www. port landobserver. com Committed to Cultural Diversity October 24. 2007 Rockies, Red Sox M etro ^jJortlanh (Obstruer /com m unity C a le n d a r Girl Scouts Beyond Bars A fundraiser to celebrate 10 years o f G irl Scouts Beyond Bars, a program fo r girls ages 5-17 w ith mothers at the Coffee Creek Correctional F a cility, takes place Tuesday, Oct. 25 fro m 5:30 to 8 p.m. in the H o sp ita lity Suite on the Fourth F lo o r o f the N W Natural bu ild in g , 220 N .W . Sec­ ond Ave. G irl Scouts and their mothers submitted their favorite recipes fo racook- book to be sold at the event. For more inform ation, call 503-977-6805. Ballot Measure Forum Thursday, Oct. 25 at 7 p.m., the League o f W om en Voters and the National C ouncil o f Jewish Women w ill present a forum to discuss B allot Measures 49 and 50. The p ublic is invited to this free event at 501 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd. Home Buying Fair Saturday, Oct. 27, fro m 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., the Portland Development C om m is­ sion w ill be sponsoring an A frican-A m eri­ can H o u s in g F a ir to p ro m o te hom eow nership o p p o rtu n itie s at the Emanuel H ospital M e d ica l B u ild in g A triu m , 501 N. Graham St. V is it pdc.us/ housing or call 503-823-3400 fo r more inform ation. Sorority Waffle Breakfast Saturday, Oct. 27, fro m 9 a.m. to noon, Delta Sigma Theta w ill serve delicious w affles w ith a sm ile at the Augustana Lutheran Church, 2710 N.E. 14th; $5 tic k ­ ets are available at the door. Widmer Evening Out Tuesday, Oct. 30, fro m 4 to 11 p.m ., fans o f W id m e r B rew ing and the W idm er Gasthaus, 929 N. Russell, can spend an enjoyable evening out w hile helping to feed homebound seniors; h a lf o f all pro­ ceeds benefit the M L K Loaves & Fishes Center. Call 503-281 -3333 fo r reservations. St. Charles Spaghetti Sunday, Nov. 4, fro m noon to 6:30 p.m., St. Charles Church, 5310 N.E. 42nd, in ­ vites guest to enjoy the delicious four- course spaghetti dinner and raffle. Take­ out service is available; adults $9, kids $5; fo r more inform ation, contact 503-281- 6461. Weatherization Workshops Thursday, Oct. 18, from 6 to 8 p.m., the C o m m u n ity Energy Project, 422 N.E. A lberta, w ill host free educational w o rk ­ shops to self-w eatherize your home; q u a lifyin g participants w ill receive a free w eatherizing kit. Free weatherization is available for seniors. Call 503-284-6827 to register. in World Series Boston to open series at home jk o/ * community service see Sports page B6, inside Restoring a Community Legend Entertain nent night to support Billy Webb Elks by R aymond R endleman T he P ortland O bserver A liv in g institution o f com m unity pride is getting some help to refurbish its b u ild ­ ing and continue its historic mission for years to come. One by one, longtim e landmarks o f Portland’ s A frican-A m erican com m unity have disappeared o r lost their original owners. The B illy Webb Elks Lodge on North T illa m o o k Street, one o f the oldest such buildings, faces the prospect o f this fate w ith a determination to persevere. T h a t’ s w h y Jennifer D ishm an, the lodge’ s manager, has enlisted the help o f Wanda B roadous-M ills, a local entertain­ ment promoter, to schedule a series o f special fundraisers at the lodge, including this Friday, Oct. 26 at 9:30 p.m. w ith live music, DJs, raffles and food. A $5 cover and all other donations w ill go to the B illy Webb Elks Lodge 1050restoration project. B roadous-M ills sent out a mass letter emphasizing the fun that everyone could have w h ile m aking the e ffo rt to restore the legendary space. “ We are asking fo r your help in keeping gentrification from com ing in and taking our N orth Portland Elks away from the people,” B roadous-M ills says. “ I t ’ s our last watering hole and place fo r live enter­ tainment o f all kinds. When i t ’ s gone i t ’ s gone.” The lodge has been identified as one o f the most vulnerable A frican-A m erican landmarks in the w hole Pacific Northwest. B u ilt in 1921, the bu ilding served as an A frican-A m erican Y W C A and a meeting place fo r the N A A C P before the E lk s c iv ic group took over its management. The Elks s till give o r rent out the large meeting space inside fo r many types o f concerts and events. The b u ild in g ’ s leadership now fears that, barring m ajor structural renovations, the c o m m u n ity’ s meeting space faces sig­ n ificant structural risk. “ The bottom line is that w e’ re in dire need o f a roof,” says Dishman. "R ig h t now that’ s the main issue, because w ithout a ro o f you can’ t do m uch.” photo in M ark W ashington / T iie P ortland O bserver Jennifer Dishman welcomes the public to the Elks Lodge chapter she manages on North Tillamook Street at Williams Avenue. Annual Rummage Sale The G atlin Gable Rummage Sale opens Thursday evening, N ov. 1. and co n tin ­ ues w ith 10 a.m. openings through Sun­ day. N ov. 4 at the Portland Expo Center. A dm ission is free. Green Gift That Grows Friends o f Trees is o ffe rin g the g ift that keeps on grow ing, plant a tree o r a grove i n honor or memory o f someone; fo r more inform ation, visit friendsoftrees.org. Raymond Alexander Art Thursday, Oct. 25, at 6:30p.m . and Satur­ day, Oct. 27, at 5 p.m., the T a lkin g Drum Bookstore, 446 N.E. K illin g s w o rth , in ­ vites guests to experience a special ap­ pearance o f Raymond Alexander, who has shown mastery o f Abaca A rt; fo r more inform ation,call 503-288-4106. Kenton Puppet Shows Penny’ s Puppet Productions and the his­ toric Kenton Fire House, 8105 N. Bran­ don A ve., team up to present regular puppet shows featuring: ‘ Sweet Tooth the G host’ on Friday, Oct. 26, at 10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. V is it PennyPuppets.com orcal 1503-282-9207 fo r more information. Learn to Make Recycled Art Portland C om m unity College offers a hands-on training to create art from re­ cycled materials;classes w ill be held at the R eBuilding Center, 3625 N. Mississippi; call 503-731 -6622 for more information. Literacy Volunteers Needed The V olunteer Literacy Program at Port­ land Com m unity Col lege’ s Cascade Cam­ pus needs volunteer tutors to provide free individualized instruction in basic literacy, English language and math skills. For more inform ation, contact 503-244- 3898 o r visit oregonlitcracy.org. phoios a> R aymond R endi eaian /T iie P ortland O bserver A police officer stands guard and U.S. Army personnel march in the evacuated Lloyd District following a bomb scare at the Doubletree hotel last Thursday that shut down Benson High School and the Max lines that run through the area. Midtown Lockdown Drill becomes real thing in Lloyd District by R aymond R endleman T he P orti . and O bserver Federal o ffic ia ls warned o f possible disruptions related to last week’ s terror­ ism drills, hut apparently no one was count­ ing on shutting down a half-dozen central streets just before rush hour. When three police dogs indicated the presence o f an explosive device in the parking structure at the Doubletree I .loyd Center hotel, a quarter-m ile radius was closed o ff and evacuated Thursday, sepa­ rating hundreds o f government workers from their cars, and fo r the afternoon shut­ ting down Benson High School and Max lines through the area. Getting a taste o f the potential fo r actual responses to terrorism, busloads o f com ­ s muters anil students shuttled around the site w hile confusion reigned along the police lines. Various workers and shoppers who could not get to their cars in parking lots repeatedly asked officers if or when they could retrieve their ve­ hicles. Som etimesexplaining that it was a d rill and sometimes indicating a bomb threat, officers told them to come back continued on pone H.i