Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 10, 2007, Page 16, Image 16

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October 10, 2007
N eighborhood
T heatres
K ennedy S chool
5736 N.E. 33rd Ave.
S T J ohns T heater & Pi
8203 N. Ivanhoe St.
H ollywood T heater
4122 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
M ission T heater
l624N .W .G IisanSt.
NW F ilm C enter
934 S.W. Salmon St.
Films by activists deepen awareness
The N orthw est Film C enter has started a thought-provoking
cinem a series featuring activist film m akers from around the world.
Global Concerns: Human Rights on Film brings movies to Portland
that deepen our aw areness of the values of dignity, equality, and
justice as the film s tell universal stories o f human struggle, sacrifice
and triumph.
The Northwest Film C enter hopes that the w orks presented will
broaden understanding and stim ulate involvem ent as the films reveal
the hardship, courage and com m itm ent o f those whose hearts and
minds are focused on the many challenges confronting hum anity.
The series continues through Nov. 8 at the W hitsell A uditorium
at the Portland Art M useum, 1219
S.W. Park. Individual tickets are
$7, $6 for film center m embers,
students and seniors.
challenged the power of warlords in the country's new government.
Enemies of Happiness will be preceded by the short film “Sari's Mother,”
director James Longley's story of a courageous Iraqi mother who
struggles to get medical help for her 10-year-old son, Sari, who is dying
of AIDS.
Banished, Thursday, Nov. 1 at 7 p.m.
In towns throughout the United States, in the years between the Civil War
and the Great Depression, thousands of African American families were
violently driven from their land by their white neighbors. The choice was
simply get out or die. More than a century later these towns remain all
white. Filmmaker Marco Williams brings this shameful legacy to light, as
he investigates three such towns, addressing questions of racism, truth
White Light/Black Rain -
Thursday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m.
C inema 21
616 N.W. 21st Ave.
B agdad T heater & Pt
Struggles, Sacrifices and Triumph
3702 S.E. Hawthrone Blvd.
L alrei . hiirst T heater
2735 E. Burnside St.
C linton S treet T heater
2522 S.E. Clinton St.
OM NIM AX T heather
1945 S.E. Water Ave.
T he : A cademy T heater
7 8 18 S.E. Stark St.
E dgefield
2126 S.W. Halsey St.
Vancouver, WA
C inetopia
Advertise with diversity in
fl"' |.ln rt liitti» (ÍMtlertier
Call 503-288-iì>33
D irector Steven Okazaki shows
how the once unthinkable threat
that nuclear w eapons of mass de­
struction is more real and more
frightening than at any time since
the height of the Cold War. Even
after 60 years, the atom ic bom b­
ings o f H iroshim a and Nagasaki
continue to inspire argum ent, de­
nial and myth. Featuring unfor­
gettable interviews with 14 atomic
bomb survivors, many o f whom
have never spoken publicly be­
fore, and four A m ericans inti­
mately involved in the bom bings,
O kazaki's film reveals both un­ Banished" tells the story African-American families displaced by ethnic cleansing.
im aginable suffering and extraor­
and reparations. Williams leaves it to the viewers-and the American
dinary human resilience and lessons we cannot afford to forget
people as a nation-to come up with answers that respond to this
Hot House, Thursday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m.
overwhelming American tragedy.
D irector Shimon D otan’s story o f 9,000 Palestinians who are im pris­
oned in Israeli jails on "security" charges. The film offers a rare look Election Day, Sunday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m.
at the experiences, m otivations and m indsets o f a num ber o f key Director Katy Chevigny’s film follows an eclectic group of voters on
Election Day 2004. Capturing people from
inm ates-m en and women, shattering the two-
walksof life, the film presents a glimpse
dim ensional stereotypes presented by the m ain­
of the real-life stories that lie underneath
stream media on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
the complex electoral process. As these
Cocalero, Sunday, Oct. 21 at 5 p.m.
stories intertwine, an intimate portrait of
Director Alejando Landes' film tackles controver­
the American democratic process emerges
sial Bolivian president Evo Morales and his rise to
that is rich with both humor and unsettling
prominence. The story follows the presidential
campaign of Morales, an outspoken critic of the
Lumo, Thursday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m.
United States whose political power base is in the
The agonies o f w ar-torn A frica are
coca-growing areas of central Bolivia, as he moves
deeply etched in the bodies of women in
from union meetings in the Andes and Amazon to
this film by co-directors Bent-Jorgen
formal fundraising dinners and mass rallies in cities.
Perlm utt, N elson W alker lii, Louis
Enemies of Happiness, Thursday,
Marc" Wllliams
Abclman and Lynn True . In eastern
Congo, vying m ilitias, armies and bandits use rape as a weapon of
Oct. 25 at 8:15 p.m.
Directors Eva Mulvad and Anja Al-Erhayem’s film about personal terror. Lumo proves that the solidarity of women can bind even the
courage and conviction, centers on Malalai Joya, who became one of most irreparable o f wounds. In Swahilli and French with English
Afghanistan's most famous and infamous women in 2003 when she subtitles.