Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 31, 2007, Page 8, Image 8

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    ^ • 6 2 _____________________________________________
Shay Washington
Jeffery Ta
for your twins
J ay den & At ay ah
Have you seen me?
M issing and Exploited Children
C urrent Age: 9
C urrent Age: 8
C urrent Age: 29
D ate M issing: Sept. 22,2007
M issing F rom : Y ubuC ity.C A
Derek and Kady may be in the com pany o f their non-custodial mother,
Katrina Dyer and an unknown adult male. Police believe the children's
hair has been dyed to a darker color. K atrina may be using the alias
last name Bram m er; she has tattoos on her low er back and ankle.
I f you have any inform ation p lea se contact:
The National Center for M issing and Exploited Children
1-800-THE-LOST ( 1-800-843-5678)
This public service announcement provided
by the Portland Observer Newspaper.
D e n tu re s W orth
S m ilin g A b o u t!
• Professional Services • A ffordable Prices
• Paym ent Plans: O A C
• O ver 20 years experience
• Full & Partial D entures • Natural A ppearance
• Full Service Lab • A ccepting O regon Health Plan
Melanie Block, L.D.
D enturist
1020 NE 2nd Ave., Suite 205
Off MLK on NE Multnomah
Free parking
îl" $ortlanh (©bseruer_______________________ October si, 2007
Replacing Fast Food with Healthy Meals
Schools lead
obesity fight
(AP) — Educators and health
officials have stepped up their fight
against obesity in US schools by
trying to replace greasy fast food
with healthy m eals, and are seeing
small but encouraging results.
Nearly 13 m illion children and
adolescents in the United States
are overw eight, a particularly w or­
rying segm ent o f an overall epi­
dem ic in a country w here 200 m il­
lion people, or tw o-thirds o f the
p o p u la tio n , are o v erw eig h t o r
F a st fo o d , te le v is io n , so ft
d rin k s and a sed en tary lifestyle
are seen as the m ain cu lp rits o f
ch ild h o o d o b esity , and schools
— in the ab sen ce o f action on the
part o f fam ilies— are b eg in n in g
to take a stand.
“ I like to believe we are in the
early stages o f a social m ovem ent
and there have been exceptional
A high school student buys a soft drink from a vending machine.
Educators and health officials have stepped up their fight
against obesity by trying to replace fast food with healthy meals.
(AP photo)
changes in what schools are doing
in nutrition," said William Dietz from
the Centers for Disease Control and
A recent C D C study show s that
the share o f school cafeterias offer­
ing their students French fries as
the only vegetable item on their
H ealth W atch
W omen and Epilepsy - Monday, Nov. 5, from
6:30 to 8:30 p.m „ explore the unique needs of
women diagnosed with epilepsy at a free sem i­
nar. For details, call 503-216-7128.
Surgical T reatm ent o f Epilepsy - M onday,
Nov. 19, from 6:30to8:30p.m ., medical experts
will be discussing various types o f epilepsy
surgeries and the criteria for surgery can d i­
dates at a free sem inar. For details, call 503-
C om m unication Strategies for C ouples —
M onday, Nov. 5, from 6 to 8 p.m ., enhance
your relationship through com m unication and
listening skills, learn problem solving and
com prom ise techniques ($25 per couple). To
register, call 503-335-3500.
Body Basics - T his physician-recom m ended
class is appropriate for all ages and health
conditions. Plan to attend one session and
learn safe ex ercise g u id elin es, including
stretching; for scheduling and registration
call 503-256-4000.
D oernbecher C hildren ’s H ospital - S atur­
day, Nov. 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Shopping
E xtravaganza at the W oodburn Com pany
Store, event includes a fashion show , food
and more. Call 503-939-8558 for details.
Nutritional Sem inars -- N ew S eason’s M ar­
ket is presenting a series o f nutritional sem i­
nars at various store locations along with a
nutritional help line. For inform ation, em ail
aksthenutritionist@ new seasonsm arket.com .
Infant C PR - W ednesday, Nov. 7, from 6:30
to 8 p.m., learn basic infant safety and life
support. T o register, call 503-256-4000,
Senior A erobics - A low -im pact w orkout
geared specifically tow ard seniors; call 503-
449-0783 for current schedule.
New Light on W inter D epression - W ednes­
day, Nov. 28, from 6:30 to 7:30 p .m ..th is free
sem inar discusses the cause and effect of
seasonal affective disorder (SA D ) with an
More Toys with
Excessive Lead
Retailers step up testing
T h e R e d C ro s s is h e r e . A local family was
still asleep when a forgotten candle Ignited a
curtain. They lost everything. But thanks to a
Red Cross volunteer-w ho provided them with
clothes, food, and a place to sta y -th e y didn’t
lose hope. Every 36 hours Red Cross volunteers
respond to disasters right here at home.
To help. To comfort.
A slew o f products m ade in C hina ranging
from children’s jew elry to cake decorations
have been added to a grow ing list o f recalled
toys because they contain excessive am ounts
o f lead.
The recall o f roughly 665,000 item s an ­
nounced Thursday by the C onsum er Product
Safety Com m ission includes about 38.000 G o
Diego Go Animal Rescue Boats from Mattel
Inc's Fisher-Price division.
Also recal led were about 142,(XX) Halloween
pails sold at Family D ollar Stores Inc from
A ugust through O ctober. The CPSC said green
paint on the pails contains am ounts o f lead that
violate U.S. standards for lead paint.
inform ative look at the healing pow er o f light.
Call 503-256-4000 to register.
V egetarian Starter Kit - Healthy vegetarian
eating m ade easier w ith inform ational re­
sources, sam ples, coupons and delicious reci­
pes. Kits are $7.50 each (includes shipping).
To order, cal1503-256-4000.
C ardiac-R ehah E xercise C lasses - A m edi­
cally supervised exercise program for people
dealing with heart conditions. For more infor­
mation, call 503-251 -6260.
C oping with the H olidays - T hursday, Nov.
8, from 7 to 8 :3 0 p .m „ the holiday season can
be o v erw h elm in g afte r the loss o f a loved
one. E x p lo re w ays to b rin g som e h ap p in ess
in to the u p co m in g h o lid a y s d u rin g a free
g rie f-su p p o rt class. T o reg ister, call 503-
Leg A lert Screening - C heck for peripheral
arterial disease with this safe, sim ple screen­
ing using ankle and arm blood pressure. The
fee is $40. T o schedule an appointm ent, call
O steoporosis Screening — An ultrasound
bone-density screening w ith personalized
education; fee $30. T o schedule an appoint­
ment, cal1503-261 -6 6 1 1.
Stroke A lert S creen in g --C heck your carotid
arteries w ith a painless ultrasound to assess
your risk; fee $40. T o schedule a screening,
call 503-251-6137.
R ock A g a in st D ia b etes — S atu rd ay , N ov.
10, from noon to 10 p .m ., th e K ennedy
School, 5736 N .E. 33rd, will host the co n cert
to b en efit Ju v e n ile D iab etes R esearch fo u n ­
d atio n ; $20 d o n atio n at the door. V isit
ro c k a g a in std ia b e tc s.n e t to learn m ore.
W hy Am I So Tired: W om en and Fatigue -
Tuesday, Nov. 13, from 7 to 8:30 p.m ., experts
will be discussing w ays for w om en to com bat
fatigue and w hat m aybe causing it: to register
call 503-574-6595.
Oregon Trail Chapter
A erobics and M ore -- For a healthy body, you
need a com plete body w orkout; including
aerobics, Pilates and more designed for all
ages. Call C athey at A dventist M edical C en­
ter, 503-449-4000, for a schedu le.
F re e Body Basics - T his physician-recom ­
m ended class is appropriate for all ages and
health conditions. Plan to attend this one-
session class and learn the sim ple guidelines
for safe exercises, including stretching. Call
503-256-4000to register.
B ereavem ent Support - A bereavem ent sup­
port group m eets each second and fourth
T uesday.from lO to 11:30a.m .T o leam m o re,
call 503-251 -6192, extension 5670.
Better B reathers - An asthm a educational
support group m eets on the first T uesday of
the m onth from 1:15 to 2:45 p.m. at Adventist
M edical Center. For more inform ation, call
Here is a list o f other product recalls an­
nounced on T hursday by the CPSC:
- D ecoPac Inc is recal ling about 80,(XX) plas­
tic m iniature football bobble heads with green
bases that were sold to be placed on cakes
because o f too m uch lead in paint on the deco­
ration. The item s were sold at bakeries and ice
cream stores from January 2(X)6 through O cto­
- Jo-A nn Stores Inc is expanding the recall
o f children’s toy garden tools because o f ex­
cessive lead in surface paint. The products
w ere sold at Jo-A nn Fabric and Craft Stores
from January through September.
— W eG low International is recalling about
110,(XX)children's flashing rings sold in Shrek
the Third and Spider-M an 3 designs. The rings
have item number92O422 printed on back o f the
packaging and were sold at D ollarT ree, Dollar
Bi 11$, D ollar Express, G reenbacks and Only $ 1
stores nationwide from December 2(X)5 through
A u g u st.
BUSINESS 503 234 4452
CEIL 503 901 1535
C ancer R esource C enter - Providence St.
V incent M edical C enter and the A m erican Red
C ross have jo in ed forces to create the first in-
hospital resource cen ter providing books,
printed m aterial, com puter access and more
for individuals and fam ilies dealing with can­
cer. The center is open M onday through Thurs­
day, 9 a.m . to 4 p.m.
More than 20m illion toys made in China were
recalled w orldw ide over the past four m onths
due to potentially dangerous levels o f lead and
hazards posed by small m agnets that can be
Retailers and m anufactures have stepped up
product testing, w hich som e com panies have
said should result in m ore recalls as they try to
clear problem atic item s o ff shelves and out of
w arehouses.
D o llar T re e S to res Inc is recallin g ab o u t
198,000 u n its o f B eary C u te, E x p ressio n s,
and S assy & C h ic c h ild ren 's je w e lry w ith
item nu m b ers 85 5 5 8 9 , 8 7 3 0 9 1 ,8 7 3 0 9 7 and
The jew elry, which the C PSC said contains
high levels o f lead, was sold at D ollar Tree,
D ollar Bill$, D ollar Express. G reenbacks and
Only $1 stores from D ecem ber 2005 through
High levels o f lead have been linked to brain
dam age in children and other health problem s.
Parenting C lasses — N ew borns d o n ’t com e
with instruction m anuals but parents and par­
ents-to-be can learn about a variety o f topics
from pain and childbirth to breastfeeding to
infant CPR and m uch more. For a schedule of
e v e n ts , c a ll 5 0 3 - 5 7 4 -6 5 9 5 o r v is it:
p ro v id en ce.o rg /classes.
C ervical and Breast C ancer Screening —
Beginning Friday, Nov. 16, from 4 to 8 p.m .,
Charles McCleoud
Red Cross
w om en with or w ithout insurance are eligible
for this free screening program to prom ote
early detection and healthier living. To sched­
ule an appointm ent (required), call 503-346-
Chronic Pain Support Group - meets the first
W ednesday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. and the third
W ednesday o f each month, fro m 7 to 8 :3 0 p .m .
For more information call 503-256-4000.
To join them, visit redcross-pdx.org.
/ [ c C ' lo u d
m enus has dropped from 40 per­
cent in 2(XX) to 18.8 percent in 2006.
The C D C finances anti-obesity
school program s in 23 states, and
has seen som e positive signs begin
to em erge.
In A rkansas, schools have been
taking a m easurem ent o f their stu­
d ents' body mass for the past three
years and have started sending
parents letters that warn if their
child is obese.
The com bined bans on ju n k food
in cafeterias and soda drinks in
vending m achines, as well as a
greater em phasis on sports, have
paid a dividend: obesity am ong
students in A rkansas has stab i­
lized and even went dow n slightly
— from 20.9 percent in 2004 to 20.6
percent in 2007.
A sim ilarprogram inT exas.close
to El Paso, has helped reduce the
percentage o f children with weight
problem s from 25.8 percent in 2002
to 23.4 percent in 2005.
But schools cannot offer all the
solutions because A m erican chil­
dren spend only 19.5 percent o f
their tim e at school, if vacations
and w eekends are factored in.
Karen Young, m edical director
for the Pediatric Fitness C linic at
A rkansas C hildren’s H ospital b e­
lieves the governm ent should for­
bid advertising o f ju n k food for
Baby Seats Recalled
(AP) — Some 1 million foam baby
seats sold by large retailers are
being recalled because o f reports
o f young children falling out of the
seats, the U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission said. The baby
seats, made by Bumbo Interna­
tional of South Africa, sold for
about $40 each from August
2003 through October 2007.