ei’1 |Jo rtla n ò tObscruer November 7. 2 0 0 7 Page B5 R eligion Murals Blessed at Providence Medical Center - nor does it have to be all at once. “Ten minutes, three tim es a day is as effective as 30 m inutes all at once," she points out. Sean Wix, an R.N. at Providence Portland M edical C enter donated 16 hours to create his mural. He plans to bring is three daughters back to see his work, “ It's a m es­ sage to my girls about the im por­ tance o f volunteering," said Wix. The m urals are in the three stair­ wells o f Providence St. V incent's main tower. Created to encourage exercise and fitness W ith the flick o f a paint brush, Chap- lain Judith McGowan sprinkled holy water on each o f three new m urals at Provi­ dence St. V incent M edical Center. T he murals are an attem pt to entice em ployees to work exercise into their daily routines by taking the stairs, rather than elevators. The idea started as an em ployee suggestion and blossom ed into a contest in w hich em ployees sub­ mitted art ideas. “W e appreciate the artists' tim e and talent. T his is a small but im portant step to m ake this a better place for health and healing,” said Alex Jackson, associate administrator. Providence fitness specialist Molly Shipley said studies have show n that daily exercise does not have to be intense Chaplain Judith McGowan uses a paint brush to sprinkle holy water on a mural created by Megan Russell (center) at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center, as Molly Shipley, a Providence fitness expert, looks on. Mallory Church Center Fundraiser Hosts banquet to build support R ecognizing the need for a fa ­ cility to provide additio n al g ath ­ erin g space, the C alvary C h ris­ tian C hurch has b egun raising d o n atio n s fo r a M allory A venue C om m unity E nrichm ent (M A C E ) can-A m erican com m unity as pas­ tor o f the church form erly called M allory A venue Christian Center. O r ig in a lly e s ta b lis h e d as P ortland's first YW CA at the turn o f the last century, the building was purchased in 1921 by M allory A v­ enue C hristian. which by the 1 950s had been used as tem porary shelter to the hom eless, com m unity m eet­ ing space, w eddings hall, site for funerals, and many other com m u- nity uses. T he C enter has also served as the launching ground for several ministries. Given its legacy, the 2(),(XX) square foot building, located on the com er of AI berta and Mai lory is one o f N ortheast P ortland's most identifiable landmarks. At the banquet. Rev. Frederick W oods and other church leaders will discuss details about the MACE C en ter's plans for activities includ- ing theatre, music, exercise pro­ grams. day care, com puter lah, game room, social hall, health clinic, so­ cial services and acting venue for events and com m unity meetings. For reservations or more infor­ mation, contact Dominic T ru jillo a t 503-9« I - 3 8 18. All checks should be mailed to C haritable Partnership Fund in care of C alvary Christian Church. Rev. Frederick W oods. 126 N.E. Alberta St. Portland. GR 97211. 69 C Yams, Sundays! Art Exhibit Binds Two Generations 722 ‘N . Sum ner a t Jtlbuia hear them read their poetry, it gladdens my heart.” She referred to another honoree, W illie M ae Pitt, as “som eone w ho’s been in my heart since 1 was a little girl. W e’re standing on the shoulders o f the generation that cam e before, and now we have another generation com ing along.” Kathe Swaback. director o f Art Up. said her next project will be centered on one o f the Look Up honorees, T helm a Johnson Street, an artist and dancer w ho was the first A frican American w om an to have her work added to New Y ork's M etropolitan M useum o f A rt's perm anent ex­ hibition. The project will prem ier at next M ay's Alberta Art Hop festival, and will include an elem ent o f dance. C arlene Jackson. Jo h n so n 's niece, attended the reception. "I ju st thought this was a fabulous opportu­ nity for these young w om en to not just learn more about w om en o f color, but to express them selves through their art." Jackson said. Sw aback, discussing her own history and dedication to bring an African A m erican per­ spective to a gentrifying neighborhood, said that when she established Art Up, "I was pain­ fully aw are that I w as ju st one more white person on the street w ithout any know ledge of what it was about." T he artists picked th eir su b ject from a larger field o f 40 can d id ates, she said. "I w ant P o rtla n d 0 * 9 7 2 1 7 ‘¡ 01-41S-49S9 k Pfr (coupon itci to eliangej jf l Charitable Partnership Fund - M.A.C.E. Center Nehemiah Building Project “Keeping the Legacy Alive" Banquet Time: 6:00 p.m. Date: Nov. 9, 2007 Place: Friends of the Children 126 Northeast Alberta Portland, Oregon ITATI » * » ■ State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services I M tU a A N C I Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Agent W e moved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol Portland. OR 503-221-305» C enter Nehem iah Building Project at 126 N.E. A lb erta St. A fundraising banquet will be held on Friday, Nov. 9 to discuss plan details. The keynote speaker will be Carl Talton, ch ief executive officer o f Portland Fam ily Funds. The theme o f the building project is “ K eeping the Legacy A live” af­ ter Rev. Dr. Hamlin w ho gave so many years o f his life dedicated to helping and em pow ering the Afri- Fax 503-227-8757 Your Care Our First Priority continued fro n t M etro Sen. Ave! Gordly (left) and Project Look Up artist Sade Beasley meet during an exhibit at Portland City Hall. them to m ake these w om en th eir h eroes." she said. Referring to guidance she received from Pitt and others she said, “No one does it alone. We all have people who have helped us." Sen. Garter com m ented that the exhibition Effective, low cost Legal Counseling on any legal question you may have. "show s why it's good to have money for the arts.” In his introduction Potter said. " It's an honor to acknow ledge these great women who have been so important to our city, and to do so through the eyes o f youth." You are invited To Our $35 for an hour consultation. Friends & Family Day Don't be in the dark about legal questions, ask Attorney Sona Joiner Sunday, November 11th, 2007 at 503-241-1113 9:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Service • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! 1:00 Pot Luck lunch downstairs (503) 228-6140 3:00 Concert with “The Judds” Í K W ij e d tdbtkcian Nail loch, Skin Anolytt And other local talent & Make-Up Arkit Legal Notices United House of Prayer for All People 7459 North Maven Ave. Portland. Oregon 97203 Call 503-286-8663 or 503-285-4258 Promised-land@msn.cm XWtLRY_____ Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! &OQY SHAPf CONSULTING COLOR MATCHING Fax: 503-288-0015 Phone 503.995.4136 aprljns&yahoo. com e-mail: classlfleds@portlandobserver.com The Portland Observer >i 1 “O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt liis name together" Psaltns 34:3