Schools Switch to Healthy Meals M etro Replace fast food to fight obesity a:i’e ^ o rtla n b (©bserrier /community Lzéi le n d a r Urban League Dinner P ortlandT rail Blazers President Larry G. M iller will deliver the keynote address at the Urban League o f Portland’s Equal O pportunity D inner on T uesday, Nov. 6. A no-host reception begins at 4:45 p.m., follow ed by the dinner and program at 6:45 p.m. at the Oregon C onvention C en­ ter. For tickets, call the Urban League at 503-280-2626. Pow Wow at Mt. Hood The fourth-annual Kanawaksoom atQ uiet Thunder) celebration at Mt. Hood C om ­ munity College is Saturday, Nov. 1 begin­ ning at noon and concluding at midnight. A free salmon feed begins at 5 p.m. Grand entry cerem onies will be conducted at 1 and 7 p.m. The celebration offers authen­ tic m usic, dance, crafts, food and enter­ tainm ent for the w hole family. World Community Day Friday, Nov. 2, all w om en are invited to attend a day o f fellowship, at Al len T emple M issionary C M E Church, 4236 N.E. 8th Ave. Registration and coffee begins at 9:30 a.m. For m ore inform ation contact 503-289-7104. Ranger Lantern Tours Friday, Nov. 2, and Saturday, Nov. 17, from 7 to 9 p.m., with lantern in hand and a skilled ranger leading the way, explore the history o f Fort V ancouver, 612 E. Reserve St. in Vancouver. C all 360-816- 6243 for more information. 4th Annual Turkey Swim Beginning Thursday, Nov. 1 through Sunday, Nov. 18, the Portland Public Pools will provide an entry form to all paid adm issions at any o f P ortland's Parks and Recreation swimming pools. On Nov. 19, six lucky w inners will receive a free turkey. Lead Poisoning Prevention T hursday, Nov. 1, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. the St. Johns C om m unity Center, 8427 N. Central, will host the free w orkshop dem ­ onstrating how to protect your family from lead poisoning. Participants receive a free lead-testing kit. To register, call 503-284-6827. St. Charles Spaghetti See story, page B2 Public art celebrates community advocates by R aymond R endleman T he P ortland O bserver M ore than 50 volunteers celebrated the com pletion last w eekend o f a m ural that is enorm ous both in size and scope. The topic o f “W om en M aking History in Portland” could have easily covered m uch more than the approxim ately 20 by 70-foot wall that the group was able to secure near the Interstate M AX station at North M ississippi and A lbina Avenues. The challenge o f narrow ing dow n such a topic rested on a painstaking process. O riginally sponsored by K illingsw orth S treet’s In O ther W ords W om en’s Books and Resources nearly a year ago, the mural becam e the collaborative effort o f at least a dozen m etro-area nonprofits. Each orga­ nization nominated women from their com - m unities m aking a significant im pact on the city from the grassroots level. Sisters in A ction for Power, the O regon Council for H ispanic A dvancem ent, the N ative A m erican Youth and Fam ily C en­ ter, the Black United Fund o f O regon, the Urban League o f Portland and the C am bo­ dian-A m erican Com m unity o f O regon are ju st a few o f the organizations that nam ed w om en to be represented in the mural. In orchestrating the city ’s largest mural to date paying tribute to the contributions o f female com munity leaders, Robin Corbo hopes the piece helps raise the general public’s aw areness about their important contributions. The 26 activists, artists, w riters and elected officials show n on the wall used a w ide range o f techniques to tackle broad sets o f issues. A few o f those honored directly co n ­ fronting race relations, A m ina A nderson, continued on page B3 photo by R aymond R endleman /T he P ortland O bserver Julie Gragg (left) and Robin Corbo add the finishing touches to the "Women Making History in Portland" mural near the Interstate MAX station at North Mississippi and Albina Avenues. Local Activist Honored Urban Arts Festival T he Interstate Firehouse C ultural C en­ ter, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., aw akens m ulti-cultural aw areness through the cutting-edge o f art form s including hip- hop dance, spoken word, and television. C lasses are offered throughout the year. C ontact 503-823-4322 o r info@ ifcc- for m ore inform ation. For work at home and abroad Weatherization Workshops T h u rsd ay , N ov. 1, from 6 to 8 p.m ., the G resham , Y W C A , 6 00 N .E. E ighth St., w ill host the free ed u catio n al w o rk ­ shops to se lf-w eath erize y o u r hom e; q u alify in g p articip a n ts w ill receive a free w eatherizing kit. Free w ea th eriz a­ tion is availab le for seniors. C all 503- 2 8 4-6827 to register. A second-generation Filipina A m eri­ can bom and raised in Portland was hon­ ored last w eekend as one o f the 100 Most Influential Filipinas in the U.S. last w eek­ end at the Filipina W om en's Network Sum ­ mit in W ashington D.C. Oli veros, coordinator of Portland C om ­ m u n ity C o lle g e 's S y lv a n ia C a m p u s M ulticultural C enter, was nom inated by Carm en C aballero Rubio, director o f C om ­ munity A ffairs for the O ffice o f Portland M ayor Tom Potter. O liveros's honor is in the category o f "Em erging Leaders and Builders." Annual Rummage Sale The Gatlin G able Rum m age Sale opens Thursday evening, Nov. I, and contin­ ues with 10 a.m. openings through S un­ day, Nov. 4 at the Portland Expo C enter A dm ission is free. S atu rd ay , N ov. 17, p arents and c h il­ dren age 5 and under, are invited to en jo y th is free fam ily event fille d w ith s p o rts , g a m e s, fo o d , c o n te s ts and p rizes; the ev en t w ill be held at the M cC orm ack-M atthew s C enter, 6930 N. K erby S t„ from noon to 3 p.m . Helping the Hungry The Oregon Food Bank desperately needs your donations o f nonperishable foods and funds. To find out how you can help, call 503-282-0555. Learn to Make Recycled Art Portland C om m unity C ollege is offering the hands-on training to create art from recycled m aterials;classes will be held at the ReBuilding C enter, 3625 N. M issis­ sippi Ave.; contact 503-731 -6622 for more information. community service Mural Forefronts Women’s Activism Sunday, Nov. 4, from noon to 6:30 p.m ., St. C h a rles C hurch, 5310 N .E. 42nd A ve., in v ites guest to en jo y th e d e li­ cio us fo u r-co u rse spaghetti d in n e r and raffle. T ak e-o u t service is available; ad u lts $9, kids $5. F or m ore in fo rm a­ tion, call 503-281 -6461. Daddy and Me /e u fó photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Waves Hair Design stylists Matt Garlington and Janet Warren are moving on to new locations to cut hair as their landmark Waves Hair Design closes shop after serving the community for 31 years. continued Waves Closes Shop after 31 Years by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver A fter 31 y ears o f serv in g the A fri­ can A m erican com m unity at 1926 N.E. Sandy B lvd., the W aves H air D esign fu ll-serv ic e salon is clo sin g up shop and going in d iffe ren t d irectio n s. W ith a new o w n er tak in g o v er the b u ild in g and th e ir lease ex p irin g , ow n er Ja n et W arren said it w as tim e for h e rto d o w n siz e . She w ill co n tin u e p rovid in g salon serv ices from her hom e and can be reached at 3 6 0-882- 8042. W arren, w ho has ow ned W aves for eight years, said “This is not a sad o cca­ sion for me. T his is by choice. I w ant to thank everyone for supporting us and w elcom ing us into the com m unity.” W av es sty list M att G arlin g to n and tw o o th ers are se ttin g up th e ir ow n new shop. Y .G .'s S alo n , at 3140 E. B urnside St. T he m o v es should take place by N ov. 6. T h e n ew Y .G . S alo n sta n d s fo r Y v o n n eG arlin g to n , M a tt's m other. T he best know n m e m b er o f the fam ily w as the Rev. Jo h n G arlin g to n , longtim e p a s­ tor o f M ount O liv et B aptist C hurch and one o f the c ity 's leading co m m u n ity a c tiv ists. H is fath e r w as o rig in a lly a b arber a n d . M a tt r e c a l l s , c u t h is o w n c h ild re n 's h air w hen the fam ily lived in Buffalo. "W hen I becam e an ad u lt, I w anted to do so m eth in g that w ould allow me to be my ow n b o ss," G arlin g to n says. “T h is w as so m eth in g I knew , so it w as the fastest w a y .” He has been at it for 10 y ears, sp e ­ c i a l i z i n g in “ n a t u r a l s ty l e s - d read lo ck s, tw ists, e x ten sio n s." Y .G .'s will be open from 10a.m . to 6 p.m . T u esd ay th ro u g h S atu rd ay . Claire Oliveros on page 111