ílu IJortlanb (Obseruer October 17, 2007 Ask Deanna'. Charleston, S.C. Dear Greg: You started the relationship off with a lie by not being honest about your child. You may be An advice column unaware that you displayed some known for strange behavior that made her reality-based start losing trust. M ore than subjects! likely, she observed your phone calls, money going out o f the household and m ysterious dis­ Dear Deanna! appearing acts that come with I have a situation where I'll he parenting. She was correct in wrong no m atter what happens. th in k in g th e re w as a n o th e r My sister and 1 were talking and woman, just not a child. Explain she made a comment that if I knew your actions, apologize with sin­ her husband was cheating I prob­ cerity then introduce the two ably w ouldn’t tell her. Imagine women and keep it moving. my surprise that she said this because h e 's having an affair. Dear Deanna! I’m the other woman and w e’ve My brother thinks the world re­ been seeing each other for a while. volves around money, how much I feel guilty because I think she's things cost and having the top of suspicious, ju st not o f me. 1 need the line cars. He flaunts his wealth some help breaking this to news and when we tell him w e're not to her. --Confused Sister; Jack­ interested, he accuses us o f be­ sonville, Miss. ing jealous. It has gotten to the point we don’t invite him any­ Dear Confused: w here, we send him cards for all Pull out a pen and add the words holidays and we can ’t get through trifling, low -life and scandalous to him. He alw ays ruins every­ next to your face. You need to let thing with his attitude and w e’re her husband know that y o u ’re tired o f it. We would love him the going to tell and then see how sam e if he was broke but he much he loves his wife when he d o esn ’t see this. —Trudy; On- lies, places all the blam e on you Line Reader and throw s you under the bus. If they stay together, your new title Dear Trudy: will be tramp while the family looks Your brother has some personal down upon you. If he leaves, you issues that may stem from child­ w on't be on his list of selections. hood. He overcom pensates him ­ Grow up and learn some family self with material things because h e’s insecure and unsure o f him ­ values and get your own man. self. If he was successful and Dear Deanna! confident, he w ouldn't make him ­ I always thought my relationship self look big at the expense of with my girlfriend was solid to others nor would he disrespect where she d o esn 't have to play people that have less. If the fam ­ games. I’m honest, I d o n ’t mess ily is on the same page, have a around and I take care o f her as a discussion with him and if doesn’t man should. She caused a prob­ work give him the hand and let lem in this relationship when she him stay at home with all o f his hired a private detective to follow stuff. me and take photos. The only bad thing that cam e out o f this was Ask Deanna is written by Deanna photos of me with my daughter. I M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: never told her about my daughter askdeanna 1 @ yahoo.com or 264 because I w asn’t sure and now S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 we have trust issues behind this. Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: W hat should I do? —Greg; www.askdeanna.com Page B3 Gore: Peace Prize ‘Just the Beginning’ C hid len g es w o rld on clim ate crisis (A P ) — Former Vice President Al Gore, newly named co-w in­ ner of the Nobel Peace Prize, said he hopes the honor will "elevate global consciousness” about the challenges o f global warming. G ore, w hose docum entary “An Inconvenient Truth,” won an Academy Award earlier this year, was awarded the prize Fri­ day along with an international network of scientists for spread­ ing awareness of man-made cli­ mate change and laying the foun­ dations for counteracting it. Shortly after the announce­ ment, he pledged to donate his share of the $1.5 m illion prize money to the Alliance for C li­ mate Protection, a bipartisan nonprofit organization that is devoted to changing public opinion worldwide about the ur­ gency o f solving the climate crisis. "This is just the beginning,” Gore said. “Now is the time to elevate global consciousness about the challenges that we face.” Former Vice President Al Gore speaks at a news conference as his wife Tipper looks on in Palo Alto, Calif. Friday after winning the 2 0 0 7 Nobel Peace Prize. (AP photo) Gore had been w idely tipped to win the peace prize, which ex­ panded the N o rw e g ia n c o m m itte e 's in te rp re ta tio n o f peacem aking and disarm am ent efforts that have traditionally been the aw ard's foundations. "We face a true planetary em er­ gency," Gore said. "The clim ate crisis is not a political issue, it is a moral and spiritual challenge to all o f hum anity." The Nobel com m ittee chair­ man, Ole Danbolt Mjoes, asserted that the prize was not aimed at the Bush adm inistration, which re­ jected Kyoto and was widely criti­ cized outside the U.S. for not tak- Providing Insurance and Financial Services IN tU IA N (I Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 $35 for an hour consultation. * Michael E Harper Aga, We moved to our new location at: Don't be in the dark about legal questions, ask Attorney Sona Joiner at tlAH 'AIM State Farm® Effective, low cost Legal Counseling on any legal question you may have. f a '* ing global w arm ing seriously enough. “ We w ould e n c o u ra g e all countries, including the big coun­ tries, to challenge, all of them, to think again and to say what can they do to conquer global w arm ­ ing," Mjoes said. "The bigger the powers, the better that they come in front o f this." Two Gore advisers, speaking on condition of anonymity be­ cause they are not authorized to share his thinking, said the award will not make it any more likely that he will seek the presidency in 2008. If anything, the Peace Prize makes the rough-and-tum ble o f a presidential race less appealing to Gore, they said, because now he has a huge, international plat­ form to fight global warming and may not want to do anything to dim inish it. One o f the advisers said that while Gore is unlikely to rule out a bid in the coming days, the prospects o f the form er vice president entering the fray in 2008 are "extrem ely remote." "Perhaps winning the Nobel and being viewed as a prophet in his own time w ill be sufficient,” said Kenneth Sherrill, apolitical analyst at Hunter College in New York. Gore, who was an advocate of stem m ing clim ate change and global warning well before his eight years as vice president, called the award meaningful be­ cause o f his co-w inner, calling the U .N .'s Intergovernm ental Panel on Clim ate Change the “w orld's pre-eminent scientific body devoted to im proving our understanding of the clim ate cri­ sis.” In its citation, the committee lauded G ore’s struggle against clim ate change, saying "He is probably the single individual who has done most to create greater worldwide understanding of the measures that need to be adopted." 9713 SAV. C ap itol P ortlan d , O R 5 0 3 -2 2 1 -3 0 5 0 5 0 3 -2 4 1 -1 1 1 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 2 7 -8 7 5 7 ACQUIRE Les Whitworth C.P.A. un ì Iwikkcci’iiifi services 5121 M-. :t:ir.l \v im v 503 2677586 cell 503-249-1903 office 503 249-6527 fax wtesfa1@ com cast.net Porllam l. O li 9721 I Phone 5(13-295-1939 Cell 971344 6414 l ,.s 503-295-1 (»65 Seniors o f Color! A G reat O pportunity is Available for You! 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The Portland Chapter of The Links, Incorporated in partnership with Oregon Health and Sciences University's Alzheimer's Research Department is offering this opportunity and it is m ade possible through an OHSU $7 million grant from the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes o f Health. With your continued financial support along with that of your fellow community radio contributors, we can meet our goal one pledge at a time. We hope to hear from you! i=r New Prices Effective May 1, 2007 Seniors m ust be in stable health. W hat is m eant by that is if seniors have diabetes, hypertension, etc., it m ust be controlled. KMHD 89.1fm PLEDGE DRIVE October 17— 23,2007 Multi-Million $ Service "N State Farm * Senior volunteers will at no cost: • Be given a com puter if they do not have one • Be given com puter training and/ or a refresher course • Be given a com p lete physical and mental exam at the beginning of the study • Receive a follow -up exam in six m onths and annual follow -up exam s for tw o years • Receive 5 to 6 w ireless m otion sensors fo r th e ir hom e to pinpoint possible problem s with m obility and cognition that signal declining health. (These sensors do not take pictures) Wally Tesfa Residential and Commercial Riokei Oregon, Washington T erry 2337 N. W illiam s Ave. Portland. 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