Eh Page A2 v IJnrthutù (îDbseruer October 24. 2007 Southern California Fires Spreading Flames near impossible to fight (A P) — W alls o f w ind-w hipped flam es c o n su m ed h u n d red s o f hom es across tinder-dry Southern C ali fom ia on T uesday, and authori - ties ordered people in more than 350,000 hom es to flee the fires. The blazes bedeviled firefighters as fires roared from m ountain passes to the edges o f the state's celebrated coastline, spreading so quickly that even hotels serving as tem porary shelters for evacuees had to be evacuated. T w o people have been killed. By day three, the dozen wildfires had burned more than 1,300 homes and businesses, and the destruc­ tion may only be the start for the region. W ith tem peratures rising and wind gusts rem aining fierce, the flam es were proving nearly im ­ possible to fight. M a rilee B ishop o f R unning Springs and her 10 year-old-daugh­ ter, Erica, rubbed their red eyes Tuesday m orning as they w oke up in a W al-M art parking lot where they spent the night after being forced to leave their home. "No one ever expects something like this to happen to them." said Bishop, as thick smoke rose in the skies behind her. Since they began Sunday, the fires have burned at least 373,000 acres,or 583 square miles — an area larger than New York City. Fully a quarter o f the Cal ifornia coast was ablaze. Flames climbed halfway to­ w ard the N evada line, chew ing through chunks o f seven counties and devastating num erous co m ­ munities. the region T hursday, W hite House press secretary D ana Perino said. "All o f us across this nation are concerned for the families w ho have lost their hom es and the many fam i­ lies w ho have been evacuated from their homes," Bush said. "W e send the help of the federal government." Fire crew s and fleeing residents d escrib ed d esp erate co n d itio n s that were sure to get worse. T em ­ peratures across Southern C alifor­ nia were about 10 degrees above average and were expected to ap­ proach 100 degrees T uesday in At least 3 4 6 ,0 0 0 h o m es — roughly one in three, according to census data — were ordered to evacuate in San D iego C ounty alone, sh eriff s officials said. State officials were still struggling to es­ tim ate how many people had tied. As the fires spread, m ost out of control, sm aller blazes m erged into larger, more fearsome ones. Evacu­ ations were being announced in one com m unity after another as firefighters found them selves over­ w helm ed by gale-force Santa Ana winds, som e gusting to 70 mph. Firefighters b a ttle a wildfire in th e D el D ios a rea o f E scondido, Calif. partm ent o f Forestry and Fire Pro­ tection. Thousands o f residents sought shelter at fairgrounds, schools and com m unity centers. T he largest gathering was at Q ualcom m Sta­ dium in San D iego, w here up to 10,000evacuees anxiously watched the stadium 's television sets, hop­ ing for a glim pse o f their neighbor­ hood on the local news. San D iego M ayor Jerry Sanders pleaded for donations o f blankets, cots, pil­ lows and food for the people stay­ ing there, and officials said more people were expected to arri ve Tues­ day. The w ildfires claim ed at least two lives. An unidentified civilian died o f burns in a fire in Santa Clarita, in northern Los A ngeles County, L'.S. Forest Service spokes­ man Jay Nichols said. A nother man, S m o k e billow s to th e s k y a b o v e w h ere fires are sp re a d in g n ea r h o u s e s in S te v e n s o n R anch, Calif. M ore th a n 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 p e o p le w ere o rd e red to e v a c u a te a c r o s s California on T u e sd a y a s fero cio u s w ildfires ra g ed u n c h e c k e d for a third day. HOLIDAY BAZAAR Church of the Good Shepherd, 4566 NE 87th k (Comer of NE Going & S7th) Saturday, N ovem ber 3,2007 10 a .m .- 6 p.m. Sunday, N ovem ber4,2007 1 p .m .- 4 p.m. Featured ite m so r a ttra c tio n s: • Beautiful hom em ade îkm k aittedaruR ttei rocheteiD tem s items • Variety of ethnic gift t it • Fish Dinners • Baked holiday pastries A uthorities hadn't even begun to estim ate the dollar value o f the dam age in some o f the hardest-hit areas. A fire that struck Ram ona, a city outside San Diego, had de­ stroyed 650 structures. A blaze near Fallbrook, on the eastern edge o f Cam p Pendleton, wiped out another 5(M), or three buildings for every one firefighter allocated to it. And 200 more buildings bunted in a fire just south o f Potrero, across from the M exican city o f Tecate. President Bush declared a fed­ eral em ergency for seven counties, a move that will speed disaster- relief efforts, and planned to visit O range and San D iego counties. D eputies arrested two men for looting in the community of Ramona, and there w ere a handful o f other looting cases reported, said San D iego S h eriffs Lt. M ike M cClain. The fires were exploding and shooting em bers in all directions, preventing crew s from form ing tra­ ditional fire lines and severely lim ­ iting aerial bom bardm ent, officials said. "Lifesaving is our priority. G et­ ting people out from in front o f the fire — those have been our priori­ ties," said C apt. D on C am p, a spokesm an for the C alifornia D e­ T hom as V arshock, 52, was found dead Sunday. O verall, 45 people have been injured, 16 o f them firefighters. A dozen firefig h ters battling blazes in O range County had to deploy em ergency shelters, a last resort w hen they are surrounded by flam es, O range County Fire A uthority C h ief Chip Prather said. "They should not have had to do that," he said, com plaining that quicker air support from the state might have snuffed those blazes before they blew up. "If we'd had the resources earl ier to take care o f those lines with hand crews, we wouldn't have been in that situation." In San D iego C ounty, public schools w ere closed, as were cam ­ puses at the U niversity o f C alifor­ nia, San D iego and San D iego State University. Money Wanted for College Expansion For more infomiutimi pieuse leave a message (503) 262-8201 PCC to prepare 2008 bond levy Are You an Information Technology Professional? The Citv of Portland Bureau of Technology Sen ices will announce and discuss the re-opening of the Flexible Sendees contract for technology sendees. Come and learn about contracting opportunities from bureau IT project managers. Faced with a rapidly growing com m unity and increased dem and for w ell-trained w orkers, the Port­ land Com m unity C ollege Board o f D ire c to rs on T h u rs d a y v o te d unanim ously to consider a capital im provem ent property tax for all four main cam puses o f the college system . The board directed college staff to prepare a bond proposal for the November 2(X)8 General Election to address the co lleg e 's grow th and educational needs. Preston Pulliam s, district presi­ dent. explained the need for a bond m easure now. "I, is P C C 's role to serve the Portland area, to educate students, to train the w orkforce, to provide access to anyone w ho wants the services we have to offer. But as the com m unity grows, so too must PCC,” Pulliam s said. “Ex- P res to n P ulliam s isting facilities and program s will not be able to accom m odate the influx o f students w ithout adding to the services, the buildings and the technology at our cam puses.” He added that the Portland area is expected to grow by an estim ated 369.1XX) people by 2020. M any o f these new com ers will be college- aged. in need o f professional train­ 3H Oregon D ep artm en t o f Transportation Thursday, November 15,2007 2 to 4 p.m. ODOT IS KEEPING OREGON ON THE MOVE The Portland Building 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Second Floor. Room C Portland. Oregon Interstate 5 is under construction! Be safe, be prepared and be patient as the Oregon Department of Transportation repairs and modernizes our highways and bridges. Between Portland and Medford, drivers will pass through 19 active construction zones on 1-5 in 2007. In the Portland metro area, Contact Greg Wolley at gwollcyfd or 503.823.6860 for more information. SLOW DOWN! BETTER ROADS AHEAD We will validate Smail Park parking. Please notify the City of Portland no less than five (5) business days prior to our event for ADA accommo­ dations at 503.823.6860, by the City’s TTY at 503.823.6868, or by the Oregon Relay Sendee at 1.800.735.2900. ing, seeking second careers or hop­ ing to start a business: all o f which are m issions perform ed by the co l­ lege. Pulliam s predicted the college w ould add career-training classes throughout the district which likely w ould include w elding and first- responder training, as well as ex ­ panding health care program s to the Rock C reek C am pus in W ash­ ington County. PCC recently com pleted a m ajor expansion o f its C ascade Cam pus in north Portland that was autho­ rized by a 2000 bond levy. It has quietly been preparing for more grow th since then, buying and tear­ ing dow n a couple o f hom es, a business and a church and setting aside the land. T he Paragon Club on North K illingsw orth Street was purchased by PCC this sum m er and w as closed. T he clu b ’s parking lot was turned o ver to college use. crews are currently replacing two highway bridges outside Wilsonville, and a paving project between Capitol Highway and the Tualatin River will be complete this fall. How can you prepare? Stay informed with up-to-the-minute information about traffic and construction or calling 5-1-1. ŒA R TMmmranw wwinmn «er ! Ç iih crrih p î 503-288-0033 ! 0 11 D SC IT UC I R || Oui & SendTo: | - - - - - - - - - • i in v u i ck o tu u iv . <0b»en,er I Subtinpi'™> por,|an d O R 97208 PO Box 3 137. 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