Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 31, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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    il’c JJortlanb (©bseruer
October 31. 2007
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Portland Life Chain
N ovem ber 4 , 2 0 0 7
3 : 0 0 to 4 : 0 0 p m
Priest Serves
Gresham Church
On M LK Jr. Blvd.
From K illingsw orth to Burnside
All are Invited to Pray For A11 Life:
Father C harles W ood, w ho for­ arts. As an older teen, he becam e
merly served Holy Redeem er and active in the Catholic C harism atic
Sacred Heart C hurches in Portland, Renew al m ovem ent. H is under­
has returned to the metro area and graduate studies in econom ics and
is now serving as the parochial governm ent, and graduate studies
v ic a r at St. H en ry C h u rc h in in theology took place at the U ni­
versity o f Notre Dame.
W ood had careers in new spaper
W ood is a priest o f the Portland
Archdiocese and a m em ber of the reporting, m agazine w riting and
Brotherhood o f the People o f Praise, m arketing before his studies and
an international, primarily lay com ­ form ation for the priesthood. He
munity with members who belong to w orked for the C atholic N ew s Ser­
many different Christian churches. vice in W ashington, D.C. and for
The Brotherhood is a group o f men the new spaper o f the A rchdiocese
in the People o f Praise who sense a o f W ashington. His w ork also ap ­
call to permanent celibacy, sim plic­ peared in U.S. C atholic, O u r Sun­
ity and a com m on life of prayer, ser­ day V isitor and the daily new spa­
per o f South Bend, Indiana, where Fr. Charles Wood is the parochial vicar at St. Henry church in
vice and apostolic activity.
Born in W ashington, D .C ., Fa­ he lived for 15 years.
A fter h is o rd in atio n in July ferred to as a sso cia te p asto r) at through last July, he w as on as-
ther W ood especially sees the in­
fluence o f the nation’s capitol in his 2000, F ath er W ood w as the p a ro ­ H oly R ed eem er C h u rch and Sa- sig n m en t for th e P eo p le o f P raise
strong interests in politics and the chial v icar (m o re co m m o n ly re- c re d H eart. F rom su m m er 2002 in M in n eap o lis/S t. Paul.
In Loving Memory o f
Funeral services were held Thurs­
day, Oct. 25 in Inglewood, Calif., for
Sandra Ann Penney-Olia, a former
Portland resident.
She was bom April 22, 1945 in
Birmingham, Ala., and later moved to
Portland where she was married and
had four sons; Avery, Dewayne,
Gregory, and Darryl Penney. She
moved to San Francisco and later to
Los Angeles, where she had two
daughters; Nicole Penney and Stacie
She advanced her education whi le
Author Says Know Yourself
Page B5
the Womb
Our Families
the Handicapped
the Elderly and Infirm
Those Hurt by Abortion
C o n ta ct Brian A d din gton
5 0 3 -3 57-8342
Radio Deluxe with John Pizzareili is focused
exclusively on playing American standards
recorded by a growing number of new performers,
along with the “greats” who have influenced them.
Saturdays at noon on 89.1 FM
Sandra Ann Penney-Olia
attending South W est College in
California, majoring in accounting.
Finally afteryears o f working in retail
and becoming a manager o f a local
grocery store, she became a hom e­
Sandra loved gardening, animals,
entertaining guests, listening to
music and collecting jewelry. Her
voice, spunk, smile and kindness will
surely be missed by her six children,
15 grandchildren, four brothers, and
a host o f cousins, family, friends and
all who cam e in contact with her.
Effective, low cost Legal Counseling
on any legal question you may have.
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$35 for an hour consultation.
Don't be in the dark about legal
questions, ask Attorney Sona Joiner
at 503-241-1113
««A TI
State Farm*'
"We're not digging up old arrangements; we're
creating new ideas. That's what's so beautiful about
interpretation. This music, it's not about age as much
as it is about style, and about always trying to move
the music forward." lohn Pizzareili
North Portland
Bible College
' » __________________
@ 1®
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710
■ Speaker: /. W. Matt Hemiessec
Michael E Harper Agent
Darren L. Johnson
“ In to d a y ’s c ra z y an d m ixed
up w o rld , it is so c ritic a l that
w e learn how to take the tim e
to ‘step a w a y ’ fro m the c r a z i­
n e s s a n d g e t to k n o w o u r ­
se lv e s ,” sa y s a u th o r an d p e r­
so n a l d e v e lo p m e n t c o a c h
D arre n L. Jo h n so n .
K now n as the L etting G o Pro,
Jo h n so n 's book. L etting G o o f
Stuff, available on A m azon.com ,
is designed to assist the reader in
m aking long-term changes and
teach how to focus only on w hat
w e can control.
“A t the end o f the day, self re­
design from the inside-out is one
o f the few th in g s w e co n tro l.
W hat w e do, say, feel about, and
chan g e - abou t o u rselv e s - is
w h a t c o u n ts th e m o s t,” sa y s
Johnson, w ho has been speaking
and w riting abut letting go since
1994, long before it b ecam e a
Johnson says one o f the ch a l­
lenges m any e x p e rie n c e w hen
entering into a new relationship is
that they en ter w ith the intent on
changing the oth er person. A c­
cording to the book, it is critical
to get to know yourself, before
entering into a relationship with
som eone else.
Senior Pastor
Vancouver Avenue
First Baptist Church
W e m oved to our new location at:
9713 S.W. Capitol
Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
■ Where: Ramada Inn
6221 NE82nd Avenue
Portland, Oregon
Rev. H.L, Hodge, Ph.D. Pastor/Teacher
A new door has been opened. Northwest Voice
For Christ Community Church is now worshipping
in the New Jerusalem building at a new time.
“The Faithful C hurch” (R evelations 3:7-13)
I Thessalonians5:24
■ Time: 6:00pm for Silent Auction
Church of the Good Shepherd, 4566 NE 87th
(Comer ofNE Going & 87th)
■ Dinner at 7:00pm
Saturday, November 3,2007
H ta.m .-ft p.m.
Sunday, November4,2007
1 p.m .- 4 p.m.
“The Voice Speaks”
■ Theme: "Responding to the Faithfulness o f Cod"
Featured items or attractions:
• Beautiful hom em ade knitted and crocheted items
> Variety o f ethnic gift item s
• Fish Dinners
• Baked holiday pastries
For more information please
leave a message (50/) 262-8201
■ Contact Office: 503.288.2919
■ Cost: $40/person ($45 at the door)
L egal N otices
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or notice? Need an affidavit of
p u b licatio n
efficiently? Please fax or e-mail
your notice for a free price quote!
Fax: 503 288 0015
The Portland Observer
“ K eeping It Real Je su s’ W ay’
Join us each Sunday!
Time: 9 A.M.
1637 N E Killingsworth St., Portland, Oregon
You arc w elcom e to jo in us in w orship and praise; we are the
obedient, faithful church speaking the W O RD- G o d ’s way!
Your Care
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S how y o u r lo v e fo r th e