Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 07, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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November 7, 2007
1'JJnrtlanh ©bseruer
C lassifieds / B ids
diversity in îl,‘ |Jn vtlanö (Ohset tH'r
¿ids(" pt»rtlandobserver.com
Advertise with
salth& Services
W e ’ re
se e k in g
e xce p tio n a l
in d iv id u a ls for e x c itin g ca re er
o p p o rtu n itie s ! W h e t h e r y o u r
p r o f e s s io n a l s k ills a re in
fin a n c ia l s e rv ic e s o r n u rs in g ;
m e d ic a l r e c o r d s o r f a c ilit y
m a in te n a n c e ; a d m in is tra tiv e
s u p p o rt
h e a lt h c a r e
m a na gem ent, consider a career
w ith P r o v id e n c e ! V is it o u r
E m p lo ym e n t C enter at 1235 NE
4 7th A v e n u e , or vie w cu rre n t
o p p o rtu n itie s and a p p ly online
to d a y ! w w w .p r o v id e n c e .o r g /
ca re ers
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and
tor v aluable information on how to do business w ith the
City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
To view current jo b openings and to access the application form,
visit the Port's website at ww w .portofportland.com or call (503)
S ta r P a rk is lo o k in g fo r
in d iv id u a ls
w ith
e x c e lle n t
cu s to m e r s e rv ic e s k ills and a
positive attitude to join our team
o f p a rk in g fa c ility o p e ra to rs .
P o s itio n s in c lu d e : A tte n d a n t,
T ra ffic D ire c to r, C a s h ie r, and
V a le t, w ith O p p o rtu n ity fo r
a d v a n c e m e n t. No e x p e rie n c e
necessary, m ust be dependable.
The Port o f Portland is an A A/EE O em p loyer com m itted to
workforce diversity and affirm ative action.
8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k
w/m atch, sick & vacation pay.
6 1 0 SW Alder Street Suite 1 221
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5
Public Notice
M e e t in g : Transporting from M etropolitan Region (M ultnomah,
W ashington, and Clackam as Counties) to Colum bia Gorge
P u b lic In v ite d
Nov. 7, 2007
M u ltn o m a h County C h a ir’s O ffice
se e k s a c o lla b o ra tiv e p ro fe s ­
s io n a l w ith p u b lic s e c to r
m anagem ent/policy background
to provide leadership, support and
D e p a rtm e n ta l
M a n a g e rs a nd th e C o u n ty
O p e ra tio n s Tea m . M u s t have
excellent com m unication, project
m a n a g e m e n t, a n a ly tic a l and
interpersonal skills.
T im e : 6 to 7:30 p.m.
A t: M etro 600 NE Grand Avenue Portland Oregon 97227
Please go to
w w w .m ultcoiobs.org and
download announcem ent for
com plete details. Apply by 11/
30/07. #9400-11.
Project: Happy Valley City Hall Project
P ro je c t A d dress: 162nd and Misty, Happy Valley, OR 9 7 0 8 6
M ultnom ah County is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Project Description: Bid Package#3: Building package for a 2 5 ,0 0 0 GSF
building. This work includes the building concrete, concrete reinforcing,
N ursing
structural steel erection, steel joist and decking, miscellaneous m etal,
M ore than you
structural wood, masonry, casework, thermal protection, doors and glazing,
ever expected ...
Community Outreach and Information
The Portland Police Bureau seeks
a person responsible for public
in form a tion , p ublic a w a ren e ss
and in v o lv e m e n t, c o m m u n ity
e d u c a tio n and o u tre a c h . T h e
applicant should be experienced
in w ritin g , d e s ig n in g a n d
publishing; proficient in facilitating
group meetings; proficient in use
o f M icrosoft softw are products
including PowerPoint, and have
experience using Adobe InDesign.
The successful a p p lica n t m ust
pass a background investigation.
This is a full-tim e position with an
a p p ro xim a te m onth ly sa la ry of
$4,222, $5,628 after six years.
A p p ly at w w w .ci.portland.or.us/
jobs/. Deadline for submitting your
application is 4:30 p.m., Nov. 16,
2 007.
O p p o rtu n ity
fram ing, drywall, flooring, finishes, window coverings, fire protection,
in a place you never expected.
conveying system, mechanical, electrical and other work as shown on Happy
Valley City Hall - Bid & Permit Set drawings dated October 2 9 . 2 0 0 7 ,
prepared by DLR Group.
N o n -m a n d a to ry Pre-Bid M eeting : Monday. November 1 9 ,2 0 0 7 @ 1:00
PM (PST) - At the project site.
S u b Bids D u e: Thursday, November 2 9 ,2 0 0 7 @ 2 : 0 0 PM (PST)
S k a n s k a E s tim a to r: Lisa Reber
P.O. Box 7 6 7
2 5 5 5 S .W . 1 5 3 r d D rive
B e a v e rto n , OR
P lan s A v a ila b le on 1 1 / 1 2 / 0 7 a t th e fo llo w in g loc a tio n s : DJC Plan
If your career wish list includes
things like real autonom y, true
c a m a ra d e rie , m o re fle x ib ility ,
greater clinical environm ent, less
p h y s ic a l
dem ands,
lo w e r
d ia g n o s tic a c u ity , a n d th e
opportunity to work side-by-side
with doctors and PAs, you've come
to the right place. And that place
is at W exford Health Sources - a
nationally recognized leader in
contracted m edical services for
correctional facilities. Please join
our team as:
Room; W illam ette Blueprint; Oregon Contractor Plan Center; On-line at
• LPNs
https://dfs.skanskausa.com /public
A d d itio n a l Info: Prevailing w age/B O L I requirem ents apply. See bid
• R N -P R N
documents for bid instructions, bid forms, and bid alternates. Subcontracts
and Purchase Orders shall be executed on S kanska’s standard form
agreements, a copy of which is included in the bid package.
Clark County Jail
Vancouver, W A
T riM e t CTC P a rk in g S tru c tu re
Clackamas Town Center
Clackamas, Oregon
Bids Due: November 8th at 2:00 p.m.
Com e to th in k o f it, you'll also
enjoy a very attractive salary, great
benefits, and lots of prom otional
o p p o r t u n itie s .
fu ll
consideration, contact: Nina Dow,
Staffing Consultant
Phone: 800-903-3616;
Fax: 412-937-8874;
ndow @ wexfordhealth.com
An Equal Opportunity
Em ployer M /F/D/V
B id P a c k a g e # 2
A rchitectual Interior Package
Bid Documents Available at:
Contractors Plan Center (www.contractorplancenter.com)
Builders Exchange of Washington (www.bxwa.com)
Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center (www.djc-or.com)
OAME Plan Center (www.oame.org)
425 N W 10th A v e n u e , S uite 2 0 0 -A, Portland, O R 97209
Contact: Brian Hardebeck
Phone (503) 546-6180; Fax (503) 546-6181
CCB #164711
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids
from disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small
business enterprises.
.norllandonlint.com,o m f purchasing
The Port of Portland is a regional governm ent operating airports,
m arine term inals and industrial parks in the greater Portland
m etropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing com petitive
cargo and passenger access to world m arkets while enhancing
the region’s quality of life.
¿Wexford Health
S 0 II B C F h
I N C 0 H P () R A I F I
Registered Nurse “ (1 2 hour Shifts)
Day & Night Shift Openings.
Please apply at Fernhill Estates,
5737 NE 37th Avenue, Portland,
OR; or call Cheryl Emerson at 503-
Certified M ed icatio n Assistant
Please apply at Fernhill Estates,
5737 NE 37th Avenue, Portland, OR
Or call Cheryl Em erson at 503-
If you know som eone between the
ages of 18-31 with a high school
d ip lo m a . The Federa l A via tio n
Association is taking applications
for air traffic controller school. We
all know som eone in that right age
group (under 31) and with som e
effort they could reach a salary of
over $100,000 with benefits in
about 3 years. You need only a
high school diplom a to apply and
credit is given for college on the
exam .
To a p p ly g o to :
h ttp :/ /
w w w .f a a .g o v / io b s /
jo b
o p p o r t u n it ie s /
airtraffic controllers/ for details
and to fill ou t th e a p p lica tio n
im m e d ia te ly - e v e n if th e
applicants are unsure if they want
to attend im m ediately - it's the
federal governm ent and it may
take them m onths to call.
C it y
o f P o r tla n d
Ü u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750. Portland OR 97204
Cook (part time) weekends. Sat, Sun
POSITION: Director/ PolicyManager
& Holidays, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Office of Youth Violence Prevention
Students & Retirees welcom e.
Apprx. Yearly S alary $60,000 -
C o ok n e ed ed fo r a n o n -p ro fit 70,000
senior meal program in downtown Deadline: 4:30 pm, 11/9/2007
a re a . M in im u m o n e y e a r ♦Position: The D irector /P o licy
experience. Experience in working M anager oversees the Office of
with and m anaging volunteers. Y o u th V io le n c e P re v e n tio n
Able to lift 50# repetitively. Must activities, resource developm ent,
pass drug and alcohol test and grants, and policy developm ent;
criminal background check. Must and w orks with school districts,
f ill o u t a L o a v e s & F is h e s non-profits, city bureaus, and state
a p p lic a tio n . F o rm s a n d jo b partners to ensure coordination
description available at Loaves & and collaboration of services to
Fishes Centers, 7710 SW 31st, youth involved in violent behavior.
P o rtla n d ; o r w w w .lo a v e s a n d Please visit our w ebsite at: http:/
f is h e s o n lin e .o r g .
R e tu rn / w w w .c i.p o r t la n d .o r .u s / jo b s
applications to: Loaves & Fishes < h ttp ://w w w .ci.p o rtla n d .o r.u s/
Centers, PO Box 19477, Portland, jo b s > or Contact: Jarvez Hall, Sr.
O R 9 7 2 8 0 -0 4 7 7 o r fa x to Hum an Resources Analyst, (503)
Child Care
Peninsula Children's Center, a non­
profit childcare center in North
Portland seeks an AssistantTeacher
in Infant Room and subs in infant/
toddler, p resch ool, sch ool age
programs. Coursew ork in ECE or
m o n th s
c e n te r
b a se d
e x p e rie n c e
p re fe rre d .
Com petitive wages and benefits.
Call 503-280-0534.
The City of Portland is An Equal
Opportunity Em ployer
To Place Your
Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-m ail: classifieds@
Artisan Landscaping & Tree Service, LLC.
• Landscape Lighting
• Full Service Landscaping
• Tree Pruning and Removal
• Retaining Walls
• Turf Install & Maintenance • Irrigation
• Water Features
Professional ~ Courteous ~ Dependable
Get Ready For Fall
Clean-Up Specials!
The key is to apply NOW. There
will be a lot of retirem ents com ing
up rather quickly and they need
lin e
tr a in in g
accommodate these openings. It's
my understanding th a t the FAA
rarely has an open application
such a s th is and that the job s are
This is a great opportunity and it
should be noted that choosing a
site like Anchorage or Indianapolis
to train is a likely acceptance into
the training program - after-which
you can transfer anywhere in the
country that has a tower.
Holiday Advertising
Holiday Events
T h e Red C ro s s is here. A local fa m ily was
still asleep when a fo rg o tte n candle ignited a
Contact 503-288-0033
cu rta in . They lost e ve ryth in g . But thanks to a
Red Cross v o lu n te e r-w h o provided th e m w ith
clothes, food, and a place to s ta y - th e y d id n ’t
lose hope. Every 36 hours Red Cross volunteers
L egal N otices
respond to disasters rig h t here at home.
To help. To c o m fo rt.
To jo in them , v is it redcross-pdx.org.
N e e d to p u b lis h a c o u rt
docum ent or notice? Need an
affidavit of publication quickly
and efficiently? Please fax or
e-m ail your notice for a free
price quote!
Job H o tlin e : 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -5 0 3 5
TTY: 5 0 3 - 9 8 8 - 5 1 7 0
an equal opportunity employer
Fax: 50 3-288-0015
The Portland Observer
Red Cross
Oregon Trail Chapter