Page A3 October 24. 2007 Light Skin Promotion Outrages Club owner says he didn’t mean to offend ( AP) - Y asinine Toney describes herself as a "dark-skinned sista.” So when she heard about a lub promotion in Detroit, allowing all- night free admission to black women with fair or light skin, she was in­ censed. “It’s offensive,” Toney said. “It continues a negative stereotype.” “ I’m perceived to be aggressive, assertive, attitude-having... a lot of things, because my complexion is darker,” said the 24-year-old recep­ tionist. The party was canceled last week after its promoter, who is black, received dozens of complaints. How black women are viewed— and treat each other — depending on the hue of their skin, eye color, and the length and grade of their hair has long been a point of con­ tention for many in the black com­ munity. Many women with lighter skin frequently are accused of believing they are better than those with darker complexions. Many women with brown ordark-brown complex­ ions complain that they too often are not treated as well socially or professionally as those with fairer skin. Ulysses Barnes, who goes by the name DJ Lish, says he canceled his “Light Skinned Women” pro­ motion after complaints rolled in from women, activists and organi­ zations across the country. “1 thought it was a brilliant pro­ motion at the time,” said Barnes. Highland Christian Center 78th & NE Glisan Wednesday * October 31st 7-9pm yc>M.'R.e iN virer» Y asm ine Toney, right, w as in c e n se d when s h e heard about a club prom otion allowing free adm ission to black w om en with fair or light skin. (AP photo) who has spent the last several days apologizing to people. “I didn’t anticipate any type of feedback. It was just a party thing.” Barnes, 27, also canceled future “sexy chocolate” and “sexy cara­ mel” promotions andj ust wants the controversy to go away. But Detroit author and anti-rac­ ism advocate Elizabeth Atkins be­ lieves it’s time for open, effective dialogueon how black women truly see and interact with one another. ‘T he celebrated standard of black beauty have been the Lena Hornes of the world,” said Atkins, referring to the fair-skinned singer and ac- tress who became one of the most popular black performers in the 1940s and 1950s. "It’s been the fair­ skinned, straighter hair, biggereyes and pointed nose.” Atkins and Los Angeles author and women’s movement activist Pearl Jr. say media portrayals of black women feed into the stereo­ types that are perpetuated by blacks. Women who should be embrac­ ing their shared racial and cultural heritage instead harbor suspicion and resentment, Atkins said. Symposium Tackles Mental Health An impressive list of experts on m e n ta l-h e a lth issu es w ill speak downtown this weekend as part of a meeting of female African-American lawmakers. The National O rganization of Black Elected Legislative Women conference opens 7:30 a.m. on Friday at the Hilton, 921 S.W. Sixth Ave., with addresses from Oregon Senators M argaret Carter and Jackie W inters. S a tu rd a y ’s w o rk sh o p s are capped o ff with a keynote from Judge Karen Freem an-W ilson, a form er Indiana attorney general w ho w ill hig h lig h t her w ork against drugs and dangerous driv­ ing. For more information, cal 1503- 227-5591. «qAMESg P R JZ .es s m kb s® 02m Sponsored By F O R M O R E IN F O R M A T IO N Cencr 7600 NE Glisan St. CALL 503.287.9567 Portland, OR 97213 . . . . . . . . Dr. W. G. Hardy, Jr., Senior Pastor This ad w ould w ork a lot better if y o u d asked to see it. T h a t’s th e g e n iu s o f a d v e rtis in g in Y a h o o ! s e a rc h re s u lts . S P E C IA L O F F E R : M O N E Y -B A C K S A T IS F A C T IO N G U A R A N T E E . S ig n u p fo r S p o n s o r e d S e a rc h b y D e c e m b e r 31, 2 0 0 7 a n d t r y it f o r a t le a s t 14 d a y s . If y o u ’re n o t c o m p le t e ly s a tis fie d w it h y o u r r e s u lts , w e ’ ll r e fu n d y o u u p t o $ 3 0 0 in c lic k c h a rg e s .* H u r r y —th is o f f e r Y a H o o . i SEARCH M A R K E T IN G is a v a ila b le fo r a lim it e d tim e o n ly . C o n n e c t w it h c u s to m e r s s e a r c h in g f o r w h a t y o u s e ll. S ig n u p to d a y . S E A R C H M A R K E T IN G .Y A H O O .C O M /S E A R C H A D S I C a ll 8 6 6 - 2 5 0 - 7 5 7 4 a n d m e n t io n p r o m o c o d e U S 2 3 1 9 J .. •Off»» Oxe'T.tKrr IT 2007 »t »1 3» PM PS t Orw* *o -lew cu»tom»r« only wHn »igf uo for us'ng tb» oromo t A *<»/. «*> -••• >« *r who no* «tor’itto i - ' • r *• e '»•und you h«*» Soc,’*o»R >' no to tfu » < 1 mu»’ b*’wMo *» <0 o* »tor-ng »«» r »• w »u r»O c l o y s **»♦ o* >»»u* r**u*».t t-. ,» i n Atlvo»r * » r a --.| L tp ic M m m when you <>gn T *« « •*<» »»fund '<•>• w f Omovnf r»r»»»«A < b»rg»» you» ecc«»»» he» •• 0* IN» i«v r>a refurwtod e»«itt»d wofuo Cuammor» only ye«» >”**» wrtvo r»o w> a- m he Sd r • , . i**,»*)^ v t» l4 W CO©vr » t it < ¿ 0 0 7 »nc At» MQf* • ' « • » * * « d A D -O »O ’ -?521 m c