October 31, 2007 Il" $ ln r tla u ii « ^ « r u n - y ^ t page C4 Wild Mushroom Hunting The fall season 's lower temperatures and increased rainfall means that wild mush­ room season has finally arrived. Metro is offering a weekend class to help people identify and gather safe varieties of these ancient and elusive organisms. You will learn how to compare a range of poisonous and edible specimens and experience the amazing variety of shapes, colors, textures and smells that make these life forms so intriguing. Registration is required by calling 503-797-1715. T ib e ta n M y sticism -- Friday, GLIDE Nov. 2, the H ollyw ood Theatre, 4122 N.E. Sandy Blvd., will present the debut film Miarepa: Magician, Murderer, Saint. T he tale explores T ibetan m ysticism and a w orld o f dem ons, m agic, m urder and redem ption. 12 A n g ry People -- W ednesday, Oct. 31 through S at­ urday, Nov. 3, W ilson High School presents the intrigu­ ing tale o f a dissenting ju ro r in a m urder trial that slow ly convinces other ju ro rs to look m uch closer at the evidence. Perform ances begin at 7 p.m. with a 2 p.m. m atinee on Saturday. ......... bc per- form ing Saturday, Nov. 3, at 9:30 p.m ., at G em ini ’sin Lake O sw ego and on T uesday, Nov. 6, at 8 p.m ., at T illicum ’s in 6474. C la ssica l O r eg o n S y m p h o n y -- N adja Salem o- Sonnesnberg reunites w ith Jam es D ePreist for a classical program on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 3 and 4, at 7:3 0 p .m ., and on M onday, Nov. 5, at 8 p.m. For tickets, visit O rS ym phony.org or call 503-790- ARTS. D ark o f th e M oon - Friday and Saturday, Nov. 3 and 4, C leveland High School presents an engaging tale o f love, superstition and busybody neighbors. Per­ form ances begin at 7 p.m. Call 503-916-5120 for ticketing inform ation. Cannon’s Ribs Presents R ock A g ain st D iab etes N W - Saturday, Nov. 10. from noon to 10p.m., M cM enam in’s Kennedy School will host the concert to benefit Juvenile D iabetes Research Foundation; $20 donation at the door. Reggie Houston • Janice Scroggins Appearing Every Sunday 5 pm - 8 pm 5410 NE 33rd Ave. C arousels: T he A rt o f the A n im al-C u rren tly through Jan. 31, the W orld Forestry C enter D iscovery M u­ seum will present a m agnificent display o f antique hand-carved w ooden anim als; for more inform ation call 503-288-1367 or visit w orldforestry.org. Shopping Center of New Seasons La Carpa del Ausente O u t of th e (¡ra v e E n te rta in m e n t--M ira cle Theater sets Celebrating 50 Years of Service and Friendship Y ou are cordially i n vited to join The Portland C hapter o f The LINKS, Inc. aside time for all things morbid with a lively Day of the Dead show of dance, music and spectacle in “La C’arpa del Ausente,” a swinging salute to life during W orld W ar II and a poignant tribute to soldiers no longer with us. Shows run through Nov. 11. Tickets available at the theater box office, 525 S.E. Stark or by calling503-236-7253. T h e W o m en - A com plex dram atics o f love, betrayal, friendship, and rivalries among a group o f women com es to the stage at Lincoln High School, Thursday, Nov. 1 through Saturday. Performances begin at 7:30 p.m. For ticketing information, call 503-916-5200. S p ectacu lar photo-realistic anim ation brings creatures o f the deep to life in the n e w N a tio n a l G e o g r a p h ic O m nim ax film Sea M onsters: a Prehistoric A dventure, now play­ ing atO M S I. S e a M o n s te r s - fa r 2 Evenings of Celebration & Fun Community Reception Presenting The W estern A rea M eritorious A w ard To: Pastor M ary O verstreet Smith O n F rid a y , N o v em b er 2 ,2 0 0 7 6:00 P M - 8 :0 0 PM Legacy Em anuel A trium 2801 M /G atenbein Street Portland, O regon 97227 F ree A dm issio n G a la D in n e r & D an ce O n S a tu rd a y , N o v e m b e r 3 ,2 0 0 7 6:00 PM - No Host Social Hour 7:00 PM - D inner & Program 9:00 PM - Dance Em bassy Suites 3 1 9 S W Pine Street Portland. O regon 97204 $75.00 per person R S V P by O cto b e r 2 2 ,2 0 0 7 R eply To: Y vonne W illiam s 503.284.9485 - Y vonnmy m @gmai I .com O r Lolita D arby 503.289.7377 C ontributions may be Tax D eductible T ric k o r T reating - W ednesday, Oct. 3 1 , 4 :3 0 p.m . to 6 :3 0 p .m . at M cM enam in’s Kennedy School, 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. Don't miss the fun at this free event which will include perfor­ mances from the W i I lamette Radio Work- shop. S o Y ou Think Y ou C an D an ce - M ississippi B ash — W ednesday, O ct. 31 at 7 p.m., M ississippi Studios, 3939 N. M ississippi, hosts a H al­ low een oartv with live m usic and delicious food. T oys fo r K ids B enefit - Saturday, Nov. 3, The Norm an S ylvester Band will be one o f the m any great talents perform ing at the T ra il's End in O regon City; contact 5 0 3 - 2 8 6 - 6 4 7 4 fo r m o re in f o rm a tio n o r v is it norm ansylvester.com . E th n ic C lean sin g in A m erica - Film m aker M arco W illiam s' “ B anished," the story of A frican-A m erican families violently driven from their land betw een the Civil W ar and G reat D epression, plays Thursday, Nov. I at 7 p.m. in the W hitsell A uditorium at the Portland Art M useum as part o f the N orth­ w est Film C enter’s H um an Rights on Film T uesday. Nov. 27 at 8 p.m., see your favorite stars perform from the sizzling sum m er shoiv I i ve at the Rose Garden. For tickets, call 877-789- RO SE(7673). F estiv al o f T re e s — T hursday, Nov. 29, from 5:30 to 11 p.m., the 25th-annual Providence Festival o f Trees kicks o ff with an auction and dinner at the Oregon C onvention Center. Public show s available Friday, N ov.3 0 ,10a.m. to9p.m . andon Saturday, Dec. l.from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. V isit providence.org/ festivaloftrees for tickets. series. N o rm a n S y lv ester B and -- The Norm an Norman Sylvester H oliday Ale F estiv al - B eginning T hurs­ d ay , N ov. 29 th ro u g h S u n d ay , D ec. 2, from 11 a.m . to 10 p .m ., the 12th-annual festiv al at P io n ee r C o u rth o u se S q uare, 701 SW 6 th A ve., p ro v id es b eer lovers the o p p o rtu n ity to sam p le som e o r all o f the 36 rare h o lid ay beers featu red . V isit ho lid ay ale.co m o r co n tact 503-252-9899 fo r m ore in fo rm atio n .