October 3, 2007 Page B6 O I "U t l a n d OL s e r v e r The Everything To Everyone BMW by K athlekn C ark BMW proudly released the new 335xi in Lite March. The335xi isa 3.0 tw in-turbo-pow ercd engine putting out 3(X)-hp (o 31M) pd-ft. torque; with no turbo lag. All that coupled with AW'D m akes for a ju st about perfect sports sedan. B M W 's tw in-tu rbo, 3 .0 -liter inline-six is turning out to be an exciting engine. This is also one of the first p rem iu m -g as-p o w ered turbo engines for BMW in a long time. The experience o f dropping the ham m er on a perfectly balanced inline-six is incredible. Best o f all, you can mash the peddle to the metal and ALL that torque and pow er from the 300-hp engine bites the pavem ent without so much as a chirp from the 18” perform ance tires. Y ou’ve probably already know that AW D is a must for w inters in Oregon. But did you know that this is one o f the first AW D sedans tor BM W ? Just imagine the aw esom e perform ance o f the twin turbo en ­ gine paired with BMW' handling presented in a prem ium sedan. W hat you probably d o n 't know is how xDrive improves the package. The xDrive in the 335xi can transfer l(X)'/r o f he torque to the front or rear axle instantaneously as soon as wheel slippage, under­ steer or oversteer occurs. By d e­ fault it has a 60/40 split favoring the rear, giving the car a rear driven feel. You can m aneuver around parking lots like a rear wheel driven car. The pow ertrain is com pleted with a six-speed Steptronic trans­ mission. All I can say is- let it snow, let it snow. BMW loaded the speedy 335xi Sedan with an abundance o f safety features including; BM W Assist with Bluetooth, a five-beam rear suspension, BMW U ltim ate Ser- i Avut© R e v i e w fiat tires with Flat Tire W arning, Rain-sensing w indshield wipers. Xenon A daptive Headlights with A utom atic Headlight C ontrol Sys­ tem and Radar-sensing Dynam ic Cruise Control. O u r te st m o d el, 3 3 5 x i w as equip p ed w ith the prem ium p ack ­ age; co m fo rt access sy stem , dark B url w ood trim , m o o n ro o f, n av i­ g atio n sy stem , H D -R ad io , p re ­ m ium sou n d system , R eal-tim e traffic in fo rm atio n , rea r park in g d ista n c e co n tro l and so m uch m ore. T he BM W legacy o f luxury co n tin u es w ith the C old W eath er package including; heated leather seats and fo ld -d o w n seats w ith ski bag. T ruly the 2007 BM W 335xi A W D Sedan is destined to be a leader in this segm ent. Setting the Specifications: 3.0-Liter 24-Valve 300-Hp @ 300 Ib-ft. torque twin-turbocharged 6-Cylinder Engine; standard for overall driving enjoy­ 6-Speed Steptronic Automatic Transmission; AWD; 19-City 27-Highway MPG; $51,675. MSRP ment, versatility, class and refine­ vice, D ynam ic Stability Control T raction Control, Start-off A ssis­ F r o n t- s e a t sid e im p a c t s e a t- m ent in an entry-level luxury se­ (D SC), Dynam ic Brake Control, tan ce, D ual th resh o ld “ S m art” m ounted airbags, front and rear dan; only the price of this perfec­ Brake fade com pensation. Dynamic airbags for driver and passenger, seat Head Protections System, Run- tion may give you pause. BMW 335xi AWD Sedan S ports ____________ Blazers Open Camp Hungry for Success Despite top pick's knee (A P ) -G r e g O d en 's m isfortune has lessened some o f the city 's enthusiasm for the upcom ing sea­ son. But on the eve o f fall camp, Portland Trail Blazers say they expect success. “W e think even without him, with the talent we have right now, that m aking the playoffs is realis­ tic," said Brandon Roy, the NBA rookie o f the year last season. The Blazers parted with Zach Randolph on draft day, trading aw ay the player who was both a source of frustration and the focal point o f the offense. T hat opened the door for Roy, the charism atic shooting guard, to take over lead­ ership of the team. W ith an average age o f 24.1 years, it is a young team , but a News and reviews on new motor vehicles Brandon Roy Nate McMillan significantly deeper one than in coach Nate M cM illan's previous two years, when the team finished 21-61 and 32-50. The Blazers were last in the N BA in fast-break points last year, and M cM illan plans to increase the tempo. W ith O d en o u t, L a M a rc u s Aldridge and Joel Przybilla will pair in the frontcourt. A ldridge was an all-rookie selection last season but Przybilla, the second-oldest Blazer at 27. is com ing off an in- jury-plagued season where he av­ eraged ju st 2.0 points and 3.9 re­ bounds a game. Channing Frye, an athletic power forw ard with a sim ilar gam e to A ldridge, cam e over from the New York Knicks in the Randolph deal. A long with veteran R aef LaFrentz, he should provide insurance. M cM illan said he will give ath­ letic Travis O utlaw a chance to win the jo b at small forw ard, but he could get com petition from Jam es Jones, a pickup from Phoenix, and M artell W ebster, the sixth overall pick in the 2005 draft. F ree ag en t S teve B lake signed and will co m p ete w ith Jarrett Jack at po in t g u ard. Roy is set at sh o o t­ ing g u ard. D ariu s M iles is still re h a b b in g fro m m ic ro fra c tu re knee su rg ery and his retu rn is un certain . M cM illan lauded the character o f his players, noting that the team has changed since the "Jail Blaz­ ers” o f the past, and even from when he took over the team two years ago when “not everybody w anted to be a part” o f his pro­ gram. a j-£ ic io u s SMOKEHOUSE Specializing in E n io lici U '6 '5 Q 2 Vicar.s c ¿’C/t/oot' Beef • Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood lu n c h $5.95. ‘ (Dinner $ 9 .9 5 ank up Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Ox Tails & More Beer and Wine Available Open U:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday Two Year Anniversary Special $12* Full Slab Ribs 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 D a v id L e A SE C E R T IF IE D T E C H N IC IA N G R A D U A T E O F U N IV E R S A L T E C H N IC A L I n s t it u t e (P h o e n ix . AZ) H i T ech A uto 1 CX31 O N E S A N D Y B l v d . P o r t l a n d . O R 9 7 2 2 0 R e p a ir A M o n d a y - S aturday : 8:OO a m - 6.OOPM 5 0 3 -2 5 6 -3 3 3 5 T AND C AUTO SALES * f . L1C EN SED • BONDED • INSURED Tim Wilson 503-550-3841 A T T E N T IO N !!! The Leisure Hour Junior Golf Club gathers after playing in a summer tournament made accessible for minority and disadvantaged youth. Sign ups for next year's junior golf program will be held in January. For more information, call Angie Harris at 503-320-0123. Partial Victory for Knicks Coach PSU Set for Big Game courtroom o f d o ing," Thom as said. “I’m extrem ely disappointed that the jury did not see the facts in this case. I will appeal this, (A P) - A jury decided T uesday that New and I rem ain confident in the man that I am York Knicks coach Isiah T hom as sexually harassed a form er team executive, subject­ and what I stand for and the family that I ing her to unw anted advances and a barrage have." Madison Square Garden also said it would o f verbal insults, but also said he does not appeal. have to pay punitive dam ages. T he harassm ent verdict was A fter an ugly, three-w eek w idely expected after the jury trial, the verdict gives T hom as sent a note to the ju d g e M on­ a partial victory in the lawsuit day indicating that it believed filed by Anucha Browne Sand­ T hom as and the other defen­ ers. dants. M adison Square Garden T he jury did find that M adi­ and M SG c h a irm a n Jam es son Square G arden com m it­ D o la n , s e x u a lly h a ra ssed ted harassment against Browne B row ne S an d ers, a m arried Sanders, and decided that she m other o f three. is entitled to $11.6 m illion in Brow ne Sanders, fired from dam ages. her $260,000 a y earjo b in 2006, U.S. District Judge G erard Isiah Thomas sued T h o m a s and M adison E. Lynchcalled it an "eminently Square G arden. H er case presented the G ar­ reasonable” verdict before T hom as an ­ den as "A nim al H ouse" in sneakers, a place nounced his intention to appeal. where nepotism , sexism , crude rem arks and “ I’m innocent, very innocent, and I did crass language were part o f the culture. not do the things she has accused m e in this Found guilty but no fine I Portland State returns hom e after their first win against a ranked team in two years when they face N orthern A rizona on Saturday at 1:35 p.m. at PGE Park. Last w eek, the V ikings overcam e a pair o f first- half m istakes for a 28-21 win at 2 1 st-ranked East­ ern W ashington. The V ikings com m itted tw o turn­ overs after long drives and trailed 14-7 at halftim e. But a nice mix o f runs and passes in the second half led to three touchdowns. Roosevelt-Jefferson Battle Friday Night In my continual efforts to offer you reliable used cars, I am now based out of Beaverton Toyota. Now I can also assist you in the purchase of your next new or used Toyota. So call first - then come see me. Special Financing is Available! "If / D on’t Have It In Stock, / Will Get It For You! ” f ßA C E y^ W P r SE N IO R Ì GRADUATES, 407 N. E. MASON/mlk #8 PORTLAND, OR 97211 k (503)201-3312 «1 r L * a | jÄ * L x H igh-school football rivalries once again d o m i­ nate the local sports landscape this Friday with a full slate o f conference m atch-ups beginning at 7 p.m. The gam e to watch involves Roosevelt High School hosting the neighboring Jefferson D em o­ crats. Benson versus M adison on the Lincoln field also prom ises to be hot. ( )ther grudge matches are set forG rant at Franklin, Lincoln at W ilson and C leveland at Marshall. T ick­ ets are $6 at the gate, $2 for students. i