PageA5 S e p te m b e r 19, 2 0 0 7 College Cuisine 101 College is hard enough. What to eat (and how to avoid gaining the dreaded Freshman 15) shouldn't he part o f the challenge. F ood Even with the best intentions, dining hall food can get boring and serving hours often don't match up with actual student hours. But students needn't be limited to cafeteria food, takeout, or good old PBJ day after day. With a few basic appliances-perm itted in most dorm room s-students can not only pursue higher learning, hut also take a crash course in campus cooking. Campus Cooking: the Advanced Course INGREDIENTS • 16 ounces semisweet chocolate • 1(14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk One Bowl Chocolate Fudge “For peanut butter squares, drop peanut butter by spoonfuls into chocolate and cut into fudge with knife before refrigerating. Great for those late- night study sessions!” Rise and Shine Mom was right: breakfast is the mast important meal o f the day. A carton o f yogurt topped with a handful o f cereal and dried fruit makes a great breakfast on the go. but for something a little more filling, consider a breakfast burrito made with scrambled eggs, cheese and precooked bacon or sausage. The fdlings can be changed to suit any taste, and by using the microwave, a breakfast burrito can be assembled and ready to eat in less than 5 minutes. DIRECTIONS 1. Line an 8x8 inch square dish with aluminum foil. 2. Chop chocolate and place in a large, microwave safe bowl with condensed milk. 3. Microwave on high, stirring once or twice until chocolate is soft, 2 to 3 minutes. • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract • I 1/2 cups chopped walnuts 4. Remove from oven and stir until completely smooth. Stir in vanilla and walnuts. 5. Spread in prepared pan. 6. Refrigerate 2 hours, until firm. Cut into squares. How tocook scrambled eggs in the microwave: • Crack eggs into a microwave-safe bowl. • Add milk or water and beat well with a fork. • Cover with plastic wrap and microwave at 70 percent power for 1 1/2 minutes. If eggs are not cooked to desired doneness, continue cooking in 20 second intervals, until done. • Season with salt and pepper. Iron Works Ingredients for life.. SAFEWAY 0 The college student’s real secret weapon when it comes to dorm-room dining is the clothes iron. Yes, it’s true: this commonplace household appliance can turn out splendid grilled-cheese sandw iches and quesadillas, often in less time than it takes to heat a skillet or griddle. Caution: keep a layer of heavy-duty aluminum foil between the iron, the food and the surface you’re ironing on. Ever try to pick melted cheese out of an iron? It’s not pretty. • Heat iron to cotton or linen setting. Turn off steam. • On your work surface, place a sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil large enough to accommodate bread or tortilla. Place bread or torti 11a on foil and top with desired filling. Cover with remaining slice of bread or tortilla. Cover sandwich or quesadilla with another sheet of aluminum foil. Fold foil to seal edges and make a packet. • Press iron on surface of foil-covered packet, passing iron over entire area for about 30 seconds. Carefully turn entire packet over and iron again for about 30 seconds, taking care not to tear the foil. Unwrap an edge and check to see if it is fully cooked. If contents are not hot or cheese is not melted, rewrap the foil and repeat the ironing step. Ranch Chicken Macaroni Salad INGREDIENTS • 1 cup uncooked elbow macaroni • 1 stalk celery, chopped • 1 (2.25ounce)canchoppedgreen or black olives • 1/4 cup mayonnaise • 1/4 cup sour cream • 2 tablespoons milk • 1 (lOounce)eanchicken chunks, drained • 1(1 ounce) package dry Ranch- style dressing mix • 2 teaspoons paprika Extra Large Cooked Shrim p 99 31 to 40-ct Tait-on It) Frozen/thawed “ P * ° M OO lb CLUB PRICE “This is a simple to make recipe with Ranch dressing mix which gives it an extra kick. " DIRECTIONS 1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add the macaroni, and cook until tender, about 8 minutes. Drain, and pat dry. 2. In a medium bowl, mix together the celery, olives, mayonnaise, sour cream, milk, chicken and Ranch dressing mix. Stir in macaroni until well blended. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Stir, and sprinkle paprika over the top before serving. 5-lb. Russet Potatoes or 3-lb. Yellow Onions Club Price: S i 0 0 ea. SAVE up to $1 49 on 1 ea. CLUB PRICE Bagged Baked Potato “If you want the yummy taste o f nice slowly baked potato, but aren't patient enough, or don't have the know-how to bake it in an oven, well, this is fo r you. Give it seven minutes, and get a mouth watering, taste- bud-tingling treat. Re experimental: try bacon bits, ham, chili, onion or anything else that sounds good! ” INGREDIENTS • I large russet potato • Cooking spray • Plastic sack or bag (such as a Wal- Mart sack) • Butter or margarine, optional • Shredded Cheddar cheese, optional • Salt and pepper to taste, optional • Sour cream, optional Score Big Savings DIRECTIONS 1. Scrub the potato, poking several times with the tines of a fork. 2. Spray with cooking spray. 3. Place in a plastic bag and loosely tie closed. 4. Microwave on high 7 minutes. If the potato feels soft on all sides; CAREFULLY open the bag (STEAM WILL ESCAPE WHEN OPENED). 5. Top with your favorite ingredients. INGREDIENTS • 2, six-inch flour tortillas • 1/4 cup grated Cheddar cheese • 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese • 2 ( 1 ounce) slices cooked deli turkey breast Gallon Selected varieties 16 to 26-02 Selected varieties Limit 6. SAVE up to { 1 7 2 N ab isco O reo, N u tte r B u tter or H o n e y M a id Bil) 2 H Park Powrrade at 2 for SI0 yet 2 I2-P a c k (c a n s ) S a fe w a y SELECT B ath T issu e or P a p e r T o w els Selected varieties Club Price $5 00 ea SAVE up to (3 98 on 2 CLUB PRICE Signature Pizzi A n illn d edge Italian tm «C 4 real cheeses lit) Clos Du Bois. Columbia Crest or Martini & Rossi 750-m l Selected varietals SAVE up to $5 12 ONE WEEK ONLY! SUFW COUPONS! single topping P o w e ra d e 8-pack 20-oz Selected varieties 2 lor $10 Club Price $5 00 ea Coca-Cola 10 5 to ,8-oz. Selected varieties SAVE up to $4.19 on 2 • I tablespoon pizza sauce • 1 tablespoon chopped tomato (optional) • I tablespoon sliced black olives (optional) • I tablesp W* M «WI1 turrhM !>l 1 * * SUPtR COUPONS! in t i 1 purchase of / With kfcntmiwi VO harhaw S U P W C0UI SUPÉR COUPONS! lililí SEPTEM BER WFO TMUR FRI SAT SUN MON TUIS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PrtoM gond tfwi, 9*0 Ititihn ?8 vwffi your Satewwy Out» Cirri ÏYRcJMtONOt CASOt SAFEWAY 4 G A S O L IN E ‘(ItgN M d p u rch « 9< » •« p *r lK ip » t» n g lo c a tio n « o n ly S e * « to re t o r details 08984' Great gifts made simple. sh o p a * y o u . f w o . i l . r r t W n h w * Products may not be m «II stores See giti «aids » tm detaiK. terms and conditions which m»y vary AU. LIMITS ARE PFR HOUSEHOID, PER DAY Items a pnees in this ad are available at your local Safewav stores No w in to dealers, restaurants or institutions. Sales in retail quantities only. Quantities of some items may be limned and sublet to availabilitv N« h responsible tor typographical or pulonal errors We reserve the right io correct all printed errors ()n Bus One, Gel One Free fBO G O ") offers, c ustomer must pun base the first item to receive the second item free B (K ,() often are nnt I I price sales If only j single item purchased, the regular price applies.Manutacturer«' coupons may be used on purchased items only - not on free items <*2(107 Safeway Stores. Inc