November 7, 2007 (Elir |J o r tk in ò (O b se rve r pageC3 IM IIIU S H IM Blue Rage, Black Redemption: Memoirs of Stanley Tookie Williams On Nov. 13, Stanley Tookie W illiams’ memoiris coming out in paperback, being reprinted by Simon & Schuster's Touchstone Division. The book in­ cludes a foreword by Tavis Smiley and an epilogue by Barbara Becnel. When his Los Angeles neighborhood was threat­ ened by gangbangers, Williams co-founded the Crips, but what began as a form of protection soon became the largest and most notorious gang in American history. After a 1981 conviction sent him to Death Row for over 20 years, he was eventually executed on Dec. 13,2005. From his prison cell, Williams became a powerful anti-gang activist. Blue Rage, Black Redemption is his story; from a drive-by shooting in South Central to San Quentin’s Death Row, Williams shines a light into the darkness. He strove to end gang violence, creating national peace protocols, dissuading young people from joining gangs, and writing books. His legacy has been continued by such notables as: Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Snoop Dog, Jessie Jackson, Jamie Foxx, and countless more. Williams entered the criminal-justice system a violent offender, but died an activist, a five-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee and a four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee. His execution garnered worldwide media attention, sparking a national fo­ rum for gang violence, discussing the death penalty and rehabilitation in jail. “The opportunity to heal, to create real street peace, and to make the miracle of good works out of STANLEY TOOKIE WILLIAMS CRIPS CO FOUNDER AND NOBEL PEACE PRIZE NOMINEE BLUE RAGE, EP ILO G U E BY B A R B A R A BECNEL |___FOREWORD BY TAVIS SMILEY ■ j Stanley Tookie Williams some terrible pain was squandered with Tookie's death’’ stated a former leader to a rival gang, “after reading Tookie’s story you'll understand why so many people fought so hard to keep Tookie alive. Peace is possible.” This insightful look chronicling the life of Stanley Tookie Williams is an enthralling and emotional recount of Tookie’s very real and raw narrative of survival; and the fight for personal and public redemption. ’Dog’ Apologies for Using N-word (AP) -- Television bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman has apologized for repeatedly using a racial slur in a profan­ ity-laced tirade during a pri­ vate phone conversation with his son that was recorded and posted online. C hapm an, star o f A&E's hit reality series "Dog the B ounty H u n ter," issu ed a statem ent apologizing for the com m ents after The National Enquirer posted a clip o f the conversation in which he uses the N-word six times in refer­ ence to his son's girlfriend. In th e c o n v e rs a tio n . C h a p m a n s ta te d th a t he d o esn ’t care that his so n 's girlfriend is black, but urges him to break up with her be­ cause o f concern about the girlfriend going public about the TV star's use o f the N- Weddings Birthday Parties Family Reunions Business Functions Concert Promotions Private Parties Duane Dog' Chapman word. In his apology. Chapman said, "I did not mean to add yet another slap in the face to an entire race o f people who have brought so many gifts to this world. I am ashamed o f m y­ self and I pledge to do what­ ever I can to repair this dam ­ age I have caused." 32© Night Clubs Fund Raisers Receptions School Functions Class Reunions 7( ennet/i c ^cott Banquet DJ Service On The Move E-mai I :dcwayn525@ 503.442.5089 "Tough times don't lust hut tough people do" 300 N. Killingsworth Phone (503) 286-1339 Fax (503) 286-70X8 The Dinner Party on Stage Neil Simon’s The Dinner Party, a bittersweet comedy about marriage, fidelity and missed opportunities, plays through Dec. 9 at the Lakewood Center for the Arts in Lake Oswego. The cast includes (from left) Jamie Rea, Jason Maniccia, Lisamarie Harrison, Don Alder, Christy Hernquist and David Burnett. For tickets, call 503-635-3901 or visit s 1(M) off A « j Dinner Best tasting Fish in town •4 Burger and Fries $2.99 Melt in your mouth PhillySteak