IJn rtlan h (©bsertter Page A4 November 7. 2007 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer Hangman’s Noose in the Workplace o f dom estic terrorism. Many local authorities brush the incid en ts o f f as pranks and have failed by J udge G reg to acknow ledge that M atiiis these are, in fact, even C lo s e ly a sso c ia te d hate crimes. Now we with lynching in the Jim know the noose isn’t C ro w s o u th . th e just a tool o f terror used hangm an’s noose is one by immature students: o f the most powerful vi­ it has been showing up sual sym bols that can be in A m erica’s offices and facto­ directed against Black Americans. ries. T he noose has been in the According to the Equal Em ­ news quite a bit in recent months. ployment Opportunity C om m is­ M edia outlets have widely re­ sion, a federal agency created to ported the noose appearing in end em ploym ent discrimination trees on college and high-school in the United States, there has cam puses throughout the coun­ been an increase in the num ber of try. racial discrimination and harass­ Black students, and their par­ ment complaints filed in this coun­ ents, are troubled by this disturb­ try in the last few years. ing “tren d ". M ost think, and Racial harassment complaints rightly so, that the noose is being have more than doubled the past used to incite fear in students of 17 years; about 7,000 complaints color; these are essentially acts were filed with the agency in Racial tensions boil over 2007. The hangm an's noose has appeared in several o f these com ­ plaints. In the last six years, more than 30 lawsuits that involve a noose being displayed in the nia case that alleged a noose was displayed and Kian videos shown in an em ployee lounges was settled for $600,000. In 2006, more than $1 million was paid to Clear organizational policies that denounce and punish this type o f behavior must be set and enforced. v workplace have been filed. Some o f the suits filed are quite disturbing and can easily transport African A m ericans to another era. Earlier this year, a Pennsylva- Tws a black em ployee who alleged white co-workers placed a noose around his neck. It’s somewhat com forting to hear that those who have been victim ized are finding justice in civil courts. However, financial reparations are not all that is needed. Those who have com m itted these acts need to be charged with hate c rim e s; loss o f a jo b is not enough. If this type o f behavior is to end, the consequences must be stiff. C om panies must increase the diversity and sensitivity train­ ing it offers to employees. C lear organizational policies that denounce and punish this type o f behavior must be set and enforced; any sign o f racist and prejudiced behavior should be addressed immediately. Em ploy­ ers m ust also not attem pt to cover for those em ployees who cross the line. In more than one case filed with the EEOC, when a com ­ pany settled, a spokesman would say the settlem ent “indicated no wrong doing". By not firmly de­ nouncing this type o f behavior, the em ployer gives the offender - and would be offenders - the idea this type o f thing is okay. Racial tensions in this country are boiling over, if com m unities d o n ’t ban together to bring an end to these insensitive and crim i­ nal displays, generations o f work to w ards racial harm ony m ay com e undone. Judge Greg Mathis is national vice president o f Rainbow PUSH and a national board member of the Southern Christian Leader­ ship Conference. x>o&z not T orture pboriê JJ Car insurance with PER SO N A L SER VIC E. No extra charge. At Stale Farm you get j competitive rate and an agent dedicated to helping you gel the coverage that’s right for you and the discounts you deserve, Nobody takes care ot you like Stale Farm. Contact me. I'll prove it. ...BEHO the WIES... STATE FARM CAM VÏVC£ FUIXÎHG INSURANCE Michael David Holton. Agent 7223 SW Macadam Avenue Portland. OR 97219 3076 Bus: 503 517 9090 www m i chael hoi ton coni LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, S I ATE EARM IS THERE. Providing Insurance and Financial Services I • • tl ■ 71' » ,1 S ‘r*’f JJtirthntb (Obscrucr Established 1970 USPS 959-680 ___________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.. Portland, OR 97211 ri . isiier : Charles H. 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REPRODUCTION IN W H O LE OR IN PART W IT H O U T PERMISSIO N IS P R O H IBITE D The Portland O bserver--O regon's Oldest M u lticu ltural Publication is a member o f the National Newspaper Association- Founded in 1885. and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc, New York. N Y , and The West Coast Black Publishers Association P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, PO Box 3 1 3 7 , Portland, 0 R 9 7 2 0 8 CALL 503-288-0033 PAX 503-288-0015 news@Dortlandobserver.com ads @portlandobserver. com suhsiription@portlandobserver.com ■■■■■ ■ 111 My Own Words: by C armen A nderson I began my school journey in the spring o f 2002 at the age o f 30. I was the single m other o f a 12-year-old son and an infant daughter. I began to w onder how I could single-handedly change the destiny o f my children within my ow n pow er. I decided to enroll in Portland Com m unity College and I started with one class, math. I had heard horror stories about math being the “nail in the coffin" o f higher education. Therefore, I decided that I would challenge m yself by confronting math first. I was never a strong math stu­ dent and I did not finish high school, so the prospect o f col­ lege math was daunting. I de- __________ THE______________ SPINAlCOLUMN An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Rowers Part 30. Genuine Benefits of Chiropractic Help : Can a chiropractor really help my problems? QA : You have no doubt heard how chiropractors helped a friend's headaches, neck pain, neck stiffness, back pain or fa­ tigue? But. il is perfectly normal for you to wonder whether a chiro­ practor can really your particular problems. Your headaches. Your neck pain and/or stiffness. Your back pain or other symptoms. Problems you may have had for sometime. The truth is, doctors of chiro­ practic are extremely successful at eliminating many symptoms. Often more quickly and effectively than other healing methods. But, your doctor of chiropractic can do so much more for you than just treating symptoms. Your chi­ ropractor is concerned with making sure your entire body is function­ ing properly. Therefore, your chi­ ropractor goes beyond treating your immediate symptoms to make sure your body is still functioning efficiently. That is the only way true health can be achieved. But we aren't the only ones who have said it. Chiropractic has been accepted by the ultimate authority; you the people. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 3 0 4 A school journey at the age of 30 It was reported that I have cided to take along with my math applied for was "The Ronald E. class, the history o f m athem at­ M cN air Scholars Program ." This experienced “all the stereotypical ics, and conquering math anxi­ is a scholars program for under­ th in g s that happen to young ety. T his is how I becam e a graduates who are under-repre­ people when they’re not doing student, and learned how to suc­ sented and have a chance at pur­ w hat they’re supposed to,” such ceed as a student. suing a PhD. I was awarded a as teenage pregnancy and drug I earned an Associate o f G en­ M cN air scholarship in the winter use. Those were not my words. I ex p erienced stereotypical eral Studies at PCC in 2005, and o f 2006. In 2(X)7, I was chosen to rep­ things such as poverty, welfare, became the first college graduate in my family. At PCC, I was a resent my school as a Student and low incom e housing due to “ B" average student that went to A m bassador where I will repre­ the fact that I did not finish school c la sse s and q u ic k ly retu rn ed sent PSU at cam pus functions and I had my first child as a teenager. I did not identify m yself as a prior drug user. I a lso n e v e r went to school to be a Special Ed. teacher, nor do I think that children are in Special Ed. b e c a u se o f th e ir upbringing. home when they were over. I and give tours to the community. There is nothing exciting about never sought to make my voice I feel that the Portland O b­ my story from a sensationalist heard or do anything “extra." server misrepresented me in its standpoint. I simply w ent to the When I began my junior year story about my PSU am bassador college and signed up; I thought at PSU in the spring o f 2006, I position (M aking Education the o f my babies and signed up, I decided to go about it a different Top Priority, Oct. 3 issue). thought o f my deceased "granny" way. I vowed to apply for every As a single m other o f tw o and signed up, I thought o f other opportunity that I was eligible children, I know the traps o f single mothers with no skills and for. My first month at PSU; I welfare, housing, and poverty. I I signed up. I am giving tours at PSU on w ro te an e s s a y fo r “ T h e urge single m other especially President’s Com m ission on the mothers who are living in low- W ednesdays at 11 a m. Please Status o f W om en” essay con­ income housing like myself, go com e and learn about the college to school. There is m oney avail­ system, and tour O regon's larg­ test. I was shocked when I was able for you to go to college; est university. chosen as one for the four w in­ money that is som etim es not uti­ As a result o f signing up, and ners. I had never won anything lized. You will stop the genera­ sticking with it, I am earning before especially an academ ic tional cycles of poverty and w el­ something that no one can ever prize. This really fueled my fire fare for your children. Even if take from me, my education. In to go after every opportunity. I you are the only one in your June o f 2008, I will earn my applied for "The Diversity Rec­ family w ho goes to college and Bachelor o f Arts degree in Social ognition Scholarship," and was you feel like you are in a foreign S cien ce, becom ing a college awarded a full scholarship for land; your children will not. when graduate for the second time. the rem inder o f my undergradu­ it is their turn. I know everyday Anyone can do it because suc­ I go to school I am the originator cess is not reserved for anyone in ate degree. particular. The next opportunity that I o f a new family tradition. something that no one » can ever take from me,