Page A5 O ctober IO, 2007 Autumn Harvest Fall Salads When deciding upon what type of salad to make, it's best to use pro­ duce that is as fresh and seasonal as possible. Whether your ingredi­ ents are picked from your garden or bought from the market, foods that are harvested closest to home will offer the best value for your money, palate and health. A few seasonal salad ingredients to look fo r this time o f year include fruits such as apples, pears, cranberries and grapes, and vegetables such as fennel, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. F ood Fennel Fennel is available from fall through spring and adds a hint of fresh sweet licorice flavor to any salad. This aromatic plant is pale green with a celery­ like stem and feathery foliage. Its root base and stems can be treated like a vegetable and baked, braised, or sliced and eaten raw in salads. The greenery can be used as a garnish or snipped like dill to enhance many recipes. Fennel’s licorice-like flavor is sweeter and more delicate than anise and, when cooked, becomes even lighter and softer than in its raw state. Cauliflower and Broccoli These vegetables are available year- round, but especially plentiful in the spring and late fall. W'hen buying cauli­ flower, select one that is white or creamy w hite in color, firm and heavy. C auli­ flow er may be stored for up to one week Cabbage The cabbage family is wide and varied: broccoli and in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Keep cauliflower are members. Some of the best heads ot it dry and any brow nish colored por­ Pears cabbage for salads are the crinkled-leaf "Savoy" tions may be trimmed away before cook­ It’s also the time of year to sample all types of pears, types, also sold as Napa, January King or Wivoy ing. W hen shopping for broccoli, look for leaves and stems w ith dark the “aristocrat” of fruit. When buying fresh pears, cabbage. These are thin-leafed, tender, mild, and green heads. Look for tender, young stalks that are firm with com pact A select pears with even color and a slight blush. Be tasty. When choosing a head of cabbage, look for fresh, crisp leaves that buds in the head. Yellow flowers in buds or very rough bumpy heads careful when handling pears because they arc deli­ may indicate broccoli is past its prime. are firmly packed: the head should feel heavy tor its size. cate and bruise easily. Quick hint: To keep pear slices from browning, sprinkle them with lemon juice and place them in a water bath—or serve them immediately after slicing. SAFEWAY 0 Cranberries Fresh cranberries often seem to get forgotten, due to their tart character. Try using fresh cranberries not just in homemade sauces and pies, but also as beau­ tiful salad garnishes. Dried cranberries add sweet­ ness and a chewy texture to salads. Ingredients for life Grapes Grapes are harvested when sweet and ripe, so look for plump clusters that are firmly attached to green stems. Once at home, refrigerate grapes until ready to use, and then rinse with cold water, halve them, and toss them in your favorite salad. R ANCHERS Rancher's Reserve Angus Boneless Beef Bottom Round Roast yffe-jerve SAVE up to $2.80 lb. Greek Veggie Salad Boneless Pork Top Loin Center Cut Chops "This salad is easy and attractive, offering a wonderful combination o f flavors. Make it a day ahead and let chill over­ night for best results.” SAVE up to $ 2 .3 0 lb Rancher's Reserve "Restaurant Cut" Boneless Beef Top Sirloin Steak INGREDIENTS • • • • • • Or Pettite Sirloin Steak. SAVE up to $4.00 lb. 1 head cauliflower, chopped I head broccoli, chopped 2 cups cherry tomatoes 1 (6 ounce) can small pitted black olives, drained I (6 ounce) package tomato basil feta cheese, crumbled 1 (16 ounce) bottle zesty Italian dressing We'll marinate for free Fresh Coho Salmon Fillets 2 lbs. or more. Smaller size pkg. $6.99 lb Farm raised. SAVE up to $2.00 lb. DIRECTIONS 1. In a large bowl, combine the cauliflower, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, olives and cheese. 2. Add enough dressing to coat, toss and refrigerate overnight. Apple Avocado Salad with Tangerine Dressing moNEcrrofa Organic or Conventional Gala or Red Delicious Apples 5 to 12-o z. package Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 29 on 2 SAVE up Io $1.51 III. "This easy salad is perfect for any meal and it is very filling. You wouldn ’t think this mixture o f apples, avocados, blue cheese and tangerine dressing would go together, but it’s wonderful! ” Fresh Express Salad Blends Pharmacy at SAFEWAY«. INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • I (1 Oounce) package baby greens . | avocado - peeled, pitted and 1/4 cup chopped red onion diced 1/2 cup chopped walnuts • 1/2 lemon,juiced 1/3 cup crumbled blue cheese . 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest 2 teaspoons lemon zest • | clove garlic, minced I apple-peeled, cored and sliced • 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 mandarin oranges, juiced • Salt to taste DIRECTIONS Too Good To Last! 12-Pack Coca-Cola Fridge Packs Tostitos Tortilla Chips 12-oz cans Selected varieties Plus deposit In Oregon Selected varieties SAVE up to $ 3 4 9 on 2 Folgers Coffee 2 3 to 3 9 -0 2 Selected varieties SAVE up to $ 4 0 0 9 to 1 3 5-OZ. SAVE op to $10 95 on 4 I. In a large bowl, toss together the baby greens, red onion, walnuts, blue cheese, and lemon zest. 2. Mix in the apple and avocado just before serving. Tangerine Dressing In acontainer with a lid, mix the mandarin orange juice, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic, olive oil and salt. Drizzle over the salad as desired. Contains a mere 143 calories per serving. \ ci turner V e g e ta r ia n P u m p kin Soup Rich and smooth Creamy pumpkin pureed with sweet butternut squash and onions, all in a delicious vegetable stock INGREDIENTS SAFEWAY » SAFEW AY S $ C COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! October 10 thru October 16 Must Buy 2 $4| SA FE W A Y » COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! October 10 thru October 16 Must Buy 2 $C COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! 10/10 thru 10/16 Betty Crocker Family Size Brownie Mix i*i» # S « V W ** Jimmy Dean Bacon IH -’ 1>M 1 purdiM of 2 With MwrsJt" t ’ O Pyutm» ^PREMIUM COUPONS' •nth («td and 10 pun hau mqixted i ÖÖ< j 1)8965 O894 18860 DIRECTIONS fo r th e circled prices I. In a large salad bowl, combine the watercress, fennel, radicchio and pecans. 2. Stir the vinaigrette and pourover salad. 3. Toss well and serve at once. Great gifts made simple in this ad and in-store. Cranberry Vinaigrette In a bowl, combine (he cranberries, red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, garlic and salt. Whisk in the olive oil. Otter valid W ed n esd ay. October 10 thru Tuesday, O cto b er 1 6 M in im u m $ 1 0 Purchase COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! Must Buy 2 SAFEW AY* ONE WEEK ONLY! SUPER COUPONS! October 10 thru October 16 • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar • I tablespoon minced garlic • 1 1 /4 teaspoons salt • I cup extra virgin olive oil • I cup pecan halves, toasted • 6 bunches watercress - rinsed, dried and trimmed • 1/2 cup chopped dried cranberries • 3 bulbs fennel - trimmed, cored and thinly sliced • 3 small heads radicchio, cored and chopped SAVE up Io $ 4 0 0 F M o i. s»l»ct»d SAVE up to $1 00 M . "This salad would be a welcome addition to any holiday dinner table. " 12-02. cans Selected varieties Plus dep o sit in Oregon. 3 2 -0 2 S elected varieties SAVE up to S3 10 6 to 11.5-02 Selected varieties Club Price: S2 2 0 ea SAVE up Io $ 7 45 on 5 Fennel and Watercress Salad 24-Pack Budweiser or Coors Lucerne Shredded or Chunk Cheese Lean Cuisine Meals Al l. LIMITS ARF PFR HO USEHO LD, PER DAY No sales to dealen, restaurant» or inititutnms. Sales in retail quantifies only Quantities ol some items mav be limited and subject to availability No« re hems & prxes in this ad are available at your local Saleway store* typographical or px tonal errors. We reserve the right to correct all printed errors On Buy One, Get One Free fB O G C D offen, customer must p irdiase the lint item to receive the second item free IV X '.O offers are not 1 107 Safewas Stores, Inc If onls a single item pun based, the regular pnee applies Manutacti irers* i oupons may be used on pure hased trems only - not on free items 1; 2' I I