September 19, 2007 iEI’r P o r t l a n b ÖDbacrUer Alä page C3 ISIIIIUSMISI Paul Taylor c lassics and v ibrant new w ork. T heeveningw illuniteT aylor’s 16 superb dancers with his fam ed musical ity in choreography that been said to “dazzle the eyes and 1 ighten the heart.” The program will begin with A ureole, set to music by G. F. Handel, one of the first works in which Taylor unexpect- edlyjuxtaposed his pioneering modem style with music o f the I Xthcentury. It will end with Taylor's masterwork, Esplande. set to B ach's Violin C oncerto in E M ajor and Concerto Tw o Violins in D Minor. In advance o f the perform ance. W hite Bird will host a four-day residency with "T aylor 2,” a six-m em ber second com pany from M onday, Sept. 24 to Sept. 27 at com m unity centers and neighborhood venues. W hite Bird, the nonprofit dance presenter dedicated to bringing the The W hite Bird D ance Series continues with best contem porary dance to Portland, launches its I Oth-anniversary Pilobolus D ance T heatre on Oct. 24. C a n a d a 's season with the Paul T aylor Dance C om pany on W ednesday, Oct. C olem an Lem ieux & C om pagnie on Nov. 14. the 3. at 7:30 p.m . at the A rlene S ch n itzerC o n cert Hall. Stephen Petronio C om pany on M arch 5. Urban Taylor isconsidered by m any critics to be A m erica’s greatest Bush W om en/C om pagnie Jant-B i on April 2 and choreographer. The N eth erlan d 's Scapino Ballet Rotterdam on His renow ned co m p an y w as W hite B ird 's very first April 30. p e rfo rm a n c e on O ct. 7. 1997. T en y ears and I 18 Tickets are available at all T icketm aster out lets, d an ce c o m p a n ies later, this b eacon o f m odern including the Port land C enter for Perform ing Ails dance will perform an evening o f indelible T aylor box office. Lisa Viola of the Paul Taylor Dance Company performs a solo leap. Dancers Open Historic Series Superb talent kicks off I Oth season o f White Bird advocacy Paul Taylor Dance Company performers will launch White Bird's lOth-anniversary season Oct. 3 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall.