October 3. 2007 PageA2 Rid World of Nukes, says Obama (A P)~ Democrat Barack Obama called for ridding the world of nuclear weapons Tuesday. Obama argued that U.S. policy is still focused on the defunct Soviet Union instead of combatting the nuclear threat from rogue nations and terrorists. The United States shouldn't unilaterally disarm, he said, but it must work with other nations to phase out w eapons and co n ­ trol atomic material. "Here's w hat I'll as Sen. Barack Obama say president: 'America seeks a world in which there are no nuclear weapons,'" Obama said. "The best way to keep America safe is not to threaten terrorists with nuclear weapons— it's to keep nuclear w eapons and nuclear mate­ rials away from terrorists,” the Illi­ nois senator said. Aides said the process Obama envisions would take many years, not just a single presidency. Obama's address marked the fifth anniversary of an anti-war rally where he announced his opposi­ tion to invading Iraq. photo by M ark W ashington AT he P ortland O bserver Bring the Troops Home Rally Johnny Crawford makes a political statement during Saturday’s march and rally to stop the wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hundreds of people gathered for the event, sponsored by local peace and justice groups, churches and KBOO Community Radio. Hill Fires Back on Thomas Book C liarence Racial Disparities Doom City’s Exclusion Zones THOMAS Inferior program needs replacement, says mayor Thom as’ assertions. "I was truthful. What I described happened actually did happen, and em p lo y e e at the (AP)--AnitaHill, Education Depart­ what I’ve learned is that it’s hap­ whose sexual ha­ pened to many women in the work­ ment and the Equal rassm en t a lle g a ­ Employment Oppor­ place,” Hill said in an interview tio n s ag ain st tunity Commission, Tuesday on ABC’s “Good Morn­ C larence Thom as was a mediocre em­ ing America.” nearly derailed his p lo y ee w ho was She said she believes the work­ S uprem e C o u rt used by political place environment is better now nomination 16 years opponents to make for women, but added that Tho­ ago, said Tuesday MY claims she had been mas’ approach "is really so typical she stood by her G randfather ' s sexually harassed. of people accused of wrongdoing. account of his be­ Powerful interest They trash their accusers.” hav io r, d isp u tin g groups and “left- In the 1991 hearings, Thomas Thom as’ assertion wing zealots draped adamantly denied Hill’s accusa­ in a new book that in flowing sancti­ tions that he made inappropriate the charges were mony” were out to stop him at all sexual remarks, including refer­ politically motivated. “I stand by my testimony” at a costs and chose “the age-old blunt ences to pornographic movies. 1991 Senate Judiciary hearing on instrument of accusing a black man Thomas says he did talk about X- the nomination. Hill wrote in an Op of sexual misconduct," he writes. rated movies while at Yale Law Ed piece in The New York Times. "I He described Hill as touchy and apt School, adding that so did many will not stand by silently and allow to overreact and said she com­ other young people in the 1970s. Hill is now a professor of social him, in his anger, to reinvent me.” plained to him only about his re­ policy, law and women’s studies In his book, "My Grandfather’s fusal to promote her. Hill, who is also black, disputed at Brandeis University. Son,” Thomas says Hill, his former Justice says charges were political I <'4L)N New data finds a racial disparity lems by lacking adequate treatment in how the city excludes people options. As an alternative to the zones, from exclusion zones, signaling the end to a constitutionally question­ Potter and City C om m issioner able means for barring hundreds of Randy Leonard will co-sponsor a citizens from their homes and neigh­ resolution calling for increased funding for programs that have cut borhoods. After also determining the Drug recidivism among chronic offend­ and Prostitution Free Zones have ers through access to drug treat­ not been effective in eliminating ment and a reserve of 57 jail beds for the drug addiction driving these those refusing help. Portland consultant crimes, Mayor Tom Potter allowed the controversial ordi­ nance to expire. “ I have c o n ­ clu d ed th at both p ro g ram s are no longer serving their intended purpose and act only to sup­ press a serious com- - M ayor T om P otter m unity pro b lem rather than solving it," said Potter, who was police chief John Campbell developed research during their implementation. “I be- on contract with the mayor’s office I ieve there are better, more effective that revealed what critics had long ways to solve drug dealing and suspected - the zones unfairly tar­ prostitution so businesses and geted the poor and minorities - neighborhoods can be free from especially African Americans. After four months of indepen­ the toll these crimes take on our dent analysis, Campbell’s data re­ livability and sense of safety.” For 15 years, Portland police of­ vealed that African Americans ar­ ficers had used the zones to pro­ rested forexcludablecrimes are more vide neighborhoods with a tool to like to be excluded than Cauca­ remove drug users and sellers from sians. Forall zones, African Ameri­ high-crime areas. But principal lev­ cans are excluded 68 percent of the els of government now criticize the time, compared to 54 percent for laws for not getting at the root Caucasians. The police had responded to causes of neighborhood drug prob- previous suspicions of a disparity with a number o f changes, includ­ ing this year's development of the Racial Profiling Committee to iden­ tify policies and practices that lead to disparate impact on communi­ ties of color and adjustments to the recruitment and hiring process to increase the number of minority officers. But the recent report issued by Cam pbell's firm includes a state- I believe there are better, more effective ways to solve drug dealing and prostitution. k ment criticizing these efforts, say­ ing, "The Portland Police Bureau, institutionally, has seemed incuri­ ous about testing the hypotheses developed to explain apparent dis­ parities.” While theexclusion laws had been popular with some neighborhood and business groups concerned withcrime.Potterencouragedamove forward, saying, “We call on all Portlanders to work with the Port­ land Police Bureau in developing problem-solving strategies to stop street drug dealing and prostitution in every area of our city." Anti-Hate Rally to Respond A series o f ev en ts are u n d er­ way to co u n ter a w eekend g a th ­ ering o f neo-N azi racists to the Portland area. “ Hammerskin Nation" hasn't disclosed w here in town it will hold its 2()th-annual gathering. ¡Subscribe ! i A venue and w ill include p e r­ form an ces by M ic C renshaw o f H ungry M ob, C ristien Storm o f the “ If Y ou D o n 't, T hey W ill” anti-fascist cam paign, and W a lid a h Im a r is h a o f G o o d S ista/B ad Sista. ^Jortlanb (Dbseruer OMr&USend/ ? ! j Atttr. Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 503-288-0033 ■ (please include check with this subscription form) j s u b s c r ip tio n s are j u s t $60 p e r y e a r I J but local civil-rights activists have already held tw o music festivals and a teach-in to respond. An an ti-hate rally this S a tu r­ day, O ct. 6 starts at I p.m . It w ill be held at L ents Park on S o u th e a st H o lgate and 92nd J I I N ame :__________________________ T elephone : I _____ J A ddress :__________ _____________________________________ | or email subscriptions@portlandobserver.com k —_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ———— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J