Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 24, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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October 24, 2007
Œlî‘’'¡Llartkmh © bseruer
Farrakhan Back after Farewell Speech
‘U -ficious
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Smiling About!
Cites importance of
supporting community
(AP) - In a rare public appear­
ance. Nation of Islam Minister Louis
Farrakhan urged black Americans
to separate from mainstream cul­
ture to establish and support their
own community.
Nearly eight months after deliv­
ering what was thought to be his
farewell speech, a smiling Farrakhan
strode onstage at the Atlanta Civic
CenterOct. 16 to an applauding and
cheering audience of nearly 5,(XX).
He warned the crowd not to be
distracted by the successes of re­
cent decades.
"We have to come out of the
thinking of a slave and come into
the thinking and acting of free men
and women," Farrakhan said. "We
cannot depend on others for what
the horrible condition of our people
demands now that we do for our-
Farrakhan, 74, ceded
leadership duties last year
because o f illness after
nearly three decades. He
had surgery for prostate
cancer in January.
The address was the ^-ou's
keynote speech for Farrakhan s
Holy Day of Atonement, which also
commemorated the 12th anniver­
sary of the Million Man March,
held Oct. 16, 1995 in Washington,
Farrakhan cut a healthy-looking
figure in a gray and gold pinstriped
suit, a wide smile flashing often
under the trademark side-part in his
wavy, black hair and thin-rimmed
The fiery orator spoke for nearly
2 1/2 hours, touching on issues
in clu d in g the
d is p a ritie s
blacks face in
areas such as
e d u c a tio n ,
healthcare, vot­
ing and incar­
c e ra tio n , the
Jena Six case in
Louisiana, and
the recent arrest
of Atlanta rap­
per T.I. on fed­
eral weapons charges, the war in
Iraq and the Michael Vick federal
dogfighting case.
He criticized both the black
middle and upperclasses and white
America, and said that separation
from a world of materialism and
individualism was the only way the
entire black com m unity could
In addition to racial disparities,
violence committed against blacks
at the hands of other blacks is also
a threat — and one that did not exist
during the struggle for civil rights,
Farrakhan said.
"I want to talk to my gang-bang­
ing family," he said. "You make it
very difficult for me. In the '60s we
knew who the enemy was. But in
2007 you are the enemy. How can I
do what is right by you while I
watch you do wrong by one an­
High-profileexamplesof success
like Oprah Winfrey, Sen. Barack
O bam a, C o lin P ow ell and
Condoleezza Rice give blacks a false
impression of success, Farrakhan
As a result, middle class black
America has gotten too comfort­
able with the trappings of the Ameri­
can dream, he told the approving
The success of a few is negated
by the continued poverty o f mil­
lio n s o f b la c k s in A m e ric a ,
Farrakhan said, adding that now is
the time to stop the cycle of poverty
and violence.
■■■■■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ni
myself and I am miserable and
unhappy but afraid to leave.
What suggestions do you have
that could help me live again? -
-Trapped; Dayton, Ohio
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You are cordially invited tojoin
The Portland Chapter of The
2 Evenings of Celebration & Fun
Community Reception
Presenting The Western Area Meritorious Award To:
Pastor Mary Overstreet Smith
On Friday,November 2.2007
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Legacy Emanuel Atrium
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Dear Deanna!
I am in a relationship that I now
see as potentially abusive. My
boyfriend is older than I am and
he tries to control me. At first I
thought it was cute and protec­
tive. Now I'm afraid because
he shouts at me if he sees me
looking at another man and he
makes me dress and look like an
old maid. I hardly recognize
her lips and her extensions are
past her waist. I’ve been slowly
pulling out of the relationship
because her behavior and ap­
pearance is embarrassing. She
tries to act like a Diva, thinks
Dear Trapped:
she has class and I’m tired of
All you have to do is realize you
being in a cartoon. Help! --
only live once and life doesn’t
Jake; Wilmington, N.C.
give you a practice test. You
have one shot, and your one Dear Jake:
shot is being taken away by an You know good and well you
insecure older man. Use your were attracted to this dumb stuff
mind and find a job and a place in the beginning and that’s why
to live. Once you have this es­ you entered the relationship in the
tablished, get up one day. take a first place. However, after the
bath, pack your bags, lay your character you call a girlfriend
key on the table and walk out started affecting you, it became a
the door. The only way you can problem. You can always be bold
have freedom is if you choose it. and ask “will the real person stand
If not, your life will become up’’oryoucanbelikeElmerFudd
and say "that’s all folks” and
worse and then you die.
keep it moving.
Dear Deanna!
My girlfriend lives in a fantasy
world, and it's hilarious. There's
always drama around her and
she looks really weird. Initially I
was fine with the hair exten­
sions, fake eyelashes and breast
implants. Now she’s injected
Tree Admission
Dear Alisha:
You can shut them down imme­
diately with the scripture from
John Verse 8, let he who is
without sin cast the first stone.
You’ll notice that if you flip the
script and highlight the Word on
them, they’ll back off and take
a look at themselves. As for
judgment no human can deter­
mine who goes where. How­
ever, you can stay on the plus
side and avoid the heat by doing
the right thing, living right and
keeping the faith.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal @ yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
n w WMskdeannq. com
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I wish my friends would stop
imposing their views upon me. I
don’t have to reveal my religious
beliefs to no one because it’s my
business. My friends are high and
mighty in the church and always
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Dear Deanna!
want to judge me and tell me that
I’m going to Hell when I die.
They always want to look at my
life but forget that they’re forni­
cating, drinking and living with
men. How do I get them to leave
me alone without being too rude?
--Alisha; Queens, N.Y.
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W ednesday O ctober 24th, Civic Night, will kick of the 2007 Holy Convocation with a Banquet at the
Downtown Hilton Hotel, 9 2 1 SW 6th Avenue. We will be honoring Bishop Artiee L. Wright, DD„
a member of the first black church constructed in Oregon; Bishop Wright is one of the last
surviving pioneers of the Black Church in the State. Come; join us in celebrating his 85th birthday
and 50 plus years of faithful ministry and service to Portland.
Open: Mon-Sat 9 A.M. - 7 P.M.
Sun 9 A .M .- 6 P.M.
Donation for the ticket is $40 each in advance. There will be a limited amount of tickets at the door
for a donation of $45 each. Please RSVP by October 20th by calling (503)473-6551.
Mustard or Collard Greens
G(xl will demonstrate His love, grace and power though this year’s theme: “Be Ye Holy”. Come and be
part of these powerful spirit filled nights, as the speaker's minister to you through the word of God.
5 for $1.00
Thursday the 25th is International Night with Bishop, James Feltus, Jr. PhD, D.D., from New
Orleans Louisiana.
Big City Produce - 4632 N. Trenton Street Portland, Oregon 97203
Limited to supplies on hand.
Coupon Expires 10/31/07
Friday the 26th is Women's Night. Traditionally this is one of the high points of the Convocation
as the Lord ministers through the Regional Women’s Department.
Saturday the 27th is “Youth Explosion" where the youth of the city will have the opportunity to
share in the ministry with singing, preaching, fellowship and more.
We will close with our “Official Day Service" on Sunday. October 28th at 3:00 P.M.
(Limit 10 per family-Additional @ 2 for $1.00)
Assorted 20 pack Bigelow Teas .99 each
(Regular $2.69-N o Limit)
Big City Produce - 4632 N. Trenton Street Portland, Oregon 97203
Limited to supplies on hand.
Coupon Expires 10/31/07