JJortlaith (fftbseruer October 3, 2007 Page A5 F ood The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments, and/ or family recipes that you would like to share with us are addressed in email to: www.foods@portlandobserv er.com Oktoberfest G et o u t the le d erh o sen and s te in s — it is th e s e a s o n fo r O ktoberfest. Before you tap the keg and turn up the oom -pah, here's a bit o f history about the event and th e b e e r s ty le b o th n a m e d O ktoberfest. O ktoberfest is an event that cel­ ebrates the abundance o f the fall harvest; w hich takes place during the 16 days before the first Sunday in O ctober. T his year O ktoberfest began on Saturday, Septem ber 22, and ends Sunday, O ctober 07. W h a t g o e s b e s t w ith an O ktoberfest? If a stein is in one hand, the other usually holds a Sausage Cooking Tips • C ook fresh sausages o v er gentle heat so the in terio r fully cooks. wurst or sausage. At the M unich O ktoberfest, the food is served in gargantuan portions: haunches of oxen and w hole chickens are spit- roasted, and m yriad sausages are steam ed and served with sauerkraut and onions. A m erican sausage- m akers all m ake flavorful sau ­ sa g es— b eef, c h ic k e n , p o rk or veal— often flavored with fresh h e r b s a n d s e a s o n in g s — th a t com plem ent the bready, malty notes o f an O ktoberfest beer. T he follow ing recipes will help you create an O ktoberfest menu that celebrates the fall harvest's abundance. • S au sag es can be steam ed, sim m ered, fired o r grilled. T ry a co m b in atio n o f m ethods. • B efore co o k in g , prick the skins to prevent b u rstin g . • T o heat co o k ed fresh sausage, bring a pan o f w ater o r b eer to a boil. T u rn o ff the heat, add the sau sag es an d co v e r for 10 to 15 m inutes. Ingredients for life. • R eheat sau sag es in hot w ater, but avoid boiling th em as th eir sk in s will split. • O n io n s in the co o k in g liq u id add flav o r to sa u ­ sag es. • Parboil fresh sau sag es in w ater o r b eer before g rillin g o r frying. • B e e r ad d s a s tro n g e r fla v o r th a n w ate r. M alt- h e a v y b e e rs a d d s w e e tn e s s a n d a re g o o d fo r stro n g ly fla v o re d sa u sa g e . L a g e rs ad d a slig h t b itte r n e s s an d c o m p le m e n t s w e e te r s ty le s a u ­ sages. SAFEWAY Ö RANCHERS EÑ D E R A N G U Lean Ground Beef Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Steak SAVE up to $1.80 lb. VALUE Bone-in. CLUB PRICE All the Wurst for Ware 80% Lean. 20% Fat. SAVE up to $6.00 lb. Weisswurst is the traditional sausage served at "Weisn"—as the locals call Oktoberfest—but dozens o f other wursts are also served. Here are a few o f them: • B ierschinken— a large slicing sausage w ith chunks o f ham and pistachios • B ie m u rst— coarse-textured slicing sausage flavored with ju n ip er berries and cardam om • B lutw urst— blood sausage, which com es in m any varieties; it is eaten sliced and cold or fried like black pudding • B ratw urst— a pale, sm oked sausage m ade o f finely m inced veal, pork, ginger, nutm eg and other spices; usually com es raw and m ust be cooked, but precooked bratw urst is also available (reheat before serving) • B raunschw eiger— a spreadable sm oked-liver sausage enriched with eggs and milk; the m ost well know n o f the liverw urst sausages • C ervelat— sim ilar to Italian salam i, a slicing sausage o f pork and beef, spices and often m ustard or garlic; Thüringer is a com m on variety o f G erm an cervelat • Knockw urst; kn ackw u rst— a short, plum p sm oked sausage needing poaching or grilling; contains finely m inced lean pork, beef, spices and, notably, garlic; often served with sauerkraut • W ienerwurst— b e lie v e d to b e th e o rig in o f A m erican frankfurter; beef and pork flavored with coriander and garlic • W eissw urst— G erm an for "white sausage" and is very pale and delicately flavored; m ade o f veal, som etim es beef and pork, cream and eggs; a specialty o f M unich and traditionally served at O ktoberfest with rye bread, sw eet m ustard and, o f course, beer. Butcher's Cut Bacon Medium Raw Shrimp 6 5-lb. 51 to 60 ct Or Cooked Northern Shrimp Meal Sold m a 2-lb. bag Bulk price $4 99 lb Frozenlthawed SAVE up to S4 00 or a 2 lb Pag Limit 1. SAVE up to $ 10 00 ea (« .M k» ) Northwest Grown 10-lb. Bag Russet Potatoes Crisp Fuji Apples Fresh Asparagus SAVE up to $1 00 lb SAVE up to $3 00 lb SAVE up to $1.00 ea. Safeway is proud to jo in in the fig h t against Breast Cancer. Let us all help fund research to fin d a cure to this disease. For more inform ation, visit Safeway.com. "Join us in the fig h t to help educate M elissa and fin d a cure fo r breast cancer." E th e rid g e Beer-Braised Brats “Try the cranberry-pickle relish; i t ’s a perfect compli­ ment to enhance the distinc­ tive flavor o f the brats. ” f» chef-inspired Signature Cafe Soups Ingredients • 2 Tbs. butter • ‘/ i cup thinly sliced onion • I 12-ounce bottle o r can, dark G erm an beer • 1 Tbs. packed brown sugar • 1 Tbs. vinegar • '/i tsp. caraw ay seeds • Vi tsp. dried thym e, crushed • Vi tsp. W orcestershire sauce 12.55 Lucerne Milk Galion Whole 2%. 1%. Skim Supreme or Fat Free At checkstand. first item win scan at regular price, second item will retied savings. • 5 uncooked bratw urst links (1-1/ 4 pounds) • 5 hoagie bunds, bratw ursts buns, o r o th e r crusty rolls, split and to asted • 1 recipe ‘easy cranberry-pickle relish’ *see below Directions R efreshe W afer 1. I n a 4-quart Dutch oven, heat butter over m edium heat. Add onion; cook and stir about 5 m inutes or until tender. Add beer, brown sugar, vinegar, caraw ay seeds, thyme, and W orcestershire sauce. Bring to boiling: reduce heat. Place bratw ursts in beer m ixture. C over and sim m er for 10 m inutes. 2. U sing tongs, rem ove bratw ursts from cooking liquid. In a grill pan or l()-inch skillet cook bratw ursts over m edium heat about 10 m inutes or until golden brown ( I60F), turning occasionally. If desired, return the bratw ursts to cooking liquid to keep w arm until serving time. 3. To serve, place grilled bratw ursts in buns. Using a slotted spoon, top with onion slices and cranberry-pickle relish. M akes 5 sandwiches. 24-pack. 16 9-oz SAVE up to $1 50 CLM PftfCt SAVE up to $1.00 ea. V Whole Roasted Chicken ' ' n Must Buy 2 Selected sizes and varieties Club Price S3 00 ea 9 90 | ^ n q l e bottle p n te $» 0 9 9 f a K endall-Jackson. Edna V alley or Eola H ills 750 ml Selected varietals SAVE up to $6 00 ONE WEEK ONLY! SAFEW AY > SA FEW A Y* COUPON COUPON O NE W EEK O NLY! O NE W EEK ONLY! O c to b e r 3 t h r u O c to b e r 9 O c to b e r 3 th r u O c to b e r 9 1 99 $ * ■ »or _ _ with tMtf and coupon i Safeway SELECT Paper Towel or Softly Bath Tissue , Tender, p lu m p an d juicy w*x,ie r htc+an Slow roasted and borne co o ked favor In th e Oelt What to serve with your wurst? Entenm anns Line Sale Buy 6 Bobles m m m and your price per bottle Offer valid Wednesday. October 3 thru Tuesday, October 9 Minim um $ 1 0 Purchase October 3 thru October 9 Whole Roasted Chicken I 1 'Siifc ONE W EEK O NLY! 1 06 to 16-02 Selected varieties Club Price: S2 00 ea SAVE up to S3 50 on 2 SAVE up td $9 36 on 4 I? f I SA FE W A Y * COUPON Italian-Style Wedding, Fiesta Chicken Tortilla, Bella Minestrone, Spicy Lentil, Rosemary Chicken & White Bean and Tuscan Tomato & Basil Bisque. In a small bow l, com bine '/icu p can n ed w hole cranberry sauce and '4 cup sweet pickle relish. M akes about J4 cup. — ' Nabisco Chips Ahoy1 Mayonnaise or Miracle W hip 32-oa Mayo 7-02 SpnWii or ’ 6-0; Be'?« Selected vaneries U M 1 Oui Pnce Sf 25 ra CLUB PRICE Try th e s e o th e r delicious so u p s..„____ Easy Cranberry-Pickle Relish • M ustards: sw eet, hot, spicy, coarse and sm ooth; set out a variety of m ustards to com plem ent the w ide range o f sausages. • Breads can he soft rolls; dense rye or black breads; caraw ay, poppy seed, and other seeded breads and rolls; sour doughs and w hole grain breads; and hot, soft pretzels (especially gixxl with mustard). • Don't forget the sauerkraut' • A uthentic G erm an beer, o f course, is the drink o f choice. O ktoberfest style beers are am ber colored, sweet, very malty and traditionally the first beers o f the season. W eissbicr is the perf ect com plem ent to W eissw urst, as its lighter body and flavor won't overpow er the delicately seasoned sausage. 4,5 W is M mk SaMDrewng M ”3 sptnwd zanetipy law 1 «daw af I. Mkk*MWPitO»u*rtiM» ea with o d and toupoti F o s te r F a rm s L e an G ro u n d T u rk e y SUPER COUP SVJFBR COUPONS! t firn« 0» pwn yll stores See gift t »d s tor details terms and (orxkt-ons wfnth may vary Al l LIMITS ARE PER H O l'S E H O I I). PER DAY Items k pnees in this ad are available at your local Safeway stores. No sale* to dealers, restaurants or institutions Sales in retail quantities only OuantitKS o f some items may be limited and subiect fo availability Not responsible for tvpograph or pKtonal errors. We reserve the right to correct all printed errors.On Buy One, Get One Free CBOGO’ f offers, customer must purchase the first item to receive the second item free B (X ,() offers are not I 2 pute sales If only a single item purchased, the regular pnee applies Manufacturers’ coupons may be used on purchased items only not on free nemt C 2007 Safeway Stores, Inc k i ! t J