l¡ | M inority & Small Business Week PageAI4 (Community (^alendar Weatherization Workshops Volunteer for Crisis Line T uesday, O ct. 2, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.in., the C om m unity Energy Project will host free educational w orkshops to self-w eatherize your home, at the East Portland C om m unity C enter, 740 S.E. 106 Ave.; qualifying participants will receive a free w eatherizing kit. Free weatherization is available for seniors. Call 503-284-6827 to register. W ant to m ake a d iffe ren ce in y o u r c o m m u n ity ? V o lu n teers and j ad v o cates are needed fo r the P o rtlan d W o m en ’s C risis L ine. T he needs include o n -call ad v o cates to resp o n d in p erso n o r o v e r th e j phone, o u treach and ed u catio n al e ffo rts, an d fu n d raisin g and ad ­ m in istrativ e duties. C all 5 0 3 -2 3 2 -4 1 7 6 for m ore inform ation. African American Council Neighborhood Farm Stand Y ou’re invited on the third Tuesday o f each m onth from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. when the A frican A m erican A dvisory Council meets at the King Facility ,4815 N.E. Seventh Ave. Call 503-823-0000. Locally grown vegetables and bouquets o f fresh flow ers will be avail­ able to the public, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday, at the R edeem er Lutheran Church, NE 20th and K illingsw orth. The stand supports local refugees and im m igrant fanners. Literacy Volunteers Needed T he V olunteer Literacy Program at PC C -C ascade needs volunteer tutors to provide free individualized instruction in basic literacy, English language, and math skills. C ontact 503-244-3898 or visit Oregon I i teracy.org. World Farm Animals Day Saturday, Sept. 29, join thousands o f w alkers from across America in support o f com passion for farm animals. Contact 503-778-0223 or visit w alkforanim als.com for more information. Hispanic Heritage Month In honor o f N ational H ispanic H eritage M onth (Sept. 15-Oct. 15), M ultnom ah County libraries will celebrate the culture and traditions o f Spanish-speaking nations with bilingual program s and special events. Visit m ultcolib.org/events/hispanic for a com plete listing of events. Parenting Classes N ew borns d o n ’t com e with instruction m anuals but parents and parents-to-be can attend classes through Providence Health System s to learn about a variety o f topics from pain and childbirth to breastfeeding to infant CPR and much more. For a schedule o f events, call 503-574-6595 or visit: providence.org/classes. Fall Swimming Lessons The Portland Parks will be offering fall sw im m ing lessons for ages 6 m onths to adults, at various pools throughout the Portland m etro area. For rates, registration, and inform ation contact 503 -8 2 3 -5 130. Food Bank Seeks Volunteers The O regon Food Bank seeks volunteers, to sort and repack perish­ a b le fo o d s. C a ll 5 0 3 - 2 8 2 -0 5 5 5 , e x te n s io n 2 7 2 o r v isit O regonfoodbank.org. Tax Help in Rockwood VITA tax aide for low -incom e fam ilies will begin to assist clients at the R ockw ood C om m unity office, 18709 S.E. Stark. C lients are seen by appointm ent only. A ppointm ents will be m ade on W ednesdays only from I p.m. to 5 p .m ., by calling 503-816-1530, Craftsman Workshops The N orthw est W oodw orking Studio is registering participants for fall w orkshops, classes, and lectures. Explore w ood craftsm anship and learn the art. Visit northw estw oodw orking.com or call 503-284- 1644. Diabetes Support Group Legacy Em anuel Hospital hosts a diabetes support group the first and third T hursdays o f every month, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., in Room 1027. Women in Community Service V olunteer fem ale m entors are being sought by W om en in Com m unity Service to work with incarcerated w om en at the Coffee Creek C orrec­ tional Facility. The w om en provide support and encouragem ent for inmates transitioning from prison back into the com m unity. For inform a­ tion, call 503-570-6614. Vancouver Outdoors Market S atu rd ay s and S u ndays, th ro u g h O ct. 27, the V an co u v er O u td o o r M arket w ill featu re fresh p ro d u ce, food, and arts and crafts. H ours | are from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m . on S atu rd ay s and 10 a.m . to 3 p.m . on S u n d ay s. September 26. 2007 Conference to Challenge Jefferson A co n fe re n ce d esig n ed to m o ­ opm ent and leadership. The co n ­ b ilize Je fferso n H igh S chool stu ­ ference will also address how the d ents, sch o o l staff, b u sin ess p ro ­ com m unity, parents and teachers fessio n als and co m m u n ity p a rt­ can b e tte r su p p o rt stu d e n ts at ners w ill en g ag e in a d ialo g u e Jefferson. th at aim s to affirm an d em p o w er REA P Inc. (Reaching and E m ­ stu d en ts to be m ore su ccessfu l pow ering All People) has partnered as lifelo n g learners and em erg in g with Jefferson to host the confer­ leaders. en ce, sch ed u le d for the en tire Speakers and w orkshops will school day o f Friday, Oct. 5 from cover topics involving academ ic 8 :15 a.m. to3:15 p.m.,on the school’s achievem ent, discipline disparities, ca m p u s,5 2 ION. Kerby. race, culture, parent and com m u­ For m ore inform ation, contact nity engagem ent, personal devel- Mark Jackson, 503-341-6161. E th n ic R e s ta u ra n t In v ite s ‘A l l to C o m e ’ Community Support T he A frican A m erican H ealth C o a litio n , a n o n -p ro fit that to u ch es the liv es o f m illio n s o f A frican A m erican s each year, rem in d s you to su p p o rt y o u r co m m u n ity o rg an izatio n . All d o n atio n s, g ran ts, and gifts are tax deductible. F or more inform ation, visit aahc-p o rtlan d .o rg . Help Loaves & Fishes The Tw o Rivers Loaves & Fishes C enter, 9(X)9 N. Foss St., needs volunteer drivers for m eals-on-w heels to ensure that hom ebound se­ niors in St. Johns receive nutritional m eals and a bit o f com panionship. Call503-988-4088. Bradley-Angle House The Bradley-A ngle House needs volunteers to help its outreach against dom estic violence. W om en o f color and bilingual w om en are encour­ aged tocall. For more inform ation, call 503-282-9940. co n tin u ed Damtew also cooks it down with ginger, shallots and four other secret ingredients before skimming it for purity. W ith all the food cooked to or­ der, Damtew will graciously substi­ tute olive oil for this delicacy if a custom er expresses a dietary pref­ erence. Fresh mini loaves o f bread act as the bridge to dip into a flavor­ ful fava-bean dish traditional among p easan ts. D amtew ’ s father he I ped manage Work against Abuse M obil O il’s interests in Eritrea, tak­ ing them far from any sort o f life as a peasant fam ily. But, w hile wear§ ing custom ary kidan habesha d resl fo r a rec en t fam ily o c c a s io n D am tew reflected on how her jour? ney through life has taken her far away from herearlierpreconceived notions. “If I m ake m oney, I’d like to see a lot o f that go back to the commu* nity,” she says. "I was very privi­ leged, so it took com ing all the way over here to learn w here I cam e from.” Advertise with diversity in C om m unity A dvocates invites those interested in protecting children from abuse to becom e an event volunteer, event outreach, technology expert, graphic artists o r office support team member. For inform ation, call 503-280-1388. IjJ o r tla ttb Stroller Class for Moms Are you a new mom or have a toddler? G et some exercise and m eet other m oms at the free Stroller Strides class, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursday at Peninsula Park. All you need is a stroller, water, a mat or towel and com fortable shoes. Call H elen at 503-260-5018 for more information. fr o m A 5 G D b s e ru e r Call 503-288-0033 or email: ads@portlandobserver.com To Place Your Classified Advertisement Relationship Transformation Peace-M aking, a local group based on non-violent com m unication and conscious aw areness, hosts a sem inar that includes inform ation how to have better relationships both personally and professionally. For more information, call 503-228-7256. Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@ portlandobserver.com : • 4 V WITHOUT FISH SCREENS, FISH END UP WHERE THEY SHOULDN’T BE Many of Oregon s fish, like steelhead and rainbow trout, inadvertently swim down man-made irrigation channels. When they do, they die. That’s why the Oregon Lottery’ provides funds to the Department of Fish and Wildlife to build fish screens all over the state. These screens keep hundreds of thousands of fish out of irrigation channels allowing them to remain where they belong, in our rivers and streams. Building fish screens, saving fish, it’s just one of the many ways the Oregon Lottery* does good things. For more information, visit itdoesgoodthings.org. O R EG O N LOTTERY IT D O E S G O O D T H IN G S In tte iy games .ire based on chance and should be played foi entertainment only