Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 07, 2007, Page 2, Image 2

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    ^Jordanit © bseruer
Added North
Library Site
.Multnomah County Library
will hold an open house to con­
sider possible locations for a
new North Portland branch from
6 to 8 p in. Tuesday. Nov. 13 at
the Kenton Fire House. 8105 N.
Brandon Ave.
Theexisting St. Johns Library
and the North Portland Library
at 512 N. Killingsw orth St. are
five miles apart, the largest gap
b e tw e e n b ra n c h e s in th e
M ultnomah County system.
The county has decided that
any new branch must be at least
two miles from either o f the ex­
isting branches. So far, four
potential sites have been iden­
For more information, call 503-
988-3644 or contact junem @
November 7. 2007
D e a d ly Y ear fo r U .S . S o ld ie r s in Ir a q
T he U .S. m ilitary on T uesday
an n o u n c ed the d e a th s o f five
m ore so ld iers and on e sailo r,
m aking 2007 the d ead liest year
for U.S. troops d esp ite a recent
d ow nturn, acco rd in g to an A sso ­
ciated Press count.
At least 853 Am erican military
personnel have died in Iraq so far
this year — the highest annual toll
since the w ar began in March 2003,
the figures show.
The grim m ilestone passed de­
spite a sharp drop in U.S. and Iraqi
deaths here in recent months, after
a 30,000-strong U.S. force buildup.
There were 39 deaths in O ctober,
com pared to 65 in September and 84
in August.
W ith nearly two m onths left in
the year, the U.S. toll has already
surpassed that o f 2(X)4, when 850
troops died — mostly in larger,
more conventional battles like the
U.S. Army soldiers prepare to search an automotive yard in Mosul, Iraq on Tuesday. (AP photo)
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cam paign to cleanse Fallujah o f
Sunni m ilitants in Novem ber, and
U.S. clashes with Shiite m ilitiam en
in the sect’s holy city o f N ajaf in
A u g u st.
T he A m erican m ilitary in Iraq
reached its highest troop levels in
Iraq this year — 165,(XX). M ore­
over, the m ilitary’s decision to send
soldiers out o f large bases and into
Iraqi co m m u n ities m eans m ore
troops have seen more “contact
with enem y forces” than ever be­
fore, said Maj. W infield Danielson,
a U .S. m ilita ry sp o k e sm an in
“ I t’s due to the troop surge,
w hich allow ed us to go into areas
that were previously safe havens
for insurgents,” D anielson told the
A P on Sunday. "H aving more sol­
diers, and having them out in the
com m unities, certainly contributes
to our casualties.”
tS ï Í - e g rtb
Face of Ancient King Tilt Unveiled
(A P) - King T ut's face was un­
veiled Sunday for the first tim e in
public — more than 3,(XX) years
after the youngest and most fa­
mous pharaoh to rule ancient Egypt
was shrouded in linen and buried in
his golden underground tomb.
A rcheologistscarefully lifted the
fragile m um m y out o f a quartz sar­
cophagus decorated with stone-
carved protective goddesses, m o­
mentarily pul I ing aside a beige cov­
ering to reveal a leathery black body.
The linen was then replaced over
Tut's narrow body so only his face
and tiny feet w ere exposed, and the
19-year-old king, w hose life and
death has captivated people for
nearly a century, was m oved to a
simple glass climate-control led case
to keep it from turning to dust.
"I can say for the first tim e that
the m um m y is safe and the mumm y
is well preserved, and at the same
tim e, all the tourists w ho will enter
this tom b will be able to see the face
o f Tutankham un for the first time,"
E g y p t's a n tiq u itie s c h ie f Z ahi
Haw ass said from inside the hot
and sticky tom b in the famed Valley
o f the Kings in Luxor, Egypt.
"The face o f the golden boy is
am azing. It has m agic and it has
mystery," he added.
H aw ass said scientists began
r e s to rin g th e b a d ly d a m a g e d
An archaeological worker looks across at the face o f the linen-
wrapped mummy of King Tut as he is removed from his stone
sarcophagus in his underground tomb. (AP photo)
m um m y more than two years ago.
M uch o f the body is broken into 18
pieces — dam age sustained when
British archaeologist H ow ardCarter
first discovered it 85 years ago,
took it from its tomb and tried to pul I
o f f th e fam o u s g o ld e n m ask,
H aw ass said.
The m ystery surrounding King
Tutankham un — who ruled during
the 18th dynasty and ascended to
the throne at age 8 — and his glit­
tering gold tom b has entranced
ancient Egypt fans since C arter first
discovered the hidden tomb, re­
vealing a trove o f fabulous gold
and precious stone treasures and
propelling the once-forgotten pha­
raoh into global stardom .
He w asn ’t E gypt's m ost p o w er­
ful o r im portant king, but his stag ­
gerin g treasures, rum ors o f a m ys­
terio u s cu rse that plag u ed C a rter
and his team — d eb u n k ed by e x ­
perts long ago — and several
b o o k s an d T V d o c u m e n ta rie s
d ed icated to T u t have add ed to
his intrigue.
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Community Service, 7:00 PM
Reception following Service
Thursday, November 15
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