Page A3 ^ IJ o rtla n ò ©bseruc October 31, 2007 Miracles Club Gets Lifeline con tin u ed photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Miracles Club board members Elijah Cochran and Korona Presley stand outside a vacant lot at 4218 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and hold a picture of what's planned as a new ground floor home for the community organization along with the addition o f needed affordable housing. fro m Front to build h ig h -rise ap artm en ts on the site. In D ecem ber, the P ortland C ity C o u n ­ cil granted M iracles $ 5 0 0 .0 0 0 from the G eneral Fund to en ab le M iracles to p u r­ ch ase p ro p erty along M LK . T he goal w as to help the clu b tran sitio n from re n t­ ing space to a m ore secure p o sitio n o f ow n ersh ip . “T he M iracles C lub is a vital reso u rce in our city fo r in d iv id u als and fam ilies d ealing w ith drug and alco h o l issu es,” stated City C om m issioner Dan Saltzm an. “ In ad d itio n to the C lu b ’s w ork w ith in d iv id u als in reco v ery , it co n tin u es to p rovide essen tial serv ices in the re d u c ­ tion o f crim e in the g eneral a re a .” In A pril, the C ity C o u n cil so u g h t the ex p ertise o f the PDC and req u ested the a g e n c y 's assistan ce in b rin g in g M iracles into the urban renew al area. PDC C h air M ark R osenbaum led the C o m m issio n ’s un an im o u s ap p ro v al by saying, “T h is is a te rrific p ro ject fo r an o rg an izatio n that has m ore than a d e ­ cade o f su ccess in p ro v id in g p rev en tio n and treatm en t serv ices.” Dr. Janies E a rl M assey McGuire Auditorium Tuesday, November 13 Community Chapel, 10:30 AM Pastors Luncheon-RSVP k D ont miss the opportunity to hear ne nationally renotvned author and preacher at McGuire Auditorium! Wednesday, November 14 Community Service, 7:00 PM Reception following Service Thursday, November 15 Community Chapel, 10:30 A M WARNER PACIFIC COLLEGE McGuire Auditorium is located at 2219 SE 68th Avenue, Portlan< photo by R aymond R endi eman /T iie P ortland O bserver For more information or to RSVP for the Pastors' l uncheon, please c A Sign o f Yesteryear: A reader board that is at least five years old advertises regular gasoline at ju st $1.14 a gallon, taunting drivers on Northeast Killingsworth Street. The repair shop no longer serves as a gas station. or visit us online at Gas Prices Sting The statew ide average price for gasoline jum ped seven cents to $3.07 per gallon this week. Gas prices on the national level have increased an average five and a half cents in the past week to $2.88. A cco rd in g to A A A , the in ­ crease in gas prices com es after crude oil hit a reco rd $93 per b a r­ rel on M onday. Driving While Distracted * “ - NEW SEASO NS M A R K E T NOW DELIVERING Y o u r f a v o r it e n e i g h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s t o r e n o w d e l iv e r s continued from Front T oday's cell phone is light years ahead of its clunky, boxy M iam i-Vice-looking ancestor of the early ‘90s. The Black­ berries and I-phones of today are portable, satellite-uplinked. Internet-accessing stock op­ tions for many people with music-video playing and other ac ce sso rie s that look like something out of Dulce and Star Trek. And though they seem like a necessity in today's fast-paced information age, the electronic devices relied upon for daily living are more and more be­ coming a risk to keeping your eyes on the road. g r o c e r i e s r ig h t t o y o u r h o m e o r o f f ic e . à Correction 60-year-old executive has more than 30 years experience in the The Portland O bserver regrets areas o f w orkforce and business some errors and false impressions developm ent. He plans to remain left from an Oct. 17 article titled active with O A M E even after his term as p resid e n t " B u s in e s s C e n te r ends, by serving as O bstacles." T h e s to ry r e ­ chair o f the OAM E Board of Directors. ferred back and forth T h e term "s u b ­ between the Oregon A ssociation o f M i­ standard" does not nority Entrepreneurs accurately describe the current condition and Brooks Staffing, of the G A M E build­ an d it s h o u ld be ing headquarters. made clear that these Jorge G uerra was are tw o separate o r­ Sam Brooks ganizations. the former Operating Sam Brooks, w ho heads both D irector ofO A M E . organizations, w ould never use The Portland O bserver regrets the term w heeler-dealer in de­ any harm the article may have scribing his professional life. The caused the Brooks family. w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up)