Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 17, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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    __________ Cl!c JJortlattb © h s e r u e r ______
October 17, 2007
B lessed 13 th Y ear
Anniversary Celebration fo r
Pastor T. Allen Bethel & Wife Daphne
Please Join Us Sunday, October 28,2007 at 4:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Rev. Emmett Wheatfall,
Pastor o f Rem em ber The Hope C hurch, Portland, Oregon
Maranatha Church. 4222 NF. 12th A venue, Portland, Oregon
(Rev. Daphyne Brown, Stockton. CA
will be the Speaker at the 10:30 a.m. service)
Theme: “Supporting God’s Anointed” - Exodus 17: ll- l 2
R eligion _____
Candidates Seize Moral Mantle
Reach out to faith communities
(AP) - The invitation appeared
one Sunday in Jo a n n a C hase's
church bulletin: Come to a "faith
The New Hope Missionary Baptist Church w ill be hosting a Cityw ide M en's Gospel Music Workshop
and C o rn e ll Wednesday - Friday. October 17*h- 19th from 6:30 to 8:30 I’M each evening. I he
workshop choir will he in Concert Saturday, October 20,h at 6:00 PM .
Guest Conductor is singer, musician, composer and recording artist. M inister F.ugene Blackmon.
New Hope is located at 3725 N. Gantenbein. Res. Robert C. Jointer, Pastor.
For inform ation, please call 503-281 -0163, 503-665-6845 or 503-698-5447.
Big City Produce
Community Market
to ru m ' andjoinaconversationabout
the intersection o f religion and poli­
Living in New Hampshire, Chase
is accustomed to pitches from presi­
dential hopefuls, especially those
focusing on values-voting Republi­
cans. But this one came from the
team o f a Democrat, Sen. Barack
The candidate him self wasn't on
the bi 11. B ut about 50 people showed
up to talk about the war, poverty and
trying to seize back the moral mantle
S e n . B a ra ck O b a m a
some in the G O P claim. The night
also featured an O bam a video and a this campaign season. They discuss
campaign altar call— an invitation to their faith journeys and how their
become a "congregation contact" beliefs influence their policies. The
and rally support for the candidate. c a m p a ig n s o f O b am a, H illary
The leading Democratic contend­ Rodham Clinton and John Edwards
ers for the W hite House all have all are doing outreach to religious
made a point of talking about religion communities.
P o r tla n d , O r e g o n 9 7 2 0 3
The 63-year-old African-A m eri­
can congregation o f V ancouver
A venue First Baptist Church. 3 138
N. V ancouver Ave., will host a spe­
cial, surprise tribute to Ernest Hill
III and Eva Nell (Young) M iles on
S u n d a y , O ct. 21 d u rin g th e
congregation’s 10:30 a.m. praise
5 0 3 -2 8 6 -1 2 5 9
Open: Mon-Sat 9 A.M. - 7 P.M.
Sun 9 A .M .- 6 P.M.
Mustard or Collard Greens
5 for $1.00
(Limit 10 per family-Additional @ 2 for $ I.(X))
Assorted 20 pack Bigelow Teas .99 each
and w orship service.
Rev. J.W . M att H ennessee will
preside o v er the ev en t and will
bring the serm on. T he o ccasion
will honor tw o people w ith a long­
standing d ed icatio n and c o n tri­
bution to the gospel m usic scene
in the P o rtlan d area and the Pa-
cific N orthw est.
Hill and M iles are longtim e resi­
dents o f north and northeast Port­
land. They began their personal
crusade in the gospel music m inis­
try under the Late Rev. Dr. O. B.
W illiam s, founding pastor o f the
V ancouver A venue Church.
"The Voice Speaks”
Big City Produce - 4632 N. Trenton Street Portland, Oregon 97203
Limited to supplies on hand.
Coupon Expires 10/24/07
But O bam a, the ju n io r senator
from Illinois, has m ade religion a
signature part o f his cam paign
through his ow n public appear­
ances in places w here Dem ocrats
rarely venture, and a faith-based
voter m obilization, topped by fo­
rum s in Iowa, N ew H am pshire and
South C arolina that could prove
key to organizing.
A member o f the liberal United
Church of Christ, O bam a has said he
was raised in a nonreligious home
and had a conversion experience
after doing com munity organizing in
Chicago churches. He spoke last
year — before announcing his can­
didacy — o f a desire to tackle "mu­
tual suspicion" between religious
and secular America.
He invokes biblical imagery, say­
ing that because government alone
cannot solve problems, "we have an
individual responsibility."
Gospel Music Leaders Honored
4 6 3 2 N . T re n to n S treet
Page B5
Rev. ILL. Hodge, Ph.I). Pastor/Teache r
A new door has been opened. Northwest Voice
For C hrist C om m unity Church is now worshipping
in the N ew Jerusalem building at a new time.
(Regular $ 2 .6 9 -No Limit)
"The Faithful C hurch" (Revelations 3:7-13)
Big City Produce - 4632 N. Trenton Street Portland, Oregon 97203
Limited to supplies on hand.
Coupon Expires ¡0/24/07
"K eeping It Real Jesu s' W ay’
Join us each Sunday!
Time: 9 A.M.
1637 N E Killingsworth St.. Portland, Oregon
Fifty Years
You are w elcom e to join us in worship and praise; we are the
obedient, faithful church speaking the W O RD- G o d 's way!
52nd Wedding
O ct. 15 1955 - 2 0 6 7
Pnrttnnit 'Mímete R f vientChurch
Standing for Family and Marriage
The children of Walter SR &
Doris Scott are having a
Celebration October 18-21
At Portland M iracle Revival
Church 4828 N. W illiam s Ave.
Portland, Oregon 7:00 P.M.
W ednesday O c to b e r 24th, C ivic Night, will kick o f the 2(X)7 Holy C onvocation with a Banquet at the
D ow ntow n Hilton Hotel, 921 SW 6th Avenue. We will be h o n o rin g B ishop A rtie e L. W rig h t, D D „
a m em ber o f the first black church constructed in O regon: Bishop W right is one o f the last
surviving pioneers o f the Black Church in the State. C om e; jo in us in celebrating his 85th birthday
and 50 plus years o f faithful m inistry and service to Portland.
The 52nd W edding
A nniversary D inner will be
Oct. 20 2007 on Saturday
at the ST. John C om m unity
CTR. ; 8427 N Central
Portland OR. 97203
Donation for the ticket is $40 each in advance. T here will be a lim ited am ount o f tickets at the door
for a donation o f $45 each. Please RSV P by O ctober 20th by calling (5 0 3 )4 7 3 -6 5 5 1.
Time: 2 :0 0 P .M .to 5 :0 0 P .M .
Potluck Dinner will he served.
G od will dem onstrate His love, grace and pow er though this year's theme: “Be Ye Holy". Com e and be
part o f these pow erful spirit filled nights, as the speaker's m inister to you through the word o f God.
Sunday Service 6pm G uest Speaker Pastor Lonnie Hosley
Thursday the 25th is International Night with Bishop, Jam es Feltus, Jr. PhD, D.D., from New
O rleans Louisiana.
Everyone is "W elcom e" but we are highlighting 52 couples,
friends o f the Scott's.
Friday the 26th is W om en's Night. T raditionally this is one o f the high points o f the Convocation
as the Lord m inisters through the Regional W om en's Department.
Eor more inform ation email : wanddscotKg1 msn.com
or Iris at 503-309-8967.
Saturday the 27th is “ Youth E xplosion" where the youth o f the city will have the opportunity to
share in the ministry with singing, preaching, fellow ship and more.
T h ey ’ve started a New Business
and you can visit their W ebsite: goyehlessedtravel.com
We will close with our “Official Day Service” on Sunday, O ctober 28th at 3:00 P.M.
Monetary contributions for the honorees will be accepted.
In Loving Memory
Gwendolyn Smith
Funeral services were held M on­
day at N ew S ong C o m m u n ity
Church for G w endolyn Smith w ho
passed away Oct. 6 ,2 0 0 7 at a local
hospital due to
unexpected com ­
plications o f an
She was bom
on Sept. 2 6 ,1 9 5 1
1 in Baton Rouge,
L o u is ia n a , th e
daughter o f G lancy M cKneely and
G eraldine Jones B ell.
She became a Christian at an early
age and was baptized at St. John
Baptist Church. She graduated from
Capital High School in Baton Rouge
and moved to Portland in 1980 to
attend M arylhurstand Portland State
Universities. She became an active
m em ber of the New Song Com m u­
nity Church in Portland.
She was strong advocate o f edu­
cation and admonished those under
her influence to maximize every op­
portunity to have a good life. Her
love for music and dance was appar­
ent as well as spending time with her
grandchildren, Joseph Jr., Jam al
S m ith and g o d so n , K a la v in a
She was preceded in death by
her m other and a sister Sheila D.
Thom pson. She leaves to mourn
her passing, a son. Joseph Smith
and daughter-in-law Tiffany Smith;
her father; and siblings. Rhonda
M cK neely Jones. Billy M cKneely.
Sharon Y. Thom pson, Jackie M.
N etter, and G lancy M cK neely Jr.;
and a host o f relatives and friends.
Syreeta Chanay Mosley
April 6 ,1 9 7 3
F e a t u r in g
B r e a k in g D o w n th e W a lls T o u r
y o u r lo v e f o r th e
U p ro o te d
G o s p e l Show:
F e a tu r in g The L ig h t, R a jim e
5 0 3 -6 5 2 -8 1 0 0
T h e UR V i b e T e a m
^ 5 0 3 -9 2 2 -0 0 0 6
(U p ro o te d C o rp ),
email: iipghour.com
I n t e r v i e w w it h L o c a l a n d
N a t i o n a l R e c o r d in g A r t is t s
P o r tla n d O b s e r v e r
T h e G re a te r F aith B aptist C h u rc h Fam ily w ouldliketofaithfully
invite you to a week o f Praise and W orship, M onday, O ctober 29th
thru Sunday. N ovem ber 4th, in H onor o f our Pastor and First Lady.
Rev. Byrone and Sis. M arvia B olton’s 2nd year P asto r's A nniver­
sary Celebration.
Theme: Pressing Towards The Mark I Phil. 3:14).
The celebration will be held in two locations: Beginning at
T h e UR C o m m u n it y C a l e n d a r
S p o n s o r e d b y : B a m b o o L ife s ty le s /
Pressing Towards The Mark
O n th e S ce n e w ith T ic k e ts a n d G iv e a w a y s
lfes,ÍM )leJllkSil,);ÍiK¿ltÍ4.()li a î JM U SIC
Oct. 1 3 ,2 0 0 7
Saturday from 6 7 pm
u ,r t « t e i
G reater Faith Baptist Church. 931 Skidm ore Street, Portland OR.
M onday thru Thursday. O ctober 29th thru N ovem ber I st. C elebra­
tion will consist o f four nights o f preaching, singing and praising.
C elebration will continue at New Hope Baptist C hurch at 3725
G atcnbein Avenue. Portland. OR. Friday thru Sunday. N ovem ber
2nd thru 4th. Services will consist o f a 1st L ad y 's Banquet on Friday
at 7: p.m .; a G ospel M usical Concert on Saturday at 6:00 p.m .,
featuring the one-and-only Bolton Brothers o f H attiesburg. MS.
and P asto r's B olton's Anniversary on Sunday at 4:(X) p.m.
Please join us in this Honorable Celebration!!!
Eor more information call 5O3.7IO.2OOO or 503.247.2002