize segm ent. Pro­ viding a com pelling mix o f sport and practicality the A ltim a sedan Specifications: 6-Cylinder, 24-Valve 270-hp @ 258 Ib-ft .torque, 3.5-Liter Engine: Xtronic CVT continues to be a very desirable Automatic Transmission: 19-City 26-Highway MPG; S32.485.MSRP m idsize family car, especially for The 3.5 SL goes the full luxury gation system with real-tim e traffic except the base sedan. those who want one with a good Front-seat side airbags and full- am ount o f sporting potential. Ei­ ro u te w ith le a th e r se a tin g , a and a rearview monitor. length side-curtain airbags are stan­ The Nissan A ltim a is powered ther body style should be near the m oonroof. dual-zone automatic cli­ dard on every 2008 N issan Altima. byeithera2.5-literinline-4w ith 175 m a te c o n tr o l, h e a te d s e a ts , top o f a shopping list. A ntilock brakes are standard on horsepow er and 180 pound-feet o f T he 2008 Nissan A ltim a is avail­ Bluetooth connectivity, an auto- the 3.5 sedan trim s and all coupes, torque (on the 2.5 trims) o ra 3.5-liter able as a m idsize sedan or coupe. dim m ing rearview m irror, 16-inch and optional on the 2.5 S sedans. V6 with 2 7 0 hp and 258 lb-ft (on the alloy wheels, xenon HID headlights Nissan recently began sales o f the O nly the 3.5 trim s are eligible for .3.5 trim s). All but the 3.5 SL Sedan and a Bose audio system with CD '08 sedan. The Sedan is available in traction control (standard) and sta­ com e with a six-speed manual trans­ changer and a choice o f satellite four trims, with the num ber indicat­ bility control (optional). In National mission. while aC V T is standard on radio providers. W ith the T echnol­ ing its engine: base 2.5,2.5 S, 3.5 SE ogy Package Nissan bundles anavi- that trim and optional on all others H ighway T raffic Safety A dm inis­ and 3.5 SL. NMNNNM aMMMNMBKWOMMMSMMHOMMiMHMnBMBMMMMMMIMMMNnMMMHMnnMMBnMBHMHMBMMMMi Roosevelt Theatre Comes Alive co n tin u ed fr o m M etro of "O klahom a!" has the advantage o f sim plicity com pared with other musicals that high-school com pa­ nies often attempt. Most theatres these days can program their light boards, but out­ d a te d te c h n o lo g y lim its R oosevelt's program to more basic changes in mood. In another vein o f im provisation, the leftover cos­ tumes from a decade ago suit the romantic intrigues of G reat Plains agriculturalists. Back in one o f her four Begin­ ning Theatre classes. Lane em pha­ sized principles like motivation, dram atic tension, dynam ic position and m ovem ents that indicate a story photo by R aymond R endi . eman /T he P ortland O bserver Roosevelt High School theatre instructor Jo Lane sorts through some well-worn costumes that could work for an upcoming production of "Oklahoma!" Advertise with diversity in Dear Deanna! Œ‘!C 'Jlìm tlanb © b se ru e r Call 503-288-0033 ads@ portlandobseiver.coi ii 'U -J-icioun SMOKEHOUSE A < „ n ( ( tppcciiiliziint in 5moltei ‘Ô'ÔQ iW cuts ó ôeitfoob Beef • Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood lunch $5.95, 'Dinner $9.95 nut up Pork Rib. Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Ox Tails & More Beer and Wi ne Avai lable Open / / :30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday Ox-Tails Dinner $12- with two sides 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 I'm stressed o v er my relatio n sh ip and d o n 't know w hat to do. My b o y frien d plays m ind gam es w ith m e and I n ever know w here I ful ly stand. O ne day he seem s to love m e to death and o th ers he seem s as if he w ants to w alk out the door. 1 feel su sp icio u s that he m ay have so m e o n ee lse but I c a n ’t co n firm it. He co m es hom e every nig h t and he m ay be m oody or sh o rt-tem p ered m ost tim es but at least h e 's at hom e. C an you help m e fig u re out w hat I’m d oing w ro n g ? —Trinae; Dallas, Texas 4632 N. Trenton Street, Portland, Oregon 97203 503-286-1259 Community tyvtyvIcLi IN NORTH PORTLAND’S PORTSMOUTH NEIGHBORHOOD Come see us We have all of your holiday produce needs: in Ask ö T own As Always We Are Open: Mon-Sat 9 A.M .-7 P.M. & Sun 9 A .M .-6 P.M. MMMMMMI Say Hey Turns Five c o n tin u e d fr o m M etro to h elp th e m c o n n e c t w ith a m ulticultural com m unity o f fellow professionals, com m unity and pro­ fessional resources and a friendly face or two. Everyone is w elcom e to attend! It is fun, m ulticultural and a great opportunity for new com ers (and those of us w ho are “not so new ” ) toenjoy an evening o f m eeting new friends and learning about what m ak eso u r com m unity ag reat place to live and work. T he g ro u p is alw ay s on the loo k o u t fo r new p ro fe ssio n a ls o f c o lo r w ho have relo c ate d to O r­ egon or S o u th w est W ash in g to n in the past 18 m o n th s to in tro ­ know w hat is h ap p en in g , but her ap p e aran c e, h e r m ood and e v e ry ­ th in g about h er is d ifferen t. How can I get to the bottom o f these ch an g es? —Anonymous; On-Line Reader Dear Anonymous: DearTrinae: Y ou're making the m istake o f w ast­ ing your tim e hoping this man will trip and fall in love with you and tell you w hat you w ant to hear. H e's not connected to you and th ere's som eone or som ething else pulling him away. He may be with you each night but his attitude and tem pera­ ment indicates he d o esn 't want to be there. T he end o f your relation­ ship is near and you should enjoy the ride and prepare to m ove on because the end is certainly on the horizon. Big City Produce now only at B est G reens accu rately w ithout any w ords, props o r costum e. By year four o f her career at Roosevelt, she hopes to offer Intermediate and A dvanced Theatre, along with a class detail­ ing technical aspects o f the disci­ pline. Student Shannon D uncan ini­ tially had reservations about the program but began seeing it as more than a credit fulfillm ent w hen she realized, “I do this all the tim e.” Duncan says, “ I'm grow ing onto theatre because I can be m yself in it.” D uncan's partner in class that day, G loria Valdez, agreed saying. “ I like to dance and I like to sing; I do that all the tim e and som etim es I do that here." Dear Deanna! My w ife has b ecom e a stran g er that I d o n 't reco g n ize anym ore. S h e 's d efen siv e w hen I ask p er­ sonal q u estio n s and alw ay s has a ch ip on her shoulder. I love her, but I am not g oing to be m is­ treated, used or d isresp ec ted . She is p u sh in g th in g s too far now becau se s h e 's em b arra ssin g me in front o f h er frien d s. I d o n 't tration crash tests, the Altim a se­ dan received a top five-star rating for its protection o f front occu­ pants in frontal and side impacts. Rear passengers received a four- star rating for side impacts. W ith its sporty suspension tun­ ing and quick steering, the 2008 Nissan A ltim a provides enthusi­ asts with one o f the most enjoyable m idsize coupes and family sedans available. Ride quality is still com ­ fortable throughout the line, and road and wind noise are subdued. S tro n g p erfo rm an ce from the V6 m o d els should m ore than sa t­ isfy th o se w ho like a kick in the p ants w hen they boot the gas, and the fo u r-cy lin d er provides p erfectly ad eq u ate acceleratio n . W e do n 't m ake this reco m m en d a­ tion o ften , but w e'd o pt fo r the co n tin u o u sly v ariab le tran sm is­ sion. E asily the best w e've com e acro ss, th is C V T d o es an e x c e l­ le n t jo b o f m a x im iz in g ea ch en g in e's pow er, w h ile resp o n d ­ ing rap id ly to th ro ttle inputs. T he 2008 Nissan A ltim a 3.5 SL, will inspire enthusiast to take an im prom ptu road trip. Y our w ife is sh o w in g guilty signs o f h aving an affair. W h o m ev er she is seein g has b o o sted her se lf-im ag e, h er co n fid e n ce and s h e 's b eco m e h appy an d bold. H ow ever, w hen she retu rn s to reality and sees y o u r face, she b eco m es d efla ted and rude w hich cau se s her to lash out a, you o v er sim p le things. Y ou need to be a real man and share y o u r concerns, po in t out the c h a n g es an d eith er accep t o r reject her ex p lan a tio n s and keep it m oving. Dear Deanna! I loaned m oney to m y g irlfrie n d ’s h u sb an d and now he w o n 't pay the m oney back. I d id th is p e r­ sonal favor w ith o u t talk in g to my frien d first. H e is now te llin g me to sto p h ara ssin g him o r h e 's g o in g to accu se m e o f try in g to sle ep w ith him . I'v e been sending d u ce and w elco m e at Say Hey e v e n ts . If you are new or would like to suggest the group contact som e­ one new to the area, e-mail Vicki N akashim a, Partners in D iver­ sity, nakashim av@ m or call 5 0 3 -5 16-3505. Past Say Hey honorees are also encouraged to contact N akashim a for the anniversary celebration. Parking is available within a block o f the G erding T heater on N orthw est 12th and 13th Av­ enues. Elevators take you into the M Financial Building lobby directly across from the A rm ory or into W hole Foods on the cor­ ner o f Couch and N orthw est 12th. him e-m ails to call along w ith text m essag es and I’ve ca lled his cell pho n e. I th o u g h t I w as d oing the right th in g by not m en tio n in g the loan. H ow do I g et m y m oney w ith o u t je o p a rd iz in g my frien d ­ sh ip ? --Miss CeeCee; Atlanta DearCeeCee: It’s to y o u r ad v an tag e to go ahead and w rite the m oney o ff unless y o u 're w illin g to bring d ram a in y o u r life. If th e re’s no prom issory note o r p ap er trail in d icatin g you loaned the m oney and it w ould be paid back , y o u 're stuck. Y o u 're b eing b lack m ailed and it’s going to get w orse. T ell y o u r friend about the loan, stop lo oking for p aym ent and w h atev er h appens in th eir rela tio n sh ip is not y o u r fault becau se you ch o se to be h o n est and have in tegrity. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeanna I or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: Airport Offers Valet Parking Portland International A irport has a convenient, new parking op­ tion as travelers head into T hanks­ giving and the busy holiday sea­ son. Gold Key Valet will allow travelers to drop o ff their vehicles in front of the airport terminal building, and pick up their vehicles at the same location when they return from their trip. New signs will guide travelers to the Gold Key Valet drop-off booth, located on the "departures” road­ way. There, the traveler simply turns over the vehicle key, and provides (light and contact information, so the vehicle will be ready when the traveler returns from the trip. T h e serv ice w ill cost $30 per d ay , and co m p lim e n t o th e r p a rk ­ in g o p tio n s a v a ila b le in th e eco n o m y and lo n g -term parking lots and the sh o rt-term parking g arage. R eserv atio n s are no, re ­ q u ired , and v eh icles are stored in a safe and secure lot. O ther parking im provem ents at the airport include a new parking guidance system now serving m o­ torists in the existing parking g a­ rage, and an autom ated parking paym ent system called "Q uick Pay." 1 Fill Out, Clip I Subscribe ®**|lortlanh CDbseruer Out & Send I I I Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 I I I I 503-288-0033 I I s u b s c r ip tio n s are j u s t $60 p e r y e a r I I (please include cheek with this subscription form ) I I I I _______________________ T elephone : _____ I I N ame :. I I A ddress :. o re w rn ¿ ^ h s c rí^ U o n s @ ^ o rtla n d o b s e rv e rjC o m _ 1 _ J