Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 19, 2007, Page 14, Image 14

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• Hannah Bca's, 3969 N.E. M artin Luther K ing Jr. B lvd.,
presents jazz during its ‘ Sunday Brunch Serenade’ from 11
a.m .-l p.m.
• Livejazz Sundays from 8 :3 0 p .m .-11:30p.m. at C lyde's Prime
Rib, 5474 N.E. Sandy, and at the Blue M onk, 3341 S.E. Belmont.
• An open mie is held each Monday night at the Back-to-Back
C a fc ,6 l4 E . Burnside.
• L ive blues on Mondays from 9 p.m. to m idnight at Produce
Row Café, 204 S.E. Oak; the Steinhaus, 2366 S.E. 82nd:
Mississippi Studios,939N. M ississippi,from S p.m . to 11 p.m.;
and at Jim m y M ac's, 221 N .W . Tenth at 8 p.m.
• Blues offered up Wednesdays at the C andlelight Room,
2032 S. W. Fifth: D u ff sGarage, 635 S.E. Seventh: and the Blue
Diamond, 2 0 16 N.E. Sandy.
• Jazz each Wednesday night at the Blue M onk, the Portland
A rt Museum, Jim m y M ac's, and Jax's, 26 S.W. Second.
• On Thursdays, catch the W omen in Blues Revue at
T illic u m 's , 8585 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale H w y.
• Fridays and Saturdays o ffe r live music around the metro
area including Halibuts, 2525 N.E. A lberta St.; M ississippi
Studios; T V 's , 3530 N. Vancouver Ave.: X V s . 15 S.W.
Second; O ut o f the Blues, 2050 N .W . Vaughn; M anila E x­
press. 1230 S.E. M ain; Steinhaus; One Stop Records, 615 N.E.
K illin g s w o rlh ; and the U -licio u s Smokehouse, 4057 N. Inter­
Artist Features Works —
Jacob Vercouteren advances
the d iversity o f Portland's
art scene w ith an e xh ib it that
continues through Sunday,
Sept. 30 at the Portland A rt
Center, 32 N .W . F ifth Ave.
Vercouteren w ill be the first
A frica n Am erican having a
solo show at the center. He is
an im aginative painter and
o f the hip-hop culture," D M C said. "(The) purpose o f
the J.A .M . A w ards is to show that hip-hop d idn't ju st
create rappers, it created journalists, w riters, directors,
designers. W e're putting the focus back on the positive
creative influence o f the culture, not ju s t the m usic."
D M C said that the inclusion o f rappers such as
Snoop Dogg, w ho is know n fo r songs about the pim p
and gangsta lifestyle, doesn't detract from the J.A .M .
A w ards’ mission to celebrate the positive elements o f
hip-hop culture, and says a lo t o f the youths are ju st
(A P ) H ip-hop has such a negative connotation in
some circles that some people equate it w ith thuggery
or crim e — an un fa ir depiction that D M C o f the legend­
ary rap group R un-D M C is try in g to dispel.
D M C aims to fig h t rap's bad rap by h ig h lig h tin g the
hip-hop com m unity's positive contributions w ith the
J .A .M . Awards, set fo r Nov. 29 in New Y o rk C ity. T a lib
K w e li, Dead Prez, De La Soul, Cassidy and Snoop Dogg
are am ong the c o n ­
firm ed artists.
"H ip -h o p is more
pow erful than politics
and re ligion. It's the
o n ly thing that brought
bla ck people, w h ite
p e o p le ,
G e rm a n
people, Asian people, A fric a n people (to ­
- Darryl "DMC" McDanielsof Run DMC
gether). I traveled the w o rld — hip-hop
changed people's lives,” he said.
Organized by The Jam Master Jay Foundation fo r
rapping about what they know.
M usic w ith other sponsors, the J .A .M . A w ards w ill
"It's G K to make a record about a gun, but i f you make
honor one contributor from the hip-hop com m unity, in
a record about a gun, you gotta make a record about not
the respective fields o f social justice, the arts and music.
using a gun," he said. "It's not about censorship. You
"It's not about the videos. It's not about the records.
can rap and talk about whatever you want. This is about
And it’s not about the celebrities, that are just byproducts
re sp o n sib ility."
It's OK to make a record about a
gun, but if you make a record about
a gun, you gotta make a record
about not using a gun.
T w o Plays a t Same T im e -- House and Garden, tw o intercon­
nected plays performed simultaneously by one cast, plays
through Get. 14 at A rtists Repertory Theater. Tickets can be
purchased by phone at 50 3 -2 4 1 - 1278, online at artistsrep.org
o r at the box o ffice at 1516 S.W. A ld e r St.
C re a tiv ity Runs D ry — T w o a rtists who lived the high life in
M e x ic o C ity , but whose fa m ily falls apart when cre a tivity is
forced to dry and w ith e r away, are p ro file d in the upcom ing
production o f M ariela in the Desert, playing Friday, Sept. 2 1
through Oct. 13 at the M ila g ro Theatre, 525
S.E. Stark St. Ticketscan be purchased online
at m ilagro.org o r by calling 503-236-7253.
“H ouse a n d G arden, " tw o in te rco n n e cte d plays
3 lasts u n til October.
H ip -h op
Geno D elatóse
Norman Sylvester Band - Thursday, Sept. 20 at 6 p.m '. the
Norman Sylvester Band w ill be p erform ing at the Kennedy
School G ym in Portland, and on Friday and Saturday, Sept.
21 & 22, at 8 p.m., live at T illic u m 's in Beaverton. For more
inform ation, visit nonniinsylvester.com o r call 503-286-6474.
Portland Guitar Society 20th Anniversary Gala — Satur­
day, Sept. 22, at 7:30 p.m. the Society w ill celebrate their 20th
anniversary w ith a gala concert at Portland State U n iversity's
L incoln H all, room 75. V is it pdxguitarsociety .com fo r more
inform ation about the event.
G r a ff it i Fine A rts at IF C C - E xciting, raw and beautiful
works created by students o f the G ra ffiti Fine A rts class at
Portland C om m unity College are on display through Satur­
day, Sept. 22 at the Interstate Firehouse C ultural Center,
5340 N. Interstate Ave.
September 19, 2007
Fighting Rap’s Bad Rap
Live Music Every Night
French R o c k in ’ B o o g ie —G enoD elafoseofFrench R ockin’
Boogie, a Zydeco band that incorporates Cajun and Creole
melodies w ith some R & B , country and blues w ill perform
Wednesday, Sept. 19 at 7:30p.m . at the PPA A H a ll.6 18 S.E.
A lder St.
© b s e r u e r ^ tS
Sliders (ir ill- S lid e r s G r ill, 301 I N. Lombard,
features an eclectic assortment o f performers
on the main stage, accompanied by delicious
food. Call 503-459-4488 fo r more information.
Sunday Night .Jazz — Jazz enthusiasts can
enjoy listing Io the cool sounds o f M el Brown,
every Sunday evening this month in the
Rogue R i ver Room at Chi nook W inds Casino
Resort in L in co ln C ity. N o cover charge.
Body Worlds 3 — Get grossed out o r in ­
D ance
C la sse s
Vancouver-C lark Parks and Recre­
ation is hosting fa m ily frie n d ly hip-
hop dance classes fo r ages 5 to 18.
Various lessons teach rhythm , tech­
nique, coordination, a g ility , co m b i­
nations and team work through u r­
ban dance moves. For more in fo r­
mation,call 360-696-8236.
Trippin’ through Town — Take a
trip through tim e to fin d the hottest
poetry, hip-hop and soul in flu e nc­
ing Portland on Wednesdays at the
Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N .W . First Ave.
trigued by the dynam ic human body. Real life
bodies are on display at O M S I through a
process called plastination. Started by Dr.
O pen M ic N ig h t — Every Wednes­
G unther von Hagens in 1977, the scientist
M a rie la in th e D e se rt"
day night at 7 p.m.. Proper Eats
has been able to halt decom position to show
Market and Cafd, 8638 N. Lombard St., hostsopen-mic night.
the liv in g how what we do affects our body. Body W orlds