Œ1’1 JJo rtlan h © bserucr PageA2 October 17. 2007 ‘Dirty Bomb’ Blast Opens Terror Drill P lu m ) by M ark W ashington TT he P ortland O bserver Portland International Raceway in north Portland is staged for a terrorism attack in an exercise to test federal, state and local police and emergency response agencies. African American Alliance for Homeownership (AAAH) Presents 8™ ANNUAL AFRICAN AMERICAN HOME BUYING FAIR A bright flash and a loud bang Portland International Raceway in meant to simulate a dirty-bomb at­ north Portland. tack opened the b ig g e st About 200 local residents with counterterrorism exercise in U.S. authentic-looking injuries gave some reality to the exercise. People history Tuesday. Federal state and local police exposed to fake radioactive mate­ and emergency response agencies rial were sent to local hospitals for are taking part in the weeklong drill, sorting and decontamination. Doz­ calledTOPOFF4, taking place near ens of Red Cross workers were also am ong the team s w orking the scene. Similarexercises are being staged in Arizona and Guam. Officials say the drills also help responders be prepared for other emergencies such as earthquakes, major storms or other natural and man-made di­ sasters. Flu Shots for the Uninsured .O».1» * "Thanhs Io AAAH. we now have the key to our own home"Marvin & Ruby Hill Saturday, October 27, 2007 10am - 2:30pm FREE TO THE PUBLIC Emanuel Hospital Atrium • 501 North Graham • Portland Flu shots will be available by appoint­ ment at Portland-area Safeway stores through November for $28. The store at 5920 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. is alsoorganizing adrop-in flu clinic for Tuesday, Oct. 23 from 10 a.m. to 4p.m. Drop-in flu clinics during these same hours will also occur at the Safeway store at 16409 S.E. Division St. this Saturday, Oct. 20 and Saturday, Nov. 10. Bruce Olson of Dreyers Ice Cream helps promote a flu-shot clinic Tuesday at the Safeway store on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver • Enter to Win a $2500 Home Buying Grant and other Prizes photo by (Rules will Apply Drawing will be held @ 2:00 pm. Must be present to win) • Visit With Home Buying Professionals • Attend Free Home Buyer Workshops Check our website tor schedule of workshops • Free Lunch by NW Natural to the first 300 Attendees • Activities for Youth (s j For more information call 503-595-3517 www.aaah.org r\ -Hr Sponsors: Portland Development Commission, Bureau of Housing & Community Development. The Skanner News Group, Oregon Department of Veteran Affairs, Safeway Food & Drug. Legacy Emanuel Hospital, WAMU, NW Natural, Bank of America, OnPoint Community Credit Union, Enterprise Community Partners, Albina Community Bank. Anti-Crime Measure Impact Studied Son of Measure 11 could put thousands behind bars (AP) - A measure to require mini­ mum sentences for drug and prop­ erty crimes could put 4,000 to 6,000 more Oregonians behind bars, a study given to state lawmakers says. The measure is sponsored by Kevin Mannix, a former lawmaker and Republican governor candi­ date who wrote 1994's Measure 11, a corresponding measure for more serious crimes. His new measure is expected to be on the ballot in 2008. It would require minimum sentences of 14 to 36 months for a host of drug and property crimes. "We aren't going to be able to build prisons fast enough to house them," said Sen. Vicki Walker of Eugene. O regon C ity , Oregon 4:55 p.m . NEW SEA SO N S M A R K E T N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o ur fa v o rite n e ig h b o rh o o d g ro c e ry s to re n o w d e liv e rs g ro c e rie s rig h t to y o u r h o m e o r office . The Red C ross is here. When disaster struck a little boy and his family, someone was there, providing shelter, a hot meal, a teddy bear, and a hug. But this Red Cross volunteer is not the only hero in this picture. Behind her are Oregonians just like you, who generously donate to their local chapter of the American Red Cross. You can’t always be (T> y g) there for a child or family in need. But you can guarantee that someone will. To protect. To care. To donate, visit redcross-pdx.org. American Red Cross w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up) Oregon Trail Chapter I