Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 24, 2007, Page 13, Image 13

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    October 24, 2007
Page B5
R eligion
Greater Faith Baptist Church
a Week of Celebration in Honor of our
Pastor & First Lady Rev. Byrone & Sis. Marvia
Bolton 2nd Year Pastor's Anniversary
O c to b e r 2 9 th th r u N o v e m b e r 4 th , 2 0 0 7
“Pressing Towards the Mark"
-Philippians 3:14
Celebration will begin with four nights o f preaching
and singing at Greater Faith Baptist Church,
931 Skidmore Street, Portland, OR, 7:00 p.m. nightly.
The Bolton Brothers gospel group hails from Hattiesburg, Miss.
Week of Praise and Worship
In honor o f the second-year
p asto r’s anniversary at G reater
F aith B a p tist C h u rch , 931 N.
Skidm ore St., the week o f Oct. 29
will be devoted to nightly celebra­
tions starting at 7 p.m. w ith a ser­
mon from Pastor Robert Jointer of
N ew H ope M issio n ary B ap tist
C hurch. P astor Johnny Pack o f
Fellow ship M issionary will preach
the follow ing night, and the Bolton
Brothers gospel group headline on
W ednesday and Thursday.
C elebrations co n tin u e Friday
n ig h t at N ew H o p e, 3725 N.
G antenbein Ave. with First Lady
M arv ia B o lto n 's ban q u et. T he
Bolton Brothers begin another co n ­
cert Saturday at 6 p.m., and celebra­
tions conclude with a party begin­
ning at 4 p.m. Sunday.
Irvington Spiritual Conference
The Irvington Covenant Church,
4046 N.E. Martin Luther King BI vd„
invites w orshipers dressed in m ili­
tary costum e to declare w ar against
the barriers keeping people apart.
The third-annual conference this
w eekend seizes three nights in a
row at 7 p.m. starting Friday with a
C lassifieds / B ids
Gladstone Police Department is
accepting applications to begin
the testing process and establish
an eligibility list for the position of
Police Patrol Officer. Salary range
for Police O fficer is $3,563 -
$4,340/m onth plus excellent
benefits. All applicants must be a
US citizen, possess a valid Oregon
driver’s license, be at least 21
years of age, never convicted of a
fe lo n y or m isd e m e a n o r th a t
reflects adversely on capacity to
serve, and possess a high school
diploma or equivalent. Applicants
must possess good verbal and
written communication skills and
be able to pass written, physical
a b ility
o ra l
exam inations. Appointm ent is
s u b je c t to an e xte n s iv e
b a ck gro u n d
in v e s tig a tio n ,
personality profile and medical/
drug screen. The Gladstone Police
Department operates 24/7, and
all officers must be available to
work any day, any shift. Go to
w w w .c i.g la d s to n e .o r.u s
download the Police Application
Packet or call 503-557-2773 for
one to be m aile d to you .
Applications must be received or
postmarked by the closing date
of November 2,2007 at 5:00 P.M.
Q u a lifie d
a p p lic a n ts
w ill
p a rtic ip a te in a w ritte n and
p h ysica l te st on S a tu rd a y,
November 17, 2007, at which
tim e a $ 1 5 .0 0 fe e w ill be
collected. Invitation letter will
an n o u n ce tim e and lo ca tion
details. For fu rth e r inquires,
please call Sgt. Lee Jundt at 503-
Department of Human Services
RN’s Flexible Hours
up to $ 9 6.20 Per Assessment
R N ’s up to $ 9 6 .2 0 per
assessment plus mileage. The
Department of Human Services
Foster Care Program is seeking
RN’s to perform assessments of
children with special needs in
Union County. This is a contracted
position, which offers competitive
pay and flexible hours. Pediatric
medical, psychiatric and/or home
health experience is required.
Bilingual a plus. Contact Teri Shultz
RN, at OHS in Salem at (503 945-
Holiday Advertising
Holiday Events
<&> Portland State
e xp e rie n c e d
Program Coordinator focusing on
hum an se rv ic e s in the
C o n tin u in g
E d u ca tio n
Departm ent of the Graduate
School o f E d u cation . Th is
position coordinates marketing,
d e liv e ry and e xp a n sio n of
hum an s e rv ic e o ffe rin g s
th ro u gh fa c e -to -fa c e and
distance delivery. The person
in this position will also provide
co n su lta tio n and te ch n ica l
a s s is ta n c e in th e hum an
services arena.
Portland S ta te University
s e e k in g
For a c o m p le te p o sitio n
announcem ent
instructions on how to apply,
visit www.hrc.pdx.edu.
PSU is an AA/EO institution and,
in keeping with the President's
diversity initiative, welcomes
a p p lic a tio n s from d ive rs e
candidates and candidates who
support diversity.
We are currently seeking detail
oriented individuals to monitor
and perform quality control tasks
and customer services evaluation
assignments on various products
and services. It's an opportunity
to work from your office and You
can earn up to $3000 -40 00
monthly depending on time you
will spend for this job, You do not
need any capital to start. You can
do th e W o rk e a s ily w ith o u t
affecting your present Job and you
can also do it in your own time 18
years or older legally capable,
responsible and ready to work 3-
4 h o urs per w eek. V is it
w w w .stepxstep.co.uk or email
a.kimberly02@yahoo.com for a
free info pack.
Dr. Pastor Robert C. Jointer
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
In se e k in g to m a k e T h a n k s ­
g iv in g fo o d b a s k e ts fo r low -
in co m e fam ilies, the E m m an u el
T e m p l e C h u r c h . 1 0 3 3 N.
S u m n e r S t., n e e d s fre sh fru its
a n d v e g e ta b le s th ro u g h m id
N o v . C a ll th e c h u rc h at 5 0 3 -
2 8 7 -2 2 2 3 o r ca ll M is sio n a ry
M ild re d A n th o n y at 5 0 3 -3 3 5 -
0 5 4 4 fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n .
Dr. Pastor Johnny Pack, IV
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
Wednesday & Thursday night, Oct. 31st & Nov. 1st
The Bolton Brothers Baek-to-Back Preach-a-thon
Bishop L. W„ Jr., Pastors: James, Byrone, Jerry & Ray
Celebration will continue at New Hope Baptist Church,
3725 N. Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, OR
Food Donations
Sought for Season
Friday night, Nov. 2nd
Saturday night, Nov.3rd
An evening banquet celebration with
1 st Lady Marvia Bolton, in the
fellowship hall, 7:00 p.m.
\ Gospel Musical Concert featuring the
renowned Bolton Brothers of Hattiesburg,
MS, 6:00 p.m.
Sunday afternoon, Nov. 4th
Pastor's Bolton Anniversary Celebration, 4:00 p.m.
For more information call 503-710-2000 or 503-247-2992.
F e a tu r in g
B r e a k in g D o w n t h e W a l l s T o u r
S h o w y o u r lo v e fo r th e
U p r o o te d G o s p e l Sh ow :
F e a tu r in g The L ig h t, R a jim e
5 0 3 65 2-8 tOO
T h e UR V i b e T e a m
5 0 3 -9 2 2 * 0 0 0 6
(U p ro o ted Corp
O n th e S c e n e w ith T ic k e ts a n d G iv e a w a y s
email: u p ^ hour.com
I n t e r v i e w w ith L o c a l a n d
N a t i o n a l R e c o r d in g A rtis ts
T h e UR C o m m u n ity C a l e n d a r
I lo st
S p o n s o re d b y
B a m b o o L i f e s t y le s /
P o r t la n d O b s e r v e r
Saturday tram 6 7 pm
u > r ee te<
R i & toring H u m h jjp A nd
S t . I
M r - on
L egal N otices
l k \ 1 < FS 7 :
* S « A T t FS 7:(H» P»1
I ryin X tön C ovenant C hi
4048 NE M artin L« w . r K ing .I f B ia d . P ortland OK.
P W or O sborn
Ä nd a A frica
Need to p u b lish a c o u rt
document or notice? Need an
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and efficiently? Please fax or
e-mail your notice for a free
price quote!
Fax: 503-288-001S
Contact 503 288 0033
a d s@ p ortla n d ob server.com
full lineup o f speakers and musical
guests including P astor O sborn
M uyanja, Prophetess Janice Mixon,
Brittinie Love and Shalanda Sims.
Monday night, Oct. 29th
Tuesday night, Oct. 30th
The Portland Observer