Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 03, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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    Œl’1 ^Jnrtlanb ffîbscruer
October 3. 2007
11,1 J l u r t lattò (ObsciUCV
Advertise w ith diversity in
Call 5O3-288-OO33
R eligion _________
Focus on Similarities, Not Differences
Les Wbitworth C.P.A.
nul boekkeepin# services
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advice for
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Charles M cCleoud
BUSINESS 503 734 4452
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State Farm*
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
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Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
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We m oved to our new location at:
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W ally T esfa
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Multi-Million $ Service
Are you currently in an
adjustable rate mortgage?
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mortgage payments?
You may have more options
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Charlotte Martin
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Your Care
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Dr. Marcelitte Pailla
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October 17— 2 3 ,2 0 0 7
With your continued financial support along
with that of your fellow community radio
contributors, we can meet our goal one pledge
at a time. We hope to hear from you!
SeteeNxl W*ng»
Abou* Poopio
fioco» <r<J Thr>gj
Mirri l. frilkersii
Special Needs Child Needs Home B i r t h o f a K i n g
Crystol is a beautiful
1 0 -y e a r-o ld g irl w ho
needs adoption. She has
m edium brown skin, dark
eyes and a lovely smile.
Crystol attends a small­
tow n elem entary school
and receives special ed u ­
cation services. She en ­
jo y s school and proudly
show s o ff the aw ard she
won for self-management
She does well in sci­
ence and art, and espe­
cially enjoys working with
clay. She also has a beau­
tiful singing voice. She is
a good sw im m er and likes
to spend tim e with her
foster family cam ping at
Crystol, age 10
the lake.
Crystol is an affectionate girl who w ants to
please the adults in her life. Ideally, because
she will need a good deal o f parental tim e and
attention, a fam ily who has foster or adoptive
experience but currently no youngerchildren
in the hom e will be the best fit/
Crystol is one o f approxim ately 3(X) O r­
egon children available for adoption through
con tin u ed
Call for an appointment!
Vorbah/ioQ OfCfcKty
5'TiproKions through
C reative Endeavors
Raising My V.O.l.C.E. isacollec-
tion o f writings that chronicles a
black m an ’s 16-year quest to un­
derstand why A m ericans focus so
m uch on th eir d ifferen ces, not
enough on their sim ilarities.
T h e b o o k by J e ff e r y A.
F a u lk e rs o n
( a v a ila b le
infm itypublishing.com ) pulls from
the headlines o f yesterday and to­
day, offering sound advice to black
A m ericans for how they can pros-
per individually and
dent and chief execu-
t i ve officer o f Practi­
U ltim ately, R ais­
cal Solutions, a faith-
based social service
ing My V .O .l.C .E . is
p rac tice e x p e rt in
one m an using the
w riting, editing and
pow er o f the pen to
consulting. He has
prom pt serious d ia­
dedicated him self to
lo g u e ab o u t fu n c ­
" p ro m o tin g f u n c ­
tional fam ilies, racial
tio n a l
f a m ilie s
reconciliation, civic
engagem ent and c o l­
lective prosperity. It
H e earn ed both
a ls o s e rv e s a s a
h is u n d e rg ra d u a te
clarion call for co n ­
tem porary Christians
an d g ra d u a te d e ­
Jeffery A. Faulkerson
grees in social work
to take firm er stances
in their faith.
from the U niversity o f T ennessee,
Faulkerson is the founder, presi
R e h e a rs a ls
Participants are invited to open re­
hearsals for the second community cel­
ebration of the “Birth of a King” at
Maranatha Church of God. 4222 N.E.
12th Ave.
For more information, call Minister
Thomas Hardy at 971-404-5600.
Pet Blessings at
Grace Memorial
the state, generally because o f abuse and ne­
For m ore inform ation on the availability of
this child, or on how to becom e a foster or
adoptive parent, contact the Special Needs
Adoption Coalition at 503-542-2392 or the O r­
egon D epartm ent of Human Services at 1 -800-
In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, who
among other things is the patron saint of
animals, Grace Memorial Episcopal
Church, 1535 N.E. 17th Ave., is holding
its annual blessing of animals on Sun­
day, Oct. 7. Services begin at 10 a.m.
Dogs, cats and other pet-sized ani­
mals can be taken to the service. The
blessings will take place immediately
after the service, in the church court­
yard, for animals of all shapes and sizes.
For more information, call 287-0418.
Citizens Left Hoping for More
It's never too soon to think
about refinancing.
Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per
month and Call
Page B5
fro m M etro
cision not to seek reelection” speech
about his work with PDC to m ake
the thoroughfare the best looking
in the nation carrying Dr. K ing’s
T h en lo w -in co m e-h o u sin g a c ­
tiv ist S y lv ia E v an s ju m p e d at a
ch a n ce to p resen t the latest fin d ­
ings o f m old, radon and p o o r
w ate r q u ality at P ied m o n t P laza
w ith ap p a ren tly little e ffo rt by
m an ag em en t to a d d ress the p ro b ­
as e v a s iv e on to p ic s su ch as really need to do is get at the next
P ro m isin g to look in to the is­ C an d a’s firing. " It’s not even worth guy w h o ’s c o m in g in 15 m o nths."
Potter adm itted this lim itation
sue, P o tter said. " I ’ve got to have bringing up, because h e’s not go­
a b etter idea o f the H ousing A u ­ ing to tell us why he fired him ." says w hile referring to his belief that
th o rity o f P ortland ratio n alizes D avid M iller, a gang-prevention “groups like this have trem endous
pow er over elections," ironically
this ... and I have a feelin g it has w orker for northeast Portland.
M iller w a sn 't the only one feel­ w arning ab o u t ca n d id a tes w ho
to do w ith m o n ey .”
E vans resp o n d ed th at p ro b ­ ing h alfh earted about the m a y o r's evade im portant topics.
" In a dem ocracy, you folks have
lem s w ould co n tin u e until re si­ h o u r-lo n g visit.
“ 1 g ot a good feelin g from him the final say,” he said, "so invite
d en ts w ere en ab led to “b u ild our
sa y in g . ‘You g ot a good thing them in here and d o n 't let them get
ow n and m anage it o u rse lv e s.”
Some saw the issues as a lost g o in g ,” ’ says S helly C u rry , the aw ay with platitudes or good-feel­
cause, at least as far as they co n ­ c o a litio n 's o ffic e m anager, "but ing things, but m ake then give you
cerned Potter, who was perceived then he w as saying that w hat we the specific answ ers you w ant."
Africa Fest to Promote Understanding
con tin u ed
fro m M etro
concerns within the growing num ­
ber o f African refugees and im m i­
“W e are introducing ‘A frica-
Fest", our first annual com m unity
and fam ily harvest celebration, a
com m unity and fam ily oriented
event organized to m ake Pan-ACO
more visible and to inform the pub­
lic and com m unity about w ho we
are; w hat we do; raise funds; and
have great fun w hile doing it,”
Kante said.
T h e o r g a n iz a tio n , fo rm e rly
known as the African C om m unity
Coalition o f O regon, is agrassroots
n onprofit ad d ressin g the m any
needs and issues affecting A fri­
cans in Portland.
African im m igrant and refugees
are a grow ing population in the
Portland area and m ake up o f some
o f the m ost disenfranchised am ong
all im m igrants and refugees. Unlike
m any other im m igrants and refu­
gees. A frican refugees are often
illiterate in their native languages
thus m aking literacy and socializa­
tion efforts a priority and essential
in their ability to acclim ate suc­
cessfully into A m erican culture
and becom e successful citizens.
Saturday's activities will include:
a rattle drawing; a chance to win a
color TV; a children's dance con­
test: door prizes; a unique gifts and
prixluct auction: and plenty o f good
music, food, fun. and fellowship.
For more inform ation, call the
organization at 503-761-0243 or
contact Basko Kante at 503-761-