October 3, 2007 ^ 'l l n r t l a n b (Observer fsHiiusms, Penny Kavan begins the outline of a silk scarf in her Portland studio, which opens to the public during the annual Open Studios self-guided tours this month. Kavan paints faces with a range of cultural and historical time periods. See Art Being Made During annual Open Studios tours W hen local artists open th eir studios to the p ublic th is m onth you can look out fo r ev ery little detail in an artists' studio fo rc lu e s on the g erm in atio n o f ideas and th e ir tra n s f o r m a tio n in to a r t­ w orks. O f course you can see the fin­ ished artw ork hanging on a wall, adorning a person or standing on a sculpture stand. But it is the artist at work that lets you see behind the scenes o f the creative process. During Portland O pen Studios, an annual self-directed lour ol 98 artists w orkplaces on Oct. 13 and 14 east o f the W illam ette River and O ct. 20 anti 2 1 on the W estside, you can see i t al I. Art ists wi 11 have brush, chisel or torch in hand right before your eyes. It is not surprising that Penny Kavan's work has an international focus; the artist was born in the Republic o f Ireland and grew up in N orthern Ireland. T he w orld is ev ery w h ere in K avan's studio, most notably the scarves she paints with faces from a wide range o f cultures and histori­ cal time peritxls. She fills the scarves with patterns from costum e, je w ­ elry and body decoration from around the globe. Painted with fluid lines the faces becom e even more anim ated when the scarves are worn. W edding C erem o n ies, V an ish in g A frica, Peoples o f the W orld, and Living Tribes are just a few o f the titles filling K avan's bookcases and w ait­ ing to inspire her for her next series o f scarves and paintings. M any o f the artists are related to each o th e r by the m edium s they use or by the k in d s of ideas that they v isu a lly ex p re ss but Penny and C ibyl K avan are re la ­ tives. C ibyl K avan, born in P aris and raised in the Isle o f W ight and M alta, is P en n y 's ste p d a u g h ­ ter. A ltho u g h they d o n ’t share g en e tic co d e - Penny a n d C ib y l's fath e r have been d iv o rce d for m any years — the tw o w om en have rem ain ed very clo se and share a passio n for art. T h ey reg u larly draw to g eth er, are both part of the sam e w o m en 's art gro u p and ex h ib it to g eth er. At C ib y l's s tu ­ d io you w ill see larg e en erg etic bold ab stra ct p ain tin g s full o f te x tu re and em o tio n . D on't m iss C ib y l's garden, not a direct source o f in sp iratio n , but a place to c o n ­ te m p la te the next artw ork. T o visit these artists' studios and the other 96 on the tour, you need the 2007 Portland O pen Stu­ dios T our G uide — w hich includes two tickets for all days (children are w elcom e and free ). a 2(X)8 calendar, a map to the studios, and contact inform ation forall participating art­ ists. The guide is available at Art M edia stores. New Seasons M ar­ kets. W eir's C yclery, and other lo­ c a l r e ta il o u tle ts lis te d on p o r tla n d o p e n s tu d io s .c o m . an d costs only $15. pageC3