Ih Page A6 ^Jorthutb ©bseruer Caramel Apples Sweet Creations on a Stick F ood Looking for a way to spice up this traditional Halloween treat? Here are some recipes for taking caramel apples to the next level. • Use a combination of different colored apples: red, green and yel­ low. • C hoose uniform -sized apples— small apples work best. • Substitute chocolate caram els for traditional. • Before dipping apples in cara­ Peanut Butter Crunch Apples "App/e.v and peanut butter are a classic combination. Surprise your f riends this fall with this crispy peanut butter cookie coaled caramel apple cre­ ation. " DIRECTIONS 1. Insert wooden sticks 3/4 o f the way into the stem end o f each apple. Place apples on a cookie sheet covered with lightly greased aluminum foil. 2. Com bine caram els and w ater in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring often, until caramel melts and is smooth. Stir in the vanilla. D ipeach apple into the caramel and gently run apples around insides o f saucepan to scrape o ff som e o f the caramel. October 24. 2007 mel, set them on an even surface an d cu t half-inch slices in the top o f each apple to ensure that the sticks poke straight up. • Dip apples in one quick motion; let excess caram el drip off. Holding apple upright, press toppings into caram el to hold them in place. • Use latex gloves (available at drug­ Scrape excess caram el from the apple bottom s using the side o f the saucepan. 3. Spread the chopped cookies out on a dinner plate. Roll caramel apples in the cookies and place on the alum inum foil. Place the milk chocolate and white chocolate into separate m icrow ave-safe bowls. 4. Heat in the microwave at .30 second intervals, stirring between each, until melted and smooth. Drizzle milk chocolate over the apples, and then drizzle the white chocolate overthe milk chocolate. Refrigerate until ready to serve. INGREDIENTS SAFEWAY 0 Ingredients for life stores) when pressing on toppings. • Use a pastry bag with a small tip and melted chocolate to make polka dots. • S eld ippedappleson w axsquares or parchm ent paper. And remember: caram el apples are alw ays best eaten the same day they are made! • 6 G ranny Sm ith apples • 6 w ooden sticks • 1 (14 ounce) package individu- ally w rapped caram els, unw rapped • 2 tablespoons w ater • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract • 3 cups chopped peanut butter filled sandwich cookies • 4 ounces milk chocolate, chopped • 4 o u n c e s w h ite c h o c o la te , ch o p p ed S'mores Apples “Caramel apples are studded with graham crackers and marshmallows and drizzled with chocolate fo r a treat you can't get enough of. ” INGREDIENTS • 6 Granny Sm ith apples • 6 w ooden sticks • 1 (14ounce) package individually wrapped caram els, unw rapped • 2 tablespoons w ater • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract Rancher's Reserve Angus Boneless Beef London Broil Pork Shoulder Blade Roast Bone-in. SAVE up to $1.70 lb DIRECTIONS 1. Insert w ooden sticks 3/4 o f the way into the stem end o f each apple. Place apples on a cookie sheet covered with lightly greased alum inum foil. 2. Com bine caram els and w ater in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring often, until caram el melts and is smooth. Stir in the vanilla. D ipeaeh apple into the caram el and gently run apples around insides o f saucepan to scrape o ff som e o f the caram el. Scrape excess caram el from the apple bottom s using the side o f the saucepan. 3. Com bine the miniature m arshm allows and graham crackers on adinner plate. Roll the apples in the mixture toeoat. Place on the alum inum foil and chill. 4. Put the chocolate chips in a m icrow ave-safe bowl. Cook in the m icrow ave for 30 second intervals, stirring between each, until melted and smooth. Drizzle over the apples and return them to the refrigerator until ready to serve. SAVE up to $2.60 lb Safeway Chicken Thighs or Drumsticks Extra Large Cooked Shrim p Fresh Grade A. SAVE up to 20 1 lb 31 to 40-Ct Tail-on. Frozenthawed SAVE up to $2 00 lb ter ‘ aims f.hicke 1 JQ h 1 “ s7 • 1 1 / 2 cups m iniature m arshm al­ lows • 1 1/2 cups crushed graham crack­ ers • 1 cup sem i-sw eet chocolate chips S H K ÌII) ■ EJ4ŒLLENCE ’ Rocky Road Caramel Apples numiweai uiuwii Honeycrtsp Apples SAVE up to $1 SI lb 5-lb. Box Satsuma Mandarins “Caramel apples are taken down a rocky road by rolling in marshmallows and pecans. A dark chocolate drizzle finishes them off. ” Fresh Express Spinacl or Coleslaw Salads SAVE up to $4.00 ea. 9 to 16-oz. package Selected varieties Club Price St 00 ea. SAVE up to $1 79 ea INGREDIENTS • 6 Granny Sm ith apples • 6 w ooden sticks • l(1 4 o u n ce ) package individually wrapped caram els, unw rapped • 2 tablespoons w ater • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract For Your Guests • 1 1 / 2 cups m iniature m arshm al­ lows • 1 1/2 c u p s ch o p p e d p ecan s, to asted • I cup sem isw eet chocolate chips DIRECTIONS 1. Insert w ooden sticks 3/4 o f the way into the stem end o f each apple. For The Kids K e n d a ll-J a c k s o n , Edna V a lle y or E o la H ills Lucerne M ilk Gallon Whole 2%. 1% Skim Supreme or Fat Free At checkstand lirst item will scan at regular price, second item will reflect savings. 750-ml. Selected varietals SAVE up to 00 se «mar» I D re y e r's G rand 1 Ic e C re a m 1.75-qt. Selected varieties SAVE up to $6 49 011 2 H e rshe y's. M a rs o r N e s tlé F u n Size 10 Io 13-oz SetActwl '.'Ofielws WtMte Supplies lost1 Place apples on a cookie sheet covered with lightly greased alum inum foil. 2. Com bine caram els and w ater in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring often, until caram el melts and is smooth. Stir in the vanilla. 3. Dip each apple into the caram el and gently run apples around insides o f saucepan to scrape o ff som e o f the caram el. Scrape excess caram el from the apple bottom s using the side o f the saucepan. 4. Com bine the m iniature m arshm allow s and pecans on a dinner plate. Roll the apples in the mixture toeoat. Place on the alum inum foil and chill. 5. Put the chocolate chips in a m icrow ave-safe bowl. C ook in the m icrow ave for 30 second intervals, stirring betw een each, until melted and smooth. D rizzle over the apples and return them to the refrigerator until ready to serve. Cherry Almond Caramel Apple Explosion 12-Pack Coca-Cola. Pepsi or 7-Up Lay's Potato or Doritos Tortilla Chips 2 4 -P a c k Bud, M ille r o r Coors 12-oz cans Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $10.98 on 4 12 5 to 13.75-oz Lay's or 12.25 to 13-oz. Doritos Selected varieties. SAVE up to $3 49 on 2 12-oz. cans. Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $4 00 VALID FOR 8 DAYS THRU HALLOWEEN Oiler valid Wednesday. October 24 thru Wednesday. October 31. Minimum $10 Purchase. SAFEW AY Si COUPON SAFEW AY V COUPON SAFEW AY » 8 DAYS ONLY! 8 DAYS ONLY! October 24 thru October 31 October 24 thru October 31 COUPON 8 DAYS ONLY! October 24 thru October 31 Must Buy 2 _ SAFEW AY S COUPON 8 DAYS ONLY! October 24 thru October 31 _ ■ ^for with ijr d and toupon le n t i, Kit Kat or Snickers Snark Size te n w u jv « UM' tW * « with r.ird and roupor, with card and roupon Duracell CopperTop Batteries fu» II-» Sib l«4U Safeway Apple Juice Red Baron Pizza LAN 1 p u r of 2. WiM-'ibjm $10 »xh» 64-07 COUPONS? IOÓÓÓ 0 8 9 9 7 0 ""OOOOO 08998 for the circled prices $RR£R COUPONS? VHfl 1&WJ7 thru 1031 «7 COUm CAM QT H OQUfefO o " " 0 0 0 0 (7 0 8 8 1 6 eBay gift cards now available in our Gift Card Mall. in this ad and in-store. I, ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. ^w-****^ INGREDIENTS • 6 G ranny Sm ith apples • 6 w ooden sticks • I cup sem isw eet chocolate chips • I (14 ounce) package individu­ ally wrapped caram els, unw rapped • 2 tablespoons water • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1 1 / 2 cups dried cherries • I cup sliced alm onds .ane’iw, limd ’ Witt Minimum $10 vnhrdtw $RR£R COUPONS? O ctober with card and coupon “Caramel apples get all dressed up in this delightful cherry, almond and chocolate extrava­ ganza. ” Items * p r im in this jd ire available i t your local Safeway stores. No sales to dealers, restaurants or institution» Sales in retail quantities only. Quantities of some items may be lim ited and submit -»«nubility. Not re rypogripn al or ptetorul errors We reserve the nght to correct all printed errors.On Buy One, Get One l-ree C BO GO *) offers, customer must purchase the first item to receive the second item free B fX .O offer» are not I If only a single item purchased, the regular price applies.Manufacturers' coupons may be used on purchased items only - not on free items. < 2007 Safeway Stores, Inc. DIRECTIONS 1. Insert w ooden sticks .3/4 o f the way into the stem end o f each apple. Place apples on a cookie sheet covered with lightly greased aluminum foil. Place the chocolate chips into a m ierow ave-sale bowl. Heat in the m icrow ave at 30 second intervals, stirring between each until chocolate is melted and smooth. Set aside. 2. Com bine caramel sand water in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring often, until caram el melts and is smooth. Stir in the vanilla. D ipeaeh apple into the caram el and gently run apples around insides o f saucepan to scrape o ff som e o f the caram el. Scrape excess caram el from the apple bottom s using the side o f the saucepan. 3. Roll apples in mixture o f cherries and almonds. Place on the aluminum foil. Use a spoon to drizzle chocolate over the apples. If the chocolate is too thick, thin by mixing with a little vegetable oil. Chill until ready to serve.