Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 24, 2007, Page 16, Image 16

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October 24. 2007
*"* P o r t l a n d
Your guide to haunted houses and other family fun
T rick o r T rea t P a rty - Saturday, Oct. 27, at 12
p.m. until 2 p.m.. Billy W ebb Elks Lodge, 6 N.
T illam ook, invites children infant to 12 years o f
age accom panied by an adult to enjoy hot dogs,
chips, gam es and bunches o f fun!
Fun H ou se E x p ress - The Oregon Z o o ’s newest
3-D thrill ride takes visitors into a spook and
crazy world sim ulating a cheesy broke-dow n
funhouse operated by Jim m y the Clow n. Visit
oregonzoo.org for m ore inform ation.
T rick o r T reatin g - W ednesday, Oct. 31,4:30 to
6:30 p.m. at M cM enam in’s Kennedy School, 5736 N.E. 33rd
Ave. D on't miss the fun at this free event which will include
performances from the W illamette Radio Workshop.
M ississippi B ash -- W ednesday, O ct. 31 at 7 p.m ., M issis­
sippi Studios, 3939 N. M ississippi, hosts a H allow een party
with live music and delicious food.
C o stu m e D ance — Saturday, Oct. 27, T he Norm an Sylvester
Band invites Boogie Cats, w itches and goblins galore to jo in
the no-cover-charge fun at The Candlelight Café, 2032 S. W.
Fifth Ave. The party begins at 9:30 p.m.
A rth u r's W orld Halloween Party--W ednes­
day, Oct. 31, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the
Portland C hildren’s M useum . Bring your
little goblins to dance the M onster Mash,
join a parade and see a not-so-scary puppet
show .
H allow een Eve P a rty -- T uesday, O ct. 30,
from 8 p. m. to midnight. The Norman Sylvester
Band and T illicum 's, 8585 S.W . Beaverton
H illsdale Hwy.. invite guest to join in the
costum e dance party fun; no cover charge.
S creech, Hoot an d Howl - Saturday, Oct. 27. from 10a.m. to
5 p.m ., the W orld Forestry C enter Discovery M useum at
W ashington Park invites adults and chil­
dren to com e in costum e and enjoy crafts,
entertaining stories, face art and live zoo
ani mal s. Vi si t worldforestry .org or cal1503-
228-1367 form ore information.
O ld C ity C em etery T o u rs - Saturday and
Sunday, Oct. 27 and 28, the V ancouver
Heritage A m bassadors will guide the brave
o f heart through the haunted headstones.
Visit vancouverheritageam bassadors.org
or cal 1360-686-3482 for more in format ion.
■Monster M ash H allow een Show - Friday,
Oct. 26 at 8 p.m., Janice Scroggins and Patrick M inner will
perform at Jim m y M ac's S upper Club, portions o f the pro­
ceeds to benefit the O regon Food Bank. Door charge is $10.
F rig h t lo w n - T hursday. Oct. 25 through Oct. 30, from 7 to
10 p.m. in the Lloyd D istrict, enjoy FrightTow n, with three
haunted houses beneath the M em orial Coliseum . A dm is­
sion $20.
K r u g e r 's F a r m C o r n Maz.e — T h ro u g h o u t the m onth o f
O c to b e r at 17100 N .W . S au v ie Islan d R oad, en jo y this
c h a lle n g in g fam ily p u zzle w ith m o re than fiv e m iles o f
trails w h ich lead to re c ta n g u la r law n s p la n ted th ro u g h ­
o ut the m aze. A d m issio n to the m aze is $5 fo r ad u lts and
$3 for ch ild ren ag es 5-12. C h ild re n 4 y ea rs o f age and
u n d er are free. C o n tac t 5 0 3 - 6 2 1 -3 4 8 4 fo r m ore in fo rm a­
S c r e a m a t th e B e ac h - W e d n esd ay ,
O ct. 24 and T h u rsd a y , O ct. 25, from 7 to
10 p .m ., jo u rn e y back in tim e to the
170 0 s and get sw ep t up in a w ild rom p
w ith som e ro w d y p irates as th ey seek to
rescu e th e ir cap tain from th e b lo o d ­
th irsty in h a b ita n ts o f an an cien t tem p le
at the Jan tzen B each C en ter.
H aunted M A iZ E ~ Friday, Oct.
27, 6 to 10 p.m. and repeated
Saturday, Sunday and H allow een night at the
sam e time, safe family fun at Sauvie Island MaiZe
and Pum pkin Patch.
D ance P a rty - Friday, Oct. 26
at 7 p. m ., at the Grand Lodge i n
Forest G rove. Start w orking
on y o u r c o s tu m e n o w ;
w erew olves, jesters, trolls, go­
rillas and others are w elcom e!
Dance to live music in theCom -
pass Room.
H ow low een a t th e Z oo - Sat­
u rd ay , O ct. 27, from 11 a.m .
to 4 p.m ., bring the kids to the
O regon Z oo for safe trick -o r-
trea tin g an d a sc av e n g er hunt. E n jo y great
fam ily fun fo r all ages.
S h a n g h a i T u n n e l (¡h o s t l o u rs - Friday and
Saturday, discover the spirits beneath the streets.
Tours depart at 6:30 and 8 p.m., from 120 N.W .
Maze at the
Third Ave. T o m ake reservations, contact 503-622-4798.
H orror an d C o m e d y - - Theatre de Grand Guignol, the French
theater o f horror and com edy, runs each T hursday, Friday
and Saturday at the V illage Ballroom on N ortheast Seventh
A venue and D ekum . T ickets are $ 15 and available by visit­
ing thetradedies.com or by cal ling 5 0 3 -3 6 7 -2 1 (X).
2007 Queen’s Committee Presents
A Halt. eweer
fo r Princess Betty Clark
October 27,2007; 9:00 p.m. until 1:30 a.m.
Billy Webb’s Lodge #1050
6 N. Tillamook St. Portland, Oregon
$5 .(X) Admission
DJ • Food • Prizes • Best Costumes
Raffle 50-50 Split Drawing • Raffle Off Basket