Page B4 October IO, 2007 __Í,íf IJortlanh ©hseruer C lassifieds / B ids .lamesW Fowh t C q . L egal N otices Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of p u b lic a tio n q u ic k ly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! J e-mail: S ta r Park is lo o k in g for in d iv id u a ls w ith e xc e lle n t custom er service skills and a positive attitude to join our team of p a rkin g fa c ility o p era to rs. P osition s include: Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier, and V ale t, w ith O p p o rtu n ity for advancem ent. No experien ce necessary, must be dependable. ■ , General Contractors The Portland Observer Oregon based General Contractor looking for equipment operators, laborers, pipe layers, truck drivers to w ork on p re v a ilin g w age p ro je cts. T ra in in g program a va ila b le . EOE, w om en and minorities encouraged to apply. 8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k Fax resume to 503-623-9117 or w/match, sick & vacation pay. Email Fax: 503-288-0015 K&R Plumbing Const. Co. is requesting sub-bids for the following project: Oregon State University Long Term Campus Sewer Repair/Replacement. Bid date & time: Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2007; 2:00 PM Su b -co n tractin g o pportu nities: Concrete flat work; Asphalt patching; traffic control; trucking; asphalt and concrete saw cutting. Construction material supplies; Asphalt; Ready-mix; crushed rock; top soil; erosion control materials. 610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221 Portland, OR 97205 www. star-park, com Bid documents available at local plan centers. Contact: Kurt at K&R Plumbing, 14463 SE 152nd Dr., Clackamas, OR 97015 Phone: 503-658-3161 Fax bid to: 503-658-8305 by 2:00PM, Oct. 15,2007 CALL FOR BIDS CITY OF CAMAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY PROJECT NO. WS-582A WASHOUGAL RIVER WATERLINE AND UTILITY BRIDGE Sealed bids will be received by the City of Camas, Office of the Finance Department, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, Washington, until 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, October 30, 2007 and will then and there be publicly read for the construction of the improvement. All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Camas. Informational copies of maps, plans, and specifications are on file for inspection in the Public Works Department, Camas, Washington. Plans and Specifications may be purchased for $86.56 ($80.00 plus sales tax) each, which is non-refundable. The improvement for which bids will be received follows: Bid opening at 10:00 A. M., Tuesday, October 30,2007. The contract provides for furnishing and erecting a prefabricated steel truss utility bridge with a 250 foot span over the Washougal River and construction of associated reinforced concrete foundations, abutments, piers, and walls. Other Improvements include the installation of approximately 1,784 lineal feet of 24- inch ductile iron water main and force main pipes crossing the bridge and within trenches on each end of the bridge, landscaping restoration, and other related items. STAR'Sr PARK N ursing M E TR O Set-up Custodian. $1 3 .3 8 - More than you ever expected... $15.07/hr, FT. Deadline: 10/17/ In a place you never expected. 07. Performs clean up and set-up tasks at the Oregon Convention If your career wish list includes Center. This opportunity is open things like real autonomy, true to First Opportunity Target Area cam araderie, m ore fle xib ility, residents (Columbia Boulevard greater clinical environment, less d e m a n d s, lo w e r on the north; 42nd Avenue on the p h ys ic a l d ia g n o s tic a cu ity, and the east; the Banfleld Freeway on the opportunity to work side-by-side south, and North Chautauqua Boulevard on the west), whose with doctors and PAs, you've come total annual income does not to the right place. And that place exceed $25,000 as an individual, is at Wexford Health Sources - a or $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an e n tire nationally recognized leader in h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e past 12 contracted medical services for correctional facilities. Please join months. our team as: To a c c e ss th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n cem e n t and required • LP N s FT, PT, PRN application materials, visit our • RN FT, PT, PRN website at jobs or pick up a complete packet Clark County Jail at Metro Human Resources, 600 Vancouver, WA NE Grand Avenue, Portland. Come to think of it, you'll also enjoy a very attractive salary, great AA/EEO Employer benefits, and lots of promotional F e rn h ill E sta te s has openings for o p p o rtu n itie s . For full C.N .A.’s. P le ase ca ll C h e ryl consideration, .contact: Nina Dow, Emerson @ 503-288-5967 or Staffing Consultant stop by 5737 NE 37th Avenue, Phone: 800-903-3616; Portland, OR 97211. Fax: 412-937-8874; F e rn h ill E s ta te s is seeking a RN ndow@wexfordhea Ith .com for 12 hour Day Shift. Please call An Equal Opportunity C h e ryl Em erson @ 5 03 -28 8- Employer M/F/D/V 5967 or stop by 5737 NE 37th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 S O U R C E S IN C O H P O R A ffO &¿Wexford Health A pre-bid meeting will be held on Monday, October 15th, 2007 at 1:30 PM in the City of Camas Council Chambers, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, Washington, 98607. Prospective bidders are strongly recommended to attend. S u m m e r R un ■-«r The City of Camas reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if found to be higher than the estimated cost and to waive any formality or technicality in any proposal in the interest of the City. The Legislative Assembly, acting by and through the Legislative Administration Committee, is issuing a Request for Proposals for Master Plan Development Consulting Services for the Oregon State Capitol 7810 SE Foster Road Portland, Oregon 97206 503«774«8885 Retirement Apartments ■ Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments 1 Affordable Rent with No Costly Buy-Ins or Application Fees Federal Rent Subsidies Available Ideal Urban location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and more! Enjoy our small community atmosphere that’s relaxed and friendly! The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon *Position: The Office Support Specialist III (OSS III) is a highly s p e c ia liz e d o ffic e su p p o rt p o sitio n used in b u re au s th ro u g h o u t th e City. Th is recruitm ent will be used to fill multiple vacancies within the City o f P ortla n d . P lease v is it our w e b site at: http:// P o rtla n d is in te rn a tio n a lly recognized for its quality of life, distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playing a key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica’s most livab le c itie s is the Portland D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n ’s mission. PDC is the City's urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together resources to achieve Portland's vision. We're currently looking for qualified individuals to com plem ent our w o rk fo rc e fo r th e fo llo w in g positions: or contact Jarvez Hall, Sr. Human Resources Analyst, (503) 823- 5738. The City of Portland is An Equal Opportunity Employer l U F i n r a i w a Health & Services We're seeking exceptional individuals for exciting career opportunities! W h e th e r you r professional skills are in financial se rvic e s or n ursin g; m edical records or facility maintenance; a d m in is tra tiv e su p p o rt or h e a lth c a re m an age m e n t, c o n s id e r a c a re e r w ith Providence! Visit our Employment Center at 1235 NE 47th Avenue, or view current opportunities and a p p ly o n lin e to d a y! Holiday Events Bazaars C ontact 503 288 0033 Or a d s@ p ortla n d ob server.c om The RFP is intended to solicit proposals from experienced, qualified consultants to provide services for the development of a master plan for the Oregon State Capitol. Plan development will include evaluation of existing Capitol facilities, identification of existing and future needs for the Capitol for a tw enty to thirty year tim efram e, analysis of alte rn ative s to m eet these needs, development of prioritized recommendations to address these needs through a sequence of projects over a period of years, and a proposal for strategies to fund the sequence of projects. The plan will be ready for presentation to the Legislative Assembly during its 2009 session. Eight (8) copies of each submittal must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. PDT, Monday, November 5, 2007, at the following address: Vicki Brammeier Oregon Legislative Administration 900 Court Street, Room 140-A Salem, Oregon 97301 phone 503-986-1212 Apprx. H ourly Wage: $17.95 - $23.10 Deadline: 4:30 pm, 10/19/2007 Gifts Copies of the Request for Proposals (RFP) may be obtained on or after October 8, 2007 by contacting Legislative Administration, Room 140-A, 900 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon, phone 503- 986-1848, or electronically on the Oregon State ORPIN web site at Proposers must attend a mandatory pre-proposal meeting on October 18, 2007 at 2:00 pm at the Oregon State Capitol, 900 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon. Information about the specific room for the meeting will be available at the Capitol's Information Kiosk. Portland Development Commission Senior Construction Coordinator Programmer Analyst II (Access, Visual, SQL) We o ffe r a gen erou s host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values diversity in its work force and is committed to Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action. Apply online at Portland Development Commission, 222 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Jobline: 503.823.3463 Holiday Advertising The Legislative Administration Committee seeks qualified firms or individuals to subm it proposals for providing master plan development consulting services for the Oregon State Capitol. Proposers may ask questions about this RFP and the Oregon State Capitol Master Plan Development Project through the date of and at a mandatory pre-proposal meeting. Questions may also be asked in writing via email to Vicki Brammeier, Legislative Administration Special Projects Manager, at POSITION: Office Support Specialist III MUST SELL GE Dryer Exceptional Value! $50.00 Runs Well! 503.288.0033 Ask for Mark. Affordable Quality Retirement Living for Seniors 62 years and older Alberta Simmons Plaza 6611 NE Martin Lnther King Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 r I 503-288-0033 I J U U d U l U C ; Fill Out & Send To: I I ilpf|JartIanfo dObseruer I I Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3 137, Portland OR 97208 I s u b s c r i p t i o n s a re j u s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r I (please include check with this subscription form) I I N ame : I A ddress : I T elephone : I ------------------------------------------------ I or email subscriptions® / 503-240-4198 • One-Bedroom Apartments with Full Sized Kitchens and Living Areas • Planned Activities, Laundry Facility, Conference & Meeting Room, Elevator and Library - Conveniently Located to Shopping, Restaurants, Pharmacy and Medical Offices