Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 07, 2007, Page 3, Image 3

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November 7, 2 00 7
Page A3
|Jortlanh © bseruer
Land Trust’s Affordable Homes Today and Tomorrow
is to keep hom es affo rd ab le.
In exchange for a reasonable pur­
chase price ($6U,(XX) to $ 1(X).(XX)
b e lo w
to d a y ’s
m a rk e t),
hom eow ners ensure that future
buyers have a chance to own an
affordable hom e as well by limiting
the hom e’ s appreciation. This w ay,
P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity L an d ow ners enjoy increasing property
T r u s t p r o v id e s a f f o r d a b l e values and the other rew ards of
h om eow nership o pportunities for hom eow nership, w hile passing the
people w ho w ork and live in our benefit o f affordability along to the
com m unity.
next hom eowner.
W orking with com m unity p art­
P e rm a n e n t a f f o r d a b ility is
ners. lenders, build ers and o th ­ g u aranteed through a lease ag re e­
ers, the nonp ro fit o rg an izatio n m ent or a covenant betw een PCLT
p repares fam ilies and in dividuals and the hom eow ner. H om ebuyers
for h o m eo w n ersh ip , helps them review eith er o f th ese legal ag ree­
p urch ase ex istin g hom es, build m ents w ith an atto rn ey in d e p en ­
new a f f o rd a b le h o m e s, o f fe r d ent o f the o rg an iz atio n to un­
h o m eow ners took, to be su c ce ss­ d ersta n d all the d etails before
ful and help m anage the buying b uying a hom e.
and sellin g o f affo rd ab le hom es.
Attending a free orientation class
T he o rg an iz atio n believ es that is the best way to learn about PCLT.
the best w ay to ensure that our For a class schedule, visit pclt.org/
ch ild ren - and th e ir ch ild ren - classes or contact info@ pclt.org or
have o p p o rtu n ities to buy a hom e 503-493-0293.
Thanks to
Land Trust,
Lanesheia and
her children
Marques, and
Daevon - and
Benji the dog -
have a house to
call a home.
Portland Office Works to
Save Energy, Reduce Waste
Offers steps to reduce your carbon footprint
There are simple, healthy, finan­
cially responsible and excellent ben­
efits to saving energy, recyling and
reducing waste.
Portland's Office o f Sustainable
Development sponsors assistance
programs and events I ike Solar N ow !,
the Green Building ReThink series
and Fix-It Fairs to help area residents
focus on the simple but important
changes that w i 11 improve home heal th
and lower greenhouse gases that
contribute to global warming.
Officials say i f three or four o f the
following options are followed, it’s
likely your household emissions will
drop by 10 percent or more:
W eatherize your home. Add in­
sulation. sealing air leaks, and re­
placing aging windows.
Buy green pow er. Many electric refrigerator that is more than I Oyears
utilities give customers the option of old, replace it.
paying a modest surcharge to buy
Reduce wasteand recycle. Keep­
power from wind, solar, geothermal ing waste out o f the landfill reduces,
or other renewable resources.
em issions o f m ethane, a potent
Drive less. W hether it’s transit, greenhouse gas released as materi­
carpooling, walking or bicycling, try als decom pose w ithout oxygen.
to replace a car trip or two each week M oreover, recycling delivers strong
with another option.
energy-efficiency benefits, since it
D rive th e m ost efficient vehicle takes less energy to produce goods
th a t m eets y o u r needs. The average using recycled inputs than raw m a­
fuel efficiency o f all passenger ve­ terials.
hicles on the road in the U.S. is about
G o solar. Portland is sunny
20 mpg. Most o f us buy vehicles enough for solar! With today's cash
rarely, so make your purchase count. incentives and tax credits, there has
Use efficient appliances. W hen­ never been a better time to harness
ever you buy a m ajor home appli­ the pow er o f the sun.
ance, make sure it has the Energy
Founded in 2(XX). the City of Port­
Star label, which ensures that it is an land Office o f Sustainable D evelop­
energy-efficient m odel. If you have a ment brings together com m unity
Fix It Fair Coming to SEI
P o rtla n d 's next Fix It Fair, g iv in g local resid en ts help, tips
and ad v ice w ith en erg y efficien cy , h ealth y hom es, y ard care
and green b u ild in g , w ill be held S atu rd ay , N ov. 17 at S elf
E n h an cem en t, Inc., 3 9 2 0 N. K ervy A ve.
S p o n so red by the c ity ’s O ffice o f S u stain ab le D ev elo p ­
m ent S erv ices, the free ev en ts are d esig n ed to save you
m oney an d co n n ect you to resources. T h ey are alw ay s held
on S atu rd ay m o rn in g s, from 8 :3 0 a.m . to 2 p .m ., pu ttin g
are a resid e n ts in to u c h w ith e x p e rts an d re so u rc e s on
v arious ho m e an d g arden topics, m o n ey -sav in g w ea th eriz a­
tion, co st effectiv e tip s an d free g iv eaw ay s.
F uture Fix It fairs are sch ed u led Jan. 12 at L en t S chool
5105 S.E . 9 7th A ve.; an d Feb. 2 at R o o sev elt H igh School,
6941 N. C entral A ve.
C all 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -7 2 2 2 o r e-m ail fix itfair@ ci.p o rtlan d .o r.u s
o r visit the w eb site p o rtla n d o n lin e.co m /o sd fo r m o re in fo r­
m ation.
partners to promote a healthy and
prosperous future for Portland. The
office advances improvements and
innovation i n reducing global warm­
ing emissions, energy efficiency and
renewable energy, biofuels, waste
reduction and recycling, sustainable
economic development, sustainable
food systems and green-building
Visit portlandonline.com/osd for
more information.
Veronica Banks
Started Waves
Hair Design
T he W aves H air D esign full-
serv ice salon, 1926 N.E. Sandy
BI vd., w as founded by V eronica
B anks. H er nam e w as not in ­
clu d ed in last w e e k 's article
ab o u t the lo catio n clo sin g after
31 years o f service in the A fri­
can -A m erican com m unity.
C urrent ow ner Janet Warren
will continue salon services from
h e r h o m e a n d s ty lis t M att
G arlington and two others are
setting up their own new shop,
Y .G .'s Salon at 3140 E. Burnside.
G arlington’s father was the
late Rev. John Garlington, pastor
o f M aranatha Church o f God in
northeast Portland. The wrong
church w as identified in last
w eek’s story.
We regret the error and om is­
Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC
Zchon R. Jones, DC
333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212
Ai e You an Information
Technology Professional?
(503) 284-7838
Truly making a difference in the lives of
Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years.
If you or someone you know has been in an accident,
call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838
We are located on the
corner ofM L K and Russell
Street, on the second floor
above the coffee shop.
Pätkinä Aies
« J NE
Thursday, November 15,2007
2 to 4 p.m.
Russell St
flic Portland Building
1120 SW Fifth Avenue
Second Floor. Room C
Portland, Oregon
Come to the City of Portland’s
21st annual FREE neighborhood
Fix-It Fairs
Join your neighbors and learn from the experts
about water and energy savings, home and personal
health, recycling and yard care, lead testing and more!
N ovem b er 17, 2007
Self I Enhancement
3920 N Kerby Ave
January 12, 2008
Ixnr Sch<M>l
5105 SE 97 th Ave
• Hourlv W orkshops • Ongoing Exhibits
• 1 R1.1. Childcare • ( ¡rear ( ¡iveawat s!
8:30 a.m, - 2 p.m.
a better
ru n » «
C ontaet Greg Wolley at gwollcyfc/ ei.poilland.or.us or
503.823.6860 for more information.
We will v alidate Smart Park parking.
February 2, 2008
Roosevelt High School
6941 N (.entrai Ave
a better now
H ie ( itv o f Portland Bureau o f Technology S enices
will announce and discuss the re-opening o f the Flexible
Sen ices contract for technology sen ices. Come and
learn about contracting opportunities from bureau 11
project managers.
For a workshop Rthedulc call 503-823-4309 or visit www.portliindonline.com/osd
Please noti fy the City o f Portland no less than five ( 5 )
business days prior to our event for ADA accom mo­
dations at 503.823.6860, by the City's TTY at
503.823.6868. or by the ( )regon Relay S en ice at
l .800.735.2900.