page C2 November 7, 2007 I X 11 I a$¡> 'LI-J.ÌCÌO U S SMOKEHOUSE 3 ¡> ec iid iziu o in ¿ n n o k c l & '6'6Q nil i V e u t .s ô $cafo< > i Rock Against D iabetes NW — Saturday, Nov. 10, from noon to 10 p.m., M cM enam in’s K ennedy School will host the concert to benefit Juvenile D ia­ betes Research Foundation; $20 donation at the door. Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood J-nncIi $5.95. 'Dinner $9.95 n/t Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Ox Tails & More Beer and Wine Available Ox-Tails Dinner $12« 503-493-9414 4057 N. Interstate Ave. North Portland Bible College HI 25th Annual Banquet, November 10th 2007 ■ Speaker: /. W. MattHennessee Senior Pastor Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church ■ Where: Ratnada Inn 6221 NE82nd Avenue Portland, Oregon ■ Theme: "Responding to the Faithfulness o f God" I Thessalonians 5:24 ■ Time: 6:00pm for Silent Auction ■ Dinner at 7:00pm ■ Contact Office: 503.288.2919 ■ Cost: $40/person ($45 at the door) Nov. 13, at 8 p.m., for more infor­ mation contact 503-286-6474. S ea M o n ste rs — Spectacular photo-realistic anim ation brings creatures o f the deep to life in the new National Geographic Omnimax film Sea M onsters: a Prehistoric A dventure, now playing at OM SI. C a ro u se ls: T h e A rt o f th e A n im al — C u r­ rently through Jan. 3 1, the W orld Forestry C enter D iscovery M useum will present a m agnificent display o f antique hand-carved w ooden anim als; for more inform ation, call 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -l36 7 o rv isitw o rld fo restry .o rg . Open 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday with two sides H IM G odspell p ro d u ctio n h its In te rsta te A ven u e. ( iodspell at In te rsta te F ire h o u se—Godspell, one o f the biggest off-B roadw ay successes o f all tim e, is reborn in a production by Stum ptow n Stages at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural C enter, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Show s run this m onth on w eekends through Dec. 1. For tickets, call 503-381 -8686. “ Ah W ild ern ess” - Thursday thru Saturday, Nov. 15- 17, M adison High School, 2735 N.E. 82nd, presents the affectionate dram a with the witty perspective o f taking life’s difficulties with a sense o f hum or. Perform ance starts at 7 p.m. For tickets, call 503-916-5220. So Y ou T h in k Y ou C a n D an c e — T u e s­ d ay , N ov. 27 at 8 p .m ., see y o u r fav o rite stars from the sizzlin g su m m er show p e r­ form live at the R ose G ard en . For tick ets, call 877-789-7673. Festival o f T re e s —Thursday, Nov. 29 from 5:30 to 11 p.m ., the 25th-annual Providence Festival o f Trees kicks o ff with an auction and dinner at the Oregon Convention Center. Public show s available Friday, N ov.3 0 ,10 a.m .to 9 p .m .an d on Saturday,D ec. I,from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. V for tickets. T h e Im p o rta n c e o f Being E a r n e s t - PCC Theater Arts Program ’sfallproduction isO scar W ilde's ‘The Im por­ tance o f Being E arnest,’ a tale o f the rom antic m isad­ ventures o f a pair o f English cads and the strong-w illed w om en w hose hearts they hope to win. Perform ances will be at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 8-1 Oand Nov. 16-17, and at 2 p.m. on Nov. 18, at the SylvaniaCam pus. Call 503-977- 4949 for tickets. Sm okey R obinson in C o n ­ ce rt - Rock and Roi I Hall of F am e in d u ctee S m okey Robinson will perform with the O regon Sym phony for a one-night-only p erfo r­ m ance T hursday, Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the A rlene S ch n itz er C o n cert Hall. Tickets can be charged by phone a, 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -1353 or purchased through ticketm . Labor Arts Festival—Saturday, Nov. lOfrom I to9p.m „ PSU C am pus will host the free festival to recognize Labor History M onth by prom oting w orking-class culture and art; festival events include m usicians Anne Feeney and Rebel V oices from Seattle, hip-hop artist Mic Crenshaw , films, art, stage readings and more; visit nw for more inform ation. N o rm an Sylvester B and - The Norman Sylvester Band will be perform ing at T illicu m 's in Beaverton on Friday and Saturday. Nov. 9 - 10 at 9 p.m., and on Tuesday, La Carpa d el A u s e n te O u t o f th e (¡r a v e E n te r ta in m e n t- M ir a c le T heater sets aside tim e for all things m orbid with a lively Day o f the Dead show o f dance, music and spectacle in “La C arpa del A usente" a sw inging salute to life during W orld W ar II and a poignant tribute to soldiers no longer with us. Show s run through Nov. 11. Tickets available at the theater box office, 525 S.E. Stark or by calling503-236-7253. Holiday Ale Festival — Beginning Thursday, Nov. 29 through Sunday, Dec. 2, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.. the I2th-annual festival at Pioneer C ourthouse Square, 701 S .W .6 th Ave., provides beer lovers the opportu­ nity to sam ple some or all o f the 36 rare beers featured. Visit hoi or contact 503-252-9899 for more information. T ra n s-S ih e ria n ( Irc h e s tra - Sunday, Dec. 2 at 3 and 7:30 p.m ., the Rose G arden will host the T rans-Sibe­ rian O rchestra W inter Tour, featuring sym phonic rock to unveil the inspiring story o f an angel who helps a child discover the m eaning o f Christm as. For tickets, visit R oseQ .