October 3, 2007 page C2 Local Musicians Raise Voices Music, Arts Festival Sunday N ew Seasons M arket presents a H ome G row n M usic and Arts Festival on Sunday, Oct. 7 from I p.m. to m idnight at the W onder Ballroom , 128 N.E. Russell St. A ctivities kick o ff with fam ily-friendly fare including A frican dance troupes, bluegrass and fun pop rock, as well as arts and crafts vendors. As the evening approaches, the festival will shift tow ard m ore adult-oriented m usic, including rock, hip-hop and the ex p eri­ mental. T he festival is free, but a $5 suggested donation will benefit the O ld Library Studio, a nonprofit that exposes teens to the process o f m aking and recording music through technology and p:ear, a n o n ­ profit com m itted to positively transform ing the lives o f transitional youth though art. More information and a full lineupcan be found at w w w.hgm af.com . In concert series to help Uganda r ————————————————————i 300 N. Killingsworth j Phone ’ (503) 286-1339 j 503.286.1339 I Fax (503) 286-7088 • $ 1 — off A ny Dinner s Best tasting Fish in town ’4 Burger and Fries $2.99 Melt in your mouth PhillySteak | Presenting sponsors: AM M O »FSC* Portland m usicians are raising their voices to help U ganda in the first annual concert series “ Voices for Silent D isasters" to benefit the Portland-based hum anitarian o rga­ nization M ercy Corps. M cM enam ins is donating ven­ ues for the series that will feature m ore than 35 top Portland m usi­ cians, including 11 concert events throughout O ctober and N ovem ­ ber. Ticket prices will range in price from $10 to $15. O n T u esd ay , O ct. 9, U g a n d a ’s In d ependence D ay, a k ic k o ff c o n ­ c e rt at M c M en a m in s K ennedy S chool w ill featu re A rt A lex ak is o f E v erclea r and C h in a F orbes and T h o m as L au d erd ale o f Pink M artin i. F o llo w in g the co n cert, th e re w ill be a sp ecial p review sc reen in g o f the aw a rd -w in n in g d o cu m en ta ry m o v ie W ar D ance ch ro n iclin g the m usic, dance, c e l­ eb ra tio n and h ealin g th at is ta k ­ ing p la ce in U ganda. V oices for Silent D isasters is in- Ray Charles October 6 - 8 • An open m ic is held each M onday night at the Back-to-Back Cafe. 6 I4 E . Burnside. • Live blues on M ondays from 9 p.m. to m idnight at Produce Row C afe, 204 S.E. O ak: the Steinhaus, 2366 S.E. 82nd; M ississippi Studios. 939 N. M ississippi, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.: and at Jim m y M ac’s. 2 2 1 N.W . Tenth at 8 p.m. • Blues offered up W ednesdays at the Candlelight Room , 2032 S.W. Fifth: D u ff's G arage. 635 S.E. Seventh: and the Blue D iam ond. 2 0 16 N.E. Sandy. More than 20 of Portland's best jazz and blues artists join members of the Oregon Symphony for a tnbute to the great Ray Charles, performing hits like "I’ve Got a • Jazz each W ednesday night at the Blue M onk, the Portland Art M useum . Jim m y M ac's, and J a x 's. 26 S.W . Second. Tickets start at $15 O rS ym phony.org S03-228-1353 • 10 am-« pm M -F 803-790-ARTS A R LEN E S C H N IT Z E R C O N C E R T HA LL • L ivejazz Sundays from 8 :3 0 p .m .-1 l:3 0 p .m .a tC ly d e ’sP rim eR ib , 5474 N.E. Sandy, and at the Blue M onk, 3 3 4 1 S.E. Belmont. C harles Floyd, conductor NW Tribute to Ray C harles Band featuring P atrick Lam b, Linda H o m b u ckle , C urtis Salgado, Eddie M artin ez and many more Woman" and "Georgia On My Mind." SYMPHONY concert series proceeds will go di­ rectly to Mercy C orps' hum anitar­ ian-assistance program in Africa. T o learn more about the concert series line up and purchase tickets in advance, go to ticketm aster.com / promo/msr3 wd or call 503-224-4400. T ickets will also be available at the C r y s ta l B ox O ff ic e an d all T icketm aster locations. • Hannah B ea's, 3969 N.E. M artin L uther King Jr. BI vd.. presents jazz during its ‘Sunday Brunch S erenade' from 11 a.m .-l p.m. A Tribute to O IIC O N spired and is co-founded by local m usician Stephanie Schneiderm an o f Dirty M artini and G ordon Heady w ho share a deep passion for music and m aking a difference. Com bined with the enthusiastic support o f area musicians w ho are v o lu n te e rin g th e ir ta le n t an d M cM enamins who has donated per­ formance venues, I (X) percent o f the Live Music Every Night -- - D E A L E R S H IP S 5) ArtA/exak/'s Series sponsors: 1UU SW Mam Ä Hroartwav Porttand Center for the Pwforming Arts • On T hursdays, catch the W om en in Blues Revue at Ti II icum 's, 8585 S.W . B eaverton-H illsdale Hwy. • Fridays and Saturdays o ffer live music around the m etro area including H alibuts. 2525 N.E. Alberta St.; M ississippi Studios; I, V s , 3530 N. V ancouver Ave.; X V 's, 15 S.W . Second; Out o f the Blues, 2 0 5 0 N.W . Vaughn; Manila Express, 12 3 0 S.E. Main; Steinhaus; One Stop R ecords,6 15 N.E. Killingsworth; and the U-licious Smokehouse. 4057 N. Interstate.