October IO, 2007 lìo r tla n ò (fibseruvr zAfjJiììiAiNMINl paged 3 Leg Torso will perform at Mississippi Studios with Gutpuppet on Saturday, Oct. 13. Genre-bending Instrumentals G u tp u p p et will open the co n cert w ith its u n iq u e g e n r e -b e n d in g sound, sw in g in g the sonic trapeze betw een Indian raga. D elta blues. N o rth A fric a n g ro o v e , T u rk ish M elism a and eso teric b allads. 3 Leg T o rso w ill then p resen t its sig n a ­ tu re m u sica l b le n d o f c la ssic a l, tango, g y p sy , L atin and ja zz . 3 L eg T orso, P o rtlan d 's favorite w orld cham ber-m usic ensem ble, will perform at M ississippi Studios, 3939 N. M ississippi A ve., on S atu rd ay , O ct. 13th w ith the slide g u ita r and h a rm o n ic a d u o G u tp u p p e t. T he show begins at 7 :3 0 p .m ., is open to p atro n s 2 1 and ov er, and co sts $ 15 in ad v an ce o r $17 at the door. Teen Rapper Tops Music Charts w hileTim baland's "The Way I Are" featuring Keri Hilson slipped one to No. 4. A lso dow n one spot was Black Eyed Peas singer Eergie’s "Big G irls Don't Cry" at No. 5. The Hot 100's top debut came from Jordin Sparks' "Tattoo" at No. 58. It's the first single from the "American Idol" cham p's self-titled debut, due Nov. 20. r ————————————————————n 300 N. Killingsworth | Phone , (503) 286-1339 [ Soulja Boy (A P) - Teen rapper Soulja Boy has scored a second straight -- and fourth non-consecuti ve week - atop the Billboard Hot I (X) singles chart with "Crank That (Soulja Boy)." M eanw hile, Britney Spears, the form er pop princess, rocketed 65 places to No. 3 last week with "G im m e M ore," her first top It) hit since "Toxic" in March 2(XM. Kanye W est's "Stronger" held at No. 2, 503.286.1339 Fax (503) 286-7088 ! (OS^AMOI Thu. NOV. 1 * 7:30 PM Fri. O PENING NIGHT TICKETS $ 1 2 ! NOV. 2 Sat. NOV. 3 Sun. NOV. 4 7 :3 0 P M 12 N O O N 3 3 0 PM 7 :3 0 P M 12 N O O N 3 3 0 PM 7:3 0 PM Exclude» from Row Rod VIP teats No ooubte d'scountv I Buy tickets ot www.disneyonice.com, comcast .com, participating Safeway/TicketsWest locations, The Rose Quarter Box Office or call $ 1 IM> off Any Dinner 1 Best tasting Fish in town % Rurger and Fries $2.99 | * Melt in your mouth Fhilly Steak k _ — _ — — — — ! j 1-877-789-ROSE For groups coll (503| 963 4400 TICKET PRICES: $ 1 6 * $ 20 Limited number of Front Row and VIP seats available. Call for details. (Service charges and handling fees may o p p ly ) Special Guest Tinker Bell