Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 10, 2007, Page 14, Image 14

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    PaSeC2__________________ ___________ Ih' JJortlanò (P b a e r ü e r ^ ^ J S j^ ,,
Boldly Beautiful —Friday,Oct. 12,
at 8 p.m., the Portland Columbia
Symphony Orchestra will be per­
forming Boldly Beau-
tifu l, at the First
U nited M eth o d ist
Church, 1838 S.W.
Jefferson St. V isit
ticketing information.
Friday,Oct. 12at9:30p.m .,tak­
ing the stage on Saturday, Oct. 13,
at9p.m.,inMilwaukeeat Domenic’s;
Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 8
p.m. live at Tillicum’s
in Beaverton.
enth Avenue and Dekum. Tickets
are $15 and available by visiting
thetradedies.com or by calling 503-
Halloween Fun - The­
atre de Grand Guignol,
the French theater of Artists Open Studios - Self-di­
horror and comedy, rected tours of 98 local artists work­
runs each Thursday, places take place Saturday and
Norm an Sylvester
Friday and Saturday Sunday, Oct. 13 and Oct. 14 on the
Band — The Norman
for the remainder of eastside, and Oct. 20 and Oct. 21 on
Norman Sylvester
Sylvester Band will be
this month at the Vil- the westside. The Portland Open
performing at the Portsmouth Club, lage Ballroom on Northeast Sev- Studios Tour Guide includes two
It’s Better at the Beach!
C K in o o k
I a A n d s
October 26 & Tl, 8pm • Tickets S25-S40
For tickets, call 1-888-MAIN ACT, TicketsWest at 1-800-992 TIXX
or buy online at www.chinookwindscasino.com
October IO, 2007
tickets for all days and can be For reservations, call Cyrus, Mon­
obtained at Art Media stores, New day through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Seasons Markets, W eir’s Cicely at 503-823-3624.
and other outlets listed on the
website portlandopenstudios.com. O ld City Cem etery T ours -- Satur-
T w o P lays at
Sam e T im e —
House and Gar­
den, tw o inter­
connected plays
perf ormed simul­
taneously hy one
c a st,
through Sunday,
Oct. 14 at Artists
Repertory T he­
ater. Tickets can “House and Garden, ’ two interconnected plays
be purchased by phone at 503-241 - day and Sunday, Oct. 27 and 28th,
1278, online at artistsrep.org or at the Vancouver Heritage Ambassa­
the box office at 1516S.W. AlderSt. dors will guide the brave of heart
through the haunted headstones.
C arousels: T he A rt of the Animal V isit
v a n c o u v e rh e rita g e
-- Beginning Saturday, Oct. 6 ambassadors.org or call 360-686-
through Jan. 31, the World Forestry 3482 for more information.
Center Discovery Museum will
present a magnificent display of Monster Mash Halloween Show --
antique hand-carved wooden ani­ Friday, Oct. 26, at 8 p.m., Janice
mals; for more information, call 503- Scroggins and Patrick Minner will
288-1367 or visit worldforestry.org. perform at Jimmy M ac’s Supper
Club, portions of the proceeds to
C reativity Runs Dry — Two artists benefit the Oregon Food Bank.
who lived the high life in Mexico Door charge $10.
City but whose family falls apart
when creativity is
Festival of Trees —
forced to dry and
Thursday, Nov. 29,
w ither aw ay, are
from5;30to 11 p.m.,
profiled in the pro­
the 25th annual
duction of Mariela
Providence Festival
in the Desert, play­
of Trees kicks off
ing through Satur­
with an auction and
day, Oct. 13 at the
dinner at the Oregon
M ilagro T heatre,
Convention Center.
525 S.E. Stark St. For
Public shows avail­
tic k e ts,
v isit
able Friday, Nov. 30,
milagro.org or call
I0a.m .to9p.m .and
Mariela in the Desert
on Saturday, Dec. 1,
from 10a.m. toôp.m.
O fficer’s Row G host W alk -- Fri­ V isit
p ro v id e n c e .o rg /
day and Saturday, Oct. 19 and 20th, festivaloftrees for tickets.
the Vancouver Heritage Ambassa­
dors will guide guest through the So You Think You Can Dance —
haunted O ffic e r’s Row at Ft. Tuesday, Nov. 27 at 8 p.m., see your
Vancouver with enlightening ghost favorite stars perform from the siz­
stories; tours depart every 15 min­ zling summer show live at the Rose
utes beginning at 6:30p.m. For more Garden. For tickets, call 877-789-
information, call 360-992-1800.
M ansions A fter D ark — Wednes­
day, Oct. 24, visitors will have the SlidersG rill--SlidersG rill,30l I N.
rare opportunity to tour five early Lombard, features an eclectic as­
20th-ccntury-cra mansions inside sortment of performers on the main
and out; learning what really lurks stage, accompanied by delicious
beneath the stairs and goes bump food. Call 503-459-4488 for more
in the night. Tours begin at 6 p.m. information.