Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 07, 2007, Page 9, Image 9

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    ilu' JJnrtlanh ©bscruer
November 7. 2 00 7
Page B3
L aw & J ustice
Have you seen me?
Missing and Exploited Children
■Sv' '
E n d a n g e re d -M issin g
C urrent Age: 4
D ate M issing:
March 19,2007
M issing F rom :
Maywood, CA
Both photos
showDenise; she
has a birthmark
on her lower hack.
Denise may he in the t ompany ofher non-custodialfather. They may
have traveled to Dis Vegas. NV.
Two cakes were brought in to help celebrate Gresham Police Department's
recent entry into the Portland Police Bureau 's Sexual Minority Roundtable.
The partnership was formed in 1994 to foster cooperation and mutual
respect between the law-enforcement and sexual-minority communities.
From left are: John McVay, Multnomah County community justice manager; Capt. Jay Heidenrich, Multnomah County Sheriff's Office:
Gresham Police Chief Carla Piluso; William Warren, SMRT co-chair; and Portland Police Bureau Assistant Chief Rod Beard.
Fostering Respect
C urrent Age: 17
Date Missing: July 14,2007
Missing From: Beaverton, OR
Francesca was last seen in the com­
pany o f an unknown adult male: she has a
taitaa on her hack.
I f you have any information please contact:
The National CenterforMissing and Exploited Children
CRIME STOPPERS Senate Moves on
(5 0 3 ) 8 2 3 -H E L P ____ __
111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, —
Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 4
M an Sought in Locker Room Thefts
black hairand brown
T he Portland Po­
lice Bureau, in coop­
eyes. Police say he
frequents New C o­
eration with Crim e
lumbia Villa in North
Stoppers, is asking
Portland, Downtown
fo ry o u rh e lp in find­
Portland, and M AX
ing a man w anted for
transit stations, spe­
stealing items from
locker room s at 24
cifically 82nd A v­
H o u r F itn e ss, the
Crim e Stoppers is
U niversity o f P ort­
land and PGE Park.
offering a cash re­
B ra n d o n K eith
ward o f up to $ 1 ,(MX)
L ane,
w as Brandon Lane
for inform ation, that
charged w ith theft
leads to an arrest in
after officers found stolen prop­ this case, or any unsolved felony,
erty on him , but he has not shown and you rem ain anonym ous. Call
up for court.
Crim e Stoppers at 503-823-H ELP
Lane is described as a black (4357) o r 9 - 1 -1 if Lane’s location is
m ale, 5 ’8” tall, 230 pounds, with known.
Shooting Victims Attended Party
O n Sunday, Sept. 9 at 6:13 a.m.,
Portland Police responded to the
4 5 0 0 block o f North A lbina Avenue
on a report o f shots fired in the area.
Officers arrived and found David
Stephens, 36, injured from several
gunshot wounds and the body of
30-year-old A lonzo Grey. Officers
also arrested Joshua Banks-Hankins,
21, who was eventual ly charged wi th
one count o f m urder and one count
o f attempted murder.
H o m ic id e d e te c tiv e s h av e
learned that in the hours prior to the
shooting, the suspect and both
victim s were with about two dozen
other people at an after-hours party
in a hotel room at the Red Lion on
Janlzen Beach.
Detectives are attempting to iden­
tify the other individuals w ho were
at the party because they believe
some o f them may have information
that may assist the investigation.
A nyone w ith in fo rm atio n is
asked tocall D etective Bryan Steed
at 503-823-0395 or D etective Mark
Slaterat 503-823-9319.
1-800-TH E-LO S T ( 1-800-843-5678)
Statue for Rosa Parks
Plans to place a
statue o f civil-rights
icon Rosa Parks in the
U.S. Capitol in W ash­
ington, D.C. are finally
gaining momentum.
L ast m o n th , the
U.S. Senate approved
a bill to allow the Joint
C om m ittee on the Li­
brary and the A rchi­ Rosa Parks
tect o f the Capitol to m ove forward
in obtaining the statue.
"In 2005, C ongress voted to pre­
serve the legacy o f Rosa Parks by
authorizing a statue o f her to be
placed in the U.S. C ap ito l's Statu­
a ry H a ll,” sa id S en . D ia n n e
Feinstein, chairm an o fth eco m m it-
tee. "B ut tw o years
later, the statue has
not been obtained.
It's tim e to rem ove
the hurdles, and en ­
sure that Rosa Parks
is honored as C o n ­
gress intended."
T h e d elay w as
blam ed on techni­
calities that d id n ’t
give the com m ittee resources to
enter into contracts or pay for the
The original legislation was in­
troduced in the Senate by Sen. John
Kerry. D-M ass. and in the House
by Representative by Jesse Jack-
son Jr., D-lll.
If you get a phone call ore-m ail customer se n ice manager Joan Linn.
asking foryourbank account num ­ "Don’t do it."
ber so that your kicker refund can
This is the latest twist in a w ide­
be electronically deposited in your spread identify-theft scam known
as phishing.
account, don't believe it.
The Oregon Department o f Rev­
Linn said the departm ent never
enue said that a handful o f taxpay­ e-m ails or telephones taxpayers
ers have reported getting official­ asking for bank account inform a­
sounding phone calls and e-m ails tion. "Plus, we aren't able to pro­
offering to deposit their kicker re­ vide direct deposit as an option for
kicker refunds."
If you get a suspicious phone
"They tell the taxpayer they work
for the Department o f Revenue. call ore-m ail, cal I the Oregon attor­
They offer to deposit the taxpayer's ney general's toll-free consum er
kicker refund in their bank account. hotline, 1-877-877-9392 or visit
All the taxpayer has to do is give w w w .d o j.s ta te .o r .u s /f in f r a u d /
them their account num ber.” said idthefl.shtml.
Les Whitworth C.P.A.
tin t Iw kkccpiuii services
5421 \ F. Tini V riiiir
Portland. <>It 97211
I’lii.iif 5113-295-1 «»39
Cell 971 344 6414
l 'n\ -.0.3-295-1 nil"»
nine. /« './i Zi 11n in tin p u . rom
eniail: foul h’s iiliiiiin r lliip n .m iii
W ally T e s fa
Residential ana
Coirmeiciai Brohei
Oiea«i Washington
CASE NUMBER: 79-19210
On Sunday, O ctober 12,2003, at
8:45 p.m., the mother o f 22-year-old
Cameron Brandice Ware called911
to report that her son had just been
shot in front of the family home in the
5800 block o f Northeast 18th Ave.
W are later died from his wounds.
W are was near his vehicle, which
was parked in front o f the house
when he was shot. D etectives were
unable to determ ine if W are's death
was in any way gang related.
There is a cash rew ard offered
for inform ation reported totheC old
Case H omicide Unit that leads to an
arrest in this case.
T w en ty -six y ea r-o ld D onna
K tiz m a a k w as m u rd ered in her
hom e at 3356 S.E. 13th A ve. on
M arch 21, 1979. H er body w as
d isc o v ered by h er h u sb an d at
around 4 :3 0 p.m ., and an autopsy
show ed that she had been b ru ­
ta lly b e a te n , s ta b b e d a n d
strangled. She w as last seen alive
leaving E.G. S trasso n Inc. w here
she w orked as a rea lto r at around
3 p.m . the day o f the m urder.
There is a cash rew ard offered
for information reported to the Cold
Case H om icide Unit that leads loan
arrest in this case.
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The Portland Police Bureau and
thefamiliesfor whom have suffered
such horrible losses ask fo r your
help in finding justice fo r these
T erry
Kicker Scam Warning
The Cold Case Files
Portland Police Bureau
Cold Case Homicide Unit
This public service announcement provided
by the Portland Observer Newspaper.
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