Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 19, 2007, Page 9, Image 9

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    September 19. 2007
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Latin-American Films Premiere
festival opens
The first Portland Latin A m e ri­
can Film Festival takes place Thurs­
day, Sept. 20 through Sunday, Sept.
23 in celebration o f National H is­
panic Heritage Month.
The four-day festival features 10
narrative film s, tw o documentaries
and over 10 shorts from different
countries including Argentina. Bra­
z il, Cuba. M exico, C hile and the
United States. A ll the film s in the
festival are Portland premieres.
H ig h lig h ts include "A n to n ia ”
(2006), directed by Tata Amaral.
The film tells the story o f lo u r black
young women liv in g on the o u t­
skirts o f Sao Paulo who must fig h t
to fu lf ill their dream o f m aking a
liv in g from their music.
For their rap group "A n to n ia ",
they find a manager and begin to
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The film 'Antonia' tells the story o f a group o f young women living on the outskirts o f Sao Paul
who fight to make a living from their music.
perform in bars and at parties. But
ju st as the dream seems to be com ­
ing true, their hopes are dashed by
the da ily events w hich accompany
poverty, chauvinism and violence
w hich threaten the group and jeop­
ardize their friendship.
The festival also presents "El
Benny" (2006), a Cuban film d i­
rected by Jorge L u is Sanchez.
Cuba's candidate fo r the79lh Acad­
emy Awards portrays the life o f
Benny M ore, the greatest Cuban
musician o f all time, w ho changed
the course o f Latin music forever.
222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115
Vancouver, W A 98684
Edúcate Y a w ill h o ld th e ir an­
nual gala, the “ L a tin o E ducation
and Freedom C e le b ra tio n " on Sat­
urday, Sept. 22 at the M is s is s ip p i
B a llro o m . 833 N Shaver Street at
M is s is s ip p i Avenue.
The e v e n t, hosted by M iss
L a tin a U S A Y alena M atos, w ill
He arranged big band orchestras
and combos from the music he heard
in his head and fe lt in his soul
w ithout being able to read or w rite
music. The excesses o f his night
life led this gifted, passionate and
charismatic man to an untim ely
Other highlights are "M y M e x i­
can Shiva," set in Polanco, a Jewish
quarter o r M e x ic o C ity , and spoken
in Spanish, Y iddish and Hebrew:
and "Las M anos" (The Hands),
w inner o f the Best Spanish Lan­
guage Foreign F ilm , Goya Awards
k ic k o f f at 5 p.m . w ith a silent
auction. D in n e r w ill be catered by
local restaurants S inju, La Bonita,
La C asita, and Porque No.
The nig h t w ill in clude p e rfo r­
mances by local ja zz m usician
B ria n Q uaekenbush, fla m e n co
g u ita ris ts W e lly S ilv a , and fie ry
The opening night gala is Thurs­
day at 7 p.m. at the Portland A rt
Museum, 1219S.W. Park A ve .,co ­
sponsored by the N W F ilm Center.
A ll other screenings take place at
the L ivin g Room Theatres, 341 S. W.
I Oth Ave.
For a complete list o f film s and
schedules, visit p d xla ff.o rg .
The Portland Latin American
F ilm Festival is a n o nprofit group
that wants to celebrate the d ive r­
sity and spirit o f the Hispanic com ­
L a tin band Cuba A che. D anc­
ers N orthw est, the o ffic ia l B e lly
Dancers fo r the P ortland M a ra ­
thon, w ill also be p e rfo rm in g .
Guests m ust be at least 21 years
Educate Ya is a L a tin o co m ­
m u n ity based o rg a n iza tio n o r­
ganized to em pow er the L a tin o
c o m m u n ity on a va rie ty o f le v ­
that decision in arguing the Brown
v. Board o f Education o f Topeka
case in 1954 that desegregated
schools across the country.
The41 -cent stampmarks the 60th
"T h is stamp captures the vision
and inspiration o f a group o f par­
ents who fought the odds to make
a difference fo r all Am ericans,”
Thurgood Marshall Jr., a member o f
the U.S. Postal Service's board o f
anniversary o f the Mendez deci­
sion and ceremonies on Friday
marked the release o f the stamp for
the G onzalo and Eelieitas Mendez
Fundamental Intermediate School
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A new 41-cent postage stamp commemorates the 1946 court
decision, Mendez v. Westminster School District, which paved
the way for Mexican-American students to attend public schools
in California.
they took some o f the first coura­
geous steps on our nation's jo u r­
the younger Marshall said. "The
Mendez. Estrada, Guzman, Palo­
mino and Ramirez families certainly
proved the power o f a small group
ney to w in equality in education fo r
Am ericans o f every co lo r."
The fam ilies charged that c h il­
dren o f Mexican and Latino were
to overcome obstacles. Together,
victim sof unconstitutional discrim i­
nation by being forced to attend
separate Mexican schools.
A federal court ruled in their
fa vo riti February 1946 and a higher
court upheld that decision the fo l­
low ing year.
New Money Scam Targets English Learners
language instruction courses en­
title d "Ingles eon R itm o " and later
charged exorbitant shipping and
handling fees. They're also accused
o f demanding additional payments
fo r products that consumers never
ordered o r received.
Named in the lawsuit are the
corporations Tono Records. Tono
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in Santa Ana. C a lif.
“ M y father often spoke o f the
importance o f individuals w orking
together to achieve great things."
Oregon's Hispanic com m unity by
engaging in unlaw ful trade prac­
tices w hile marketing an English
language instruction course called
"Ingles eon R itm o " (English w ith
The defendants targeted mem­
bers o f Oregon's Hispanic com m u­
nity by advertising "fre e " English-
Oregon Waslnngtoii
Ruling came before Brown v. Board
( A P ) ~ A 1946 court ru lin g that
helped pave the way fo r the nation's
school desegregation is com m em o­
rated w ith a new U.S. postage
Charlotte Martin
Stamp Honors Early
School Desegregation
The Better Business Bureau is
warning members o f the Hispanic
com m unity to be wary o f new seams
targeting those interested in learn­
ing English.
The Oregon Attorney General
has filed a lawsuit against a C a lifo r­
nia resident and four C a lifo rn ia
corporations that allegedly targeted
N ame : _________________________________
T elephone : _________ A ddress : _________
Dinner and Dance Auction
r u lin g ,
M endez
W e s tm in s te r S ch o o l D is tr ic t,
opened the way for M exican-Am eri­
can students to attend p u b lic
schools in C alifornia.
A nd M arshall's father drew on
Fill Out & Send To:
Any Property Anywhere
Publishing, Promo M usic and M il­
lennium Three Corporation, and an
individual Dulce Ugalde ( aka Dulce
To avoid becoming a victim o f
seams similar, the BBB recommends
that you avoid claims offering "free
products" that have exorbitant ship­
ping and handling costs.
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