Œl’1 IJn rtlan b © hserner October IO, 2007 Page B3 PCC Praised for Diversity Contestant First Runner-Up Portland Community College has received the National Equity Award from the Association of Community College Trustees for hiring a more diverse workforce and promoting educational op­ portunities for women and stu­ dents of color. "Diversity has been one of the board of directors' top goals," said District President Preston Pulliams. "It has been one of my top priorities, too. W e're thrilled to bring home this honor.” Portland Community College is the most racially and ethni­ cally diverse institution of higher education in Oregon. Preston Pulliams When Dr. Pulliams arrived at PCC in 2004, he formed internal and external diversity com m it­ tees charged with assessing whether PCC was meeting the needs o f its students, staff, and multi-ethnic com m unities and partners. The result has been an increase in the percentage of part-time faculty, full-time faculty and man­ agers who are people of color, increased investment in staff de­ velopment that improves cultural competency and enhanced pro­ gramming to better serve PCC's diverse communities, both inter­ nally and externally. Joelle Rankins Goodwin, a Portland native who has spent most o f her career as a military intelligence officer in the U.S. Army, was named first runner-up in the Mrs. Oregon America Pageant at Clackam as High School on Saturday. It was the second straight year that Goodwin, 43, has com peted for the crown and the second time she was named first runner-up. Taryn Stastny won the pageant, representing W ash­ ington County. Goodwin, a form er Rose Festival princess from Lincoln High School, currently holds the title o f Mrs. Eugene America 2007. Joelle Rankins Goodwin Advertise with diversity in Understanding Racism Workshop In partn ersh ip with U niting to U nderstand Racism , a P ort­ land organization dedicated to ending racial bias, the N orth­ east C o alition o f N eighbor­ hoods invites people to reg is­ ter for a 12-hour, five-session U nderstanding Racism N eigh­ borhood W orkshop. The coalition seeks to have an equal num ber of white and people-of-color participants. Portlanders who know our neighborhoods and history will share personal stories with race and racism, and discussions will include critical learning and thinking about history, behavior. l.io itla n Ä (DliBi-i t u r Call 5 M ^ H ) 3 3 ACQUIRE attitude and identity. C o m m unity leaders have reported concern about the d is­ placem ent o f A frican-A m eri­ cans, the school inequities, ra­ cially prejudiced neighbor-to- neighbor interactions and in ­ cre a sin g re p o rts o f cu ltu re clashing. This workshop is an opportu­ nity to know y o u rse lf on a deeper level and to build stron­ ger relationships with fellow neighborhood leaders. F o r m o re in f o r m a tio n , contact the N ortheast C oali­ tio n at 5 0 3 -8 2 3 - 3 1 5 1 o r info@ necoalition.org. Cannon’s Ribs Wally Tesfa Residential and Coirmeicial Broker Oregon Washington Presents Reggie Houston • Janice Scroggins Appearing Every Sunday 503-2677586 cell 503 249 1903 office 503 249-6527 fax w te sfai@ com cast net PROPERTIES. Multi-Million $ Service 5 pm -8 pm 5410 NE 33rd Ave. Shopping Center of New Seasons e SCHEDULE A FREE ESTIMA TE! »TA M VAIMI State Farm1 Providing Insuiance arm Fmat-. ..i Services Hume Office, Bloomington. Illinois 51/10 Artisan Landscaping & Tree Service, LLC. r Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 97?,/ 503 2861103 Fax 1)03 286 1146 erme trill hSrnMistatefarn) com 503.260.6028 • Landscape Lighting • Full Service Landscaping • Tree Pruning and Removal • Retaining Walls • Turf Install & M aintenance • Irrigation • Water Features 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service* Interim ID Valid for Alcohol O regon's new interim black and white paper driver license/ ID card is considered legal iden­ tification, and those over 21 may use it to purchase alcoholic bev­ erages, says the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Some liquor licensees have refused to accept the docum ent, as is their legal right, but that's likely to change as the interim ID becom es more com m on­ place, explained Linda Ignowski, O L C C ’s E n fo rc e m e n t and Com pliance Services director. The interim cards are valid up to 30 days after issuance, but it usually takes only five to 10 Professional ~ Courteous - Dependable days for som eone to receive their permanent plastic driver license/ID card, says the O r­ egon D epartm ent o f M otor Vehicles (DMV). "Liquor licensees may balk at accepting the interim cards now, but sooner or later every driver will have one, so store and res­ taurant personnel will become more com fortable with accept­ ing them ,” Ignow ski noted. “Also, the paper licenses w on’t work in some age verification equipm ent, so those licensees are in the process o f updating their equipm ent to read the barcode.” Get Ready For Fall Clean-Up Specials! SCHEDULE A FREE ESTIMA TE! New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Q n h c r r i h p l 503-288-0033 Fill Out & Send To: ©bseruer Attn: Subscriptions. PO Box 3137. Portland OR 97208 6 T erry Portland's Newest F uneral Home Serving the M etropolitan Area. M in im u m Service C H G • F unerals • C rem atio n s Portland, OR 97227 • M em orial S erv ices • P re-arran g em en ts Available 24 hours a day 503-249-1788 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one” Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (W ith Other Services) Heavilv Soiled Area: Dentures Worth Smiling About! A ddress : A d d itio n al $ K).(X) ADDITIONAL SERVICES A rea & O rien tal R ug C lean in g A u to /B o at/R V C lean in g D e o d o rizin g & Pet O d o r T reatm en t Spot & Stain R em o v al S erv ice o r em ail su b se rip tio n s@ p o rtla n d o h se rve r.co m • P rofessional S erv ices P aym ent Plans: O A C KMHD 89.1fm PLEDGE DRIVE October 17— 23,2007 $45.00 Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas o r m ore $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray T ra ffic Areas (Includes: / small Hallway) s u b s c r i p t i o n s a re j u s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include cheek with this subscription form) N ame : T elephone : Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services 2337 N. Williams Ave. J U U d W lU C ; art i san landscaping @ Comcast. net S co tch g u ard P ro tectio n • A ffo rd ab le Prices • O v er 20 y ears ex p e rien ce LPHOLS TER Y CLEA NING • Full & Partial D en tu res • N atural A p p earan ce Full S erv ice L ab • A ccepting O reg o n H ealth Plan S o fa Loveseat S ectio n al C h a ir o r R eclin er T h ro w P illo w s M elanie Block. L.D. D entvrist With your continued financial support along with that of your fellow community radio contributors, we can meet our goal one pledge at a time. We hope to hear from you! A DONATION IS A TAX DEDUCTIBLE GIFT (With Other Services) 5 0 3 -2 3 0 -0 2 0 7 1020 NE 2nd Ave., Suite 205 Off MLK on NE Multnomah Free parking % See Flyers fo r A d d itio n a l Prices C all For A ppointm ent (503) 281-3949 You Can Get: CONTRIBUTIONS CAN BE MADE AT ANY TIME BY •MAIL •PHONE •INTERNET at WWW.KMHD.FM Honesty, Experience, Superb Training, and Patience from a "Twice-as-Good" Brother A-ZEBRA Realty Inc. 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