Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 31, 2007, Page 14, Image 14

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* '''V a t i a n i . ©
b .e r o e r ^ tS
October 31. 2007
N eighborhood
T heatres
K ennedy S cho o l : 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave.
S T J ohns T heater & P ub : 8203 N. Ivanhoe St.
H ollywood T heater : 4122 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
M ission T heater : 1624 N.W . G lisan St.
N W F ilm C enter : 934 S .W. Salm on St.
C inema 21: 616 N.W . 21st Ave.
B agdad T h ea ter & P vb : 3702S .E .H aw throne
L avrelhi
T heater : 2735 E. Burnside St.
C linton S treet T hea ter : 2522 S.E. Clinton St.
O M N IM A X T iieather : 1945 S.E. W ater A ve.
American Gangster Opens Friday
Denzel Washington (left) and Russell Crowe star in American Gangster, opening nationwide on Friday,
Nov. 2. The film tells the true juggernaut story of a cult superstar from the streets of 1970s Harlem,
who rose to the heights of power by becoming the most ruthless figure in his business.
T he A cademy T heater : 7818 S.E. Stark St.
Jay-Z Regrets early ‘Retirement’
E dgefield : 2126S .W . H alsey St.
Vancouver, WA
C inetopia : 1 1700S.E. 7th St.
3(H) N.
(A P) — W ait a m inute, didn't Jay-Z say he
was retiring T W O album s ago?
"I w ant to never say that again," the 37-
year-old rap mogul says in X X L m agazine's
new issue. "Just make the album s, man. And
if one day people w ake up and it's four years
later, an d you h av e n 't
m ade another, they go,
‘ W ait a m inute, you're re­
tired!' I think that's best
for me."
"I think I pulled the re­
tirem ent ripcord too many
times. People looking at
me like, Please shut up.' I
w as looking at (his retire­
ment movie)' Fade to B lack'
the other day. I was em ­
b a r r a s s e d . I c o u ld n ’t
watch. I'm not playing with
you. I had to turn it off," he s a y s ."
was cringing."
Jay's new project is an albun
about his hustling days, inspirec
by the upcom ing film "A m ericar
G angster." T hat places him in com
petition with hot rappers o f the
m om ent — like Lil W ayne, whc
after Jay "retired" proclaim ed him ­
self the "greatest rapper alive.”
(503) 286-1339
Live Music Every Night
Fax (503) 286-7088
• H annah B ea’s, 3969 N.E. M artin L uther King Jr. Blvd., presents ja zz during its ‘Sunday Brunch Serenade'
from 11 a . m - 1 p.m. • Live jazz Sundays from 8:30 p.m. -1 1 :30p.m . at C lyde’s Prime Rib, 5474 N.E. Sandy, and
at the Blue M onk, 3341 S.E. Belm ont. • An open mic is held each M onday night at the Back-to-Back Café,
6 14 E. Burnside. • Live blues on M ondays from 9 p.m. to m idnight at Produce Row C afé, 204 S.E. O ak; the
Steinhaus, 2366 S.E. 82; M ississippi Studios, 939 N. M ississippi, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.; and at Jim m y M ac’s,
221 N.W . lO atSp.m . • B lu eso ffered u p W cd n esd ay satth eC an d lelig h tR o o m ,2 0 3 2 S .W .F ifth ;D u frsG arag e,
635 S.E. Seventh: and the Blue D iam ond, 2016 N.E. Sandy. • Jazz each W ednesday night at the Blue M onk,
the Portland A rt M useum , Jim m y M ac’s, and Ja x ’s, 26 S.W. Second. • O n T hursdays, catch the W om en in
Blues Revue at T illicu m 's, 8585 S.W . B eaverton-H illsdale. • Fridays and Saturdays offer live m usic around
the m etro area including H alibuts, 2525 N.E. A lberta St. M ississip p i Studios; L V ’s, 3530 N. V ancouver Ave.;
X V ’s, 15 S.W . Second; O ut o f the Blues, 2O5ON.W. Vaughn; M anila Express, 123OS.E. M ain; Steinhaus; One
Stop Records, 615 N.E. K illingsw orth; and the U -licious Sm okehouse, 4057 N. Interstate.
$ 1 — off Any Dinner
Best tasting Fish in town
*4 Burger and Fries $2.99
Melt in your mouth PhillySteak